Menu Plan Monday- Dec.17

Menu Plan Monday- Dec.17


My challenge for creating a meal plan this week was that we are going out of town next weekend, for a whole week. Because I absolutely hate to waste any food if I can avoid it, my meal plan needed to use up the fresh produce still in my fridge. Plus, I didn’t want to spend much money shopping, since I had food that needed to be used up.

Here’s my attempt at some yummy meals, just making do (mostly) with what I’ve got:

Monday: Fish and cheese macaroni casserole (has onions and peppers in it) plus steamed veggies (broccoli?, I think)
Tuesday: Garbanzos a la king (basically chicken a la king, but with chickpeas instead- from Newstart Cookbook), carrots with butter and dill
Wednesday:ย  Roasted chicken (will substitute butter for margarine), Mashed turnips and potatoes, and cauliflower with cheese sauce, homemade bread- with another family from church
Thursday: Creamy tomato soup (substitute butter and honey, and whole raw milk for the cream, and mine looked much smoother and creamier than the picture!) with grilled cheese, carrot sticks
Friday: Beef stew (I use 2 natural onion bouillon cubes instead of the onion soup mix, apple cider vinegar in place of the wine because I don’t have any wine), homemade bread
Saturday: Polish off any leftovers from the rest of the week, and leave right after dinner!

Breakfasts are: frozen fruit smoothies, toast, oatmeal, apple muffins, yogurt with berries and almonds
Lunches are: leftovers, or sandwiches with fruit or veggie sticks

I get the week of Christmas mostly off of cooking (I know, I know, lucky me!), although I will make one pancake breakfast and one to-be-decided dinner for our extended family (9 very hungry people plus babies), to help out my mother-in-law, in addition to helping with Christmas dinner. Maybe this year I’ll learn how to properly cook a turkey! There’s hope for me yet!

Go visit Organizing Junkie for Menu Plan Monday!

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  1. I think you and I were on the same wave length this week with cleaning out the fridge. . . great menu and I’m going to try out that creamy tomato soup recipe – and please post how the garbanzo a la king turned out! I’d be interested in trying it out one of these days!

    Have a blessed Christmas and enjoy your week off from cooking! ๐Ÿ™‚

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