Search Results for: how to be debt free

How to Be Debt-Free in 2013

How to Be Debt-Free in 2013

By Stacy Myers, Contributing Writer Some of you clicked on this post out of sheer curiosity…you want to see what this kook has to say. After all, it’s not something you really believe. You don’t REALLY think it’s possible to live free from the bondage of debt. Some of you clicked on this post because…

“Plan It, Don’t Panic” in the Bundle of the Week! (And Giveaway Winners Announced!)

“Plan It, Don’t Panic” in the Bundle of the Week! (And Giveaway Winners Announced!)

Hi friends, happy weekend once again! Beth of Red and Honey here again in lieu of weekend links while Stephanie enjoys a 2-week “radio silence” as she starts her year-long family journey around the world. The photo above is Stephanie and her gorgeous family in Argentina, and they send their love to the awesome readers…

DIY Hall Tree

DIY Hall Tree

Written by Stacy Myers, Contributing Writer When we bought our new home, it didn’t come with a coat closet. Bummer. We did have the Jesus closet, but alas, He’s gone somewhere else (thank you, yard sale!). But a girl just has to have somewhere to hang her coat and purse. Laying a purse on the floor…

It’s Not Your Money, Is It?

It’s Not Your Money, Is It?

Written by Stacy Myers, Contributing Writer A while back, there was this strangely annoying commercial on television for JG Wentworth. It’s a bunch of adults yelling out their windows about THEIR money. While the normal person would just find this commercial extremely dumb, I found it very bothersome. When I heard my pastor mention the…

My 2012 Reading List

My 2012 Reading List

In our recent decluttering and purging, I realized that I have a huge stack of books that I already own, but haven’t yet read. Being a book lover, it’s easy for me to be constantly buying new books or adding to my wish list, but with so many interesting choices already on my shelves, I chose instead…