Real Food Holiday Recipe Roundup: 398 Wholesome Recipes

I thought of this recipe roundup again as I was pondering all of the amazingly delicious and nourishing recipes that are available throughout the blogosphere for the holidays this year.
It can be tough to find “real food” recipes. I know, because I’ve gone to local stores and looked around online and found little. Yes, there are books on whole foods, but rarely with traditional techniques. There are books that don’t use processed foods, but they shun animal fats and dairy. It’s not hard to see why real food blogs have grown tremendously over the last couple of years!
When it comes to holiday cooking, many of us have family stand-bys or favorite recipes that we used to make, but now with our new knowledge of what real food really is, we get a bit stuck and wonder what to prepare for all of our special meals and get-togethers this season.
I decided to round up a huge selection of nourishing, whole foods holiday recipes. It’s nice to have everything in one neat and tidy list, isn’t it? Bookmark this list, Stumble it, tweet about it, share on Facebook, or send it to friends and family. Let’s share the real food love this holiday season, shall we?
So here you have it… a whopping 398 whole, real food recipes to choose from. Enjoy!
Here at Keeper of the Home:
Incredibly Yummy Homemade Egg Nog
How to Make Your Own (Unrefined) Powdered Sugar
Rich Carob Balls and “Sugar” Cookies (made with honey)
Chewy Gingersnaps (No gluten, no grains, no dairy)
Nourishing Wife-Saver Breakfast Casserole
Sides and Appies
Guilt-Free Christmas Snacking (with recipes for Deviled Eggs and real food Cheesecake)
Green Bean Casserole (The Real Food Way)

From last year:
Healthy Holiday Eats and Sweets Carnival- This was a carnival that I ran last December and it features 43 recipes, including beverages, desserts, main and side dishes, breakfasts, and even edible gifts.
Saving Naturally (our sister site)
Healthy, Whole Grain Pumpkin Pie
Honey Whole Grain Dinner Rolls
Have a Healthy Holiday Recipe List- A nice selection of healthier holiday recipes for every part of your meal, from a group of 8 bloggers that I was a part of on my other blog. Find all of the recipes listed in this one post, along with a few reader contributions. Not every one is made with 100% traditional ingredients, but they are all made with whole foods and would be easily adaptable.
Whole Foods for the Holidays: Real Food Progressive Dinner
This was a collaborative effort with some of my favorite real food bloggers. Each link below contains a good 20-50 recipes with a nourishing, whole foods focus. They’re separated into different category of recipes (breads, side, etc.) and many have photo thumbnails for you to preview the recipe, making it simple to find what you’re looking for!
Kitchen Stewardship :: Appetizers
A Little Bit of Spain in Iowa :: Bread
Keeper of the Home :: Main Dishes
The Nourishing Gourmet :: Side Dishes
Modern Alternative Mama :: Desserts
Naturally Knocked Up :: Salads

From the Kitchens of the Keeper of the Home Contributing Writers
The faithful, incredible women who write here alongside me also have their own blogs bursting with culinary goodness. These are some of their best holiday-style recipes:
Chocolate Walnut Fudge
Chocolate Almond Coconut Candy
Gluten-Free Pumpkin Bread and Chocolate-Coconut Fudge
Real Homemade Eggnog
Thanksgiving Recipes (Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes)
Pork Tenderloin with Apricot Chutney

Sides and Appies
Herb-Roasted Potatoes
Green Bean Casserole
Cranberry Cheese Bread
Favorite Salad Nuts
Aunt Helen’s Heavenly Fruit Salad
Baked Goods
Healthy Banana Bread or Muffins
this is so great…such a huge help! Thank you!
Sarah M
@Sarah M, You’re welcome!
These all look great and I’m looking forward to “clicking” on each one to check them out!
Is it okay to use grocery store kefir, buttermilk and yogurt when the recipe calls for those ingredients? They seem to be my biggest problem ingredients when trying to cook whole food meals. The dairy where I buy raw milk doesn’t offer other products.
@Melissa, Sure, you can definitely substitute those things and you won’t notice any difference. A lot of bloggers specify that you should use the homemade/raw milk ones only because that’s the nutritional preference, but not because it will truly change the recipe. Do the best you can with what you have! 🙂
Wonderful Stephanie. So glad to have all these in one place.
Thanks for all your hard work.
Laura at Heavenly Homemakers just featured our Pumpkin Cookies with Cream Cheese Frosting recipe today. We love this recipe!
Yes! You’re so great! I can’t wait to try these. Just bought my first gallon of Raw milk Tuesday! (yes, i’m a newbie) Excited about learning how to nourish my family with “real” food!
Last post (about buying raw milk):
@liz g, I’m excited for you about your raw milk, too! 🙂
Great post!
I did a post on your post on my blog. :0)
@Loralee, Thanks, Loralee! 🙂