Adrenal Fatigue: Help and Resources for Healing
Earlier this week I introduced the topic of adrenal fatigue. Before reading this post, you may want to go back and read the first part in this series to understand what exactly adrenal fatigue is and learn more about many of the symptoms associated with it.
What Can I Do About It?
It’s time to get more practical (ahh, my favorite part) and talk about some solutions to the problem of adrenal fatigue.
Let it be known that, once again, I am not an expert on this subject. I am just a regular mama struggling with this in my own life, and passionate about studying and pursuing better health. I love sharing what I learn and I know that many of you find it helpful to hear from other women’s study and experience, but remember to always do your own research as well and/or seek out a trusted health professional who can help you as well.
Based on my own reading and research, here are some of the best ways to help the body to heal and to replenish the adrenal glands:
One of the key ways that the body restores itself is through regular, restful sleep. This can be challenging for many with adrenal fatigue, because sleeplessness (due to insomnia or frequent waking) is a common symptom.
I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that one of things that has begun to really help me is to take a “sleep cocktail” about 30 minutes before I go to sleep. This prepares my body to slow down and rest, and has also begun to be a trigger for me to stop doing things and prepare myself for bed (something I struggle with- there’s always “just one more thing to do”).
Other sleep helps include:
- Moderate exercise during the day (improves quality of sleep at night)
- Turning all screens (computer, TV, etc.) off at least an hour before going to bed
- Taking calcium/magnesium at night
- A warm bath before bed, especially with Epsom salts
- Avoiding stimulants like caffeine and sugar, particularly from about 4pm onwards
- Spend 5 minutes journaling or writing down all of the busy thoughts going through your head, then pray about the things on your mind and release them to the Lord as you rest.
- Struggling with insomnia? See this post.
- Go to bed by 10:30 at the latest, to avoid catching your second wind (which usually results in insomnia)
Also of interest is that apparently the sleep obtained between the hours of 7-9 am are the most restful. It has to do with the time that cortisol levels rise (usually between 6-8 am), except that in those with adrenal fatigue they do not rise as high or as quickly as they should. This results in feelings of grogginess and not feeling quite awake yet in the morning. Sleeping in longer allows for more restful sleep and more energy for the rest of the day, because the cortisol levels have risen adequately. This is obviously a challenge for those with young children, but I’ve been letting myself sleep in past 7 as much as I am able to, even past 8 on the weekends if I can swing it. I don’t like starting my mornings this way (I prefer to wake before my children to start my day well) but for a short season of healing, it’s worth it. Even one or two mornings a week of sleeping in later is better than nothing.
As a very “go-go-go” type of person, this is honestly hard for me. Purposefully choosing to stop and rest during the day feels so hard to do, but yet, I always feel better when I do it. It’s hard for our bodies to go non-stop from morning til night without a break, and that’s really what many of us busy moms do.
Fight the urge to push yourself. If you’re weary, just stop. Sit on the couch with your kids and read a book. Take a seat on a patio chair and watch them run around outside. During naptime, lay down on the couch for 15 minutes. Sit to sip on a tea while you talk on the phone or wait for something to finish cooking, instead of finding other little tasks to fill the time.
I know this feels counter-productive to the efficiency that we are always grasping at. I like efficiency and multi-tasking as much as anyone else. Healing requires a different pace of life, as I am well learning. Go with it. Let yourself rest.
Image by House of Sims
Reduce Stress
I can’t actually tell you what this should look like in your own life, because only you know your circumstances well enough to determine how you could reduce stress in your life.
For me, it looked like selling a successful website so that I could be healthy enough to serve my family and maintain my sanity. It has also required cutting myself some slack in the homemaking department, not keeping my house as clean as I would like it to be (understatement of the year), my meals more simple and my expectations of myself lower in general. What would it look like for you?
Reducing stress also includes making more time for enjoyment. Do something you love (my husband signed me up for a photography class). Play with your kids. Have more fun!
What to Eat
There are a few points to make in regards to the foods that we eat. The biggest is to stick to a whole foods diet, filled with nutrient-dense foods (grass-fed red meat esp. liver, pastured eggs, raw whole milk, whole grains, dark leafy greens, wild fish, etc.). Your body needs nutrients when it’s healing and eating these types of foods is the best way to give it those nutrients.
Other important things to keep in mind:
- Cut way back on all sugars (yes, even the more wholesome, unrefined ones, and getting rid of sugar entirely if you can is even better)
- Cut out caffeine
- Add extra high-quality sea salt (Celtic, Himalayan, etc) to your food and even to your water, because it nourishes your cells and adds important trace minerals to the diet.
- Eat plenty of high-quality fats: pastured butter, coconut oil, animal fats (from grass-fed animals if possible), raw whole dairy, etc.
- Two drinks to boost your body: Â Homemade Egg Nog (very simple, I make a similar recipe often) and this electrolyte drink (intended to drink while in labor, but it works for any old time). Water with some lemon juice (a bit of Stevia if you like to sweeten it) and a sprinkle of sea salt is a great beverage as well.
- Reduce your carbohydrates, particularly by cutting out any refined carbs (like white flour products)
Eat Often
One key thing that I have read over and over again about adrenal fatigue is that it is extremely important to keep your blood sugar levels as balanced as possible. This happens by some of the suggestions I’ve made above (cutting out refined carbs and sugar), but also by eating frequently.
Having snacks between mealtimes, ensuring that you eat something soon after waking, eating some protein and fat as part of each meal, avoiding sugars that boost your blood sugar (before it plummets back down even lower)… these are all strategies that will help to keep that blood sugar as steady and stable as possible. The quantities of food don’t need do be large, it just matters that you eat something.

Image by macinate
Adrenal Cortex: This is probably the most important one (aside from good, nourishing foods). These supplements are literally raw bovine adrenal cortex, and as weird as that sounds (I know, I thought so, too), they really work and they serve a very important purpose. They support, fortify and restore normal adrenal function, by providing the necessary constituents needed to speed recovery. They help to remove the stress being put upon your already-taxed adrenals, by giving them what they need to function well. For many, this is the supplement that makes the largest impact, and the energy boost is usually quite noticable.
I have tried two different brands and I am very happy with the one I am using now. It’s by Enzymatic Therapy and it’s called Adrenal Stress End. Recommended dosages vary widely. I have heard of anywhere from 2 capsules up to 12 capsules, depending on severity. Personally, I take 6 right now, and as I begin to get better I will gradually lower that if it seems like my body can function well without it. It seems like many determine dosage according to the point at which they seem to truly make a difference.
GABA: Technically an amino acid that really functions as a neurotransmitter, GABA is very useful at calming the nervous system. I take mine at night to help calm me before bed, but many others take it throughout the day to keep the nervous system in a more restful state and remove further strain from the adrenals.
B Vitamins: Very useful for energy and also because they contribute to the function of the adrenal glands. Ideally, these nutrients should come from food but in the healing stages, I think it’s just fine to take them in supplement form (and in food as well!). In our home, we use a B vitamin complex that is time released and find this works well (my husband particularly notices how much it helps him). Food sources include: beef (esp. liver), turkey, seafood (clams, oysters, salmon, tuna), raw dairy, eggs, whole grains, molasses and brewer’s yeast, to name a few.
Vitamin C: This one is important because the more cortisol is made, the more Vitamin C is used, and it is also used in many other functions of the adrenal glands. It’s best to take it several times each day (because it is water-soluble) or take a time-release version. Food sources include (raw and fresh containing the highest levels): red pepper, kiwi, citrus fruit, berries, melons, most green veggies (spinach, broccoli, brussel sprouts, etc.), cauliflower, tomatoes and many others. Organ meats contain some as well.
Herbs: The best known herb for combatting adrenal issues is Licorice Root. It is an anti-stress herb, increases energy, helps to regulate cortisol levels, and to balance blood sugar. The adrenal cortex supplement that I take (see above) contains licorice in it, so that’s how I take mine. You can also take capsules, teas, etc. Other herbs that are supposedly useful (but I have not researched them in depth yet) include Siberian Ginseng, Gingko Biloba, Ashwagandha, and Ginger Root.
Signs and Symptoms:
Signs and Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue
30 Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue
18 Overlooked Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue
General adrenal fatigue topics:
Adrenal fatigue- The effects of stress and high cortisol levels
Adrenal Fatigue series @ Nourishing Days
Dr. James Wilson’s Adrenal Fatigue Website
Helps for getting better:
Are stress and adrenal imbalance keeping you from weight loss?
Diet for Adrenal Health @ Modern Alternative Mama
Tired of Being Tired (the book I found most helpful)
Adrenal Fatigue- 21st Century Stress Syndrome
What things have helped you on your journey of recovering from adrenal fatigue? Which suggestions do you find the hardest?
Disclaimer: I am not a certified medical professional of any kind and am not qualified to give you medical advice. My goal is to help to educate and inspire you to take responsibility for your own family’s health and make informed choices of your own, not to consult you on medical treatment.
Top image by D’Arcy Norman
Other Related Posts You May Enjoy
- What is Adrenal Fatigue and Do I Have It?
- What is “Real” Health?
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- What it Means to Be Well
- My Journey to Burnout: Proof That I Really Can’t Do It All
- Developing the Exercise Habit
- Staying Motivated to Excercise
- Finding Fulfillment in Being A Mother Only
- Naturally Neutralizing Stress: Herbs that Calm
- The Terrible Thirst of Depression
- Treating Depression Naturally: Supplements, Herbs, and Foods for Feeling Better
- Panel Discussion on Burnout and Fatigue: 3 Women Get Real About Their Struggles part one and part two
Thank you for this post! I’ve been enjoying reading your posts on adrenal fatigue and depression. I’ve been struggling with depression for quite some time now, and it is helpful to learn various natural ways of coping and healing. Thank you again!
Great tips Steph! Last May, I has muscle testing done that showed I was in extreme adrenal fatigue. Beyond my prenatals and fish oil, I took GAIA’s Adrenal Health. It worked really well for me. Just thought I’d share since I know it is more herb based. I truly believe it is a BIG part of why I finally got pregnant. 🙂 Again, I took a larger dose than recommended and gradually lessened the dosage. Great series! 🙂
Very interesting series. Thank you for sharing. I just want to caution others. Before you embark on a series of supplements & hormones, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE see a doctor. The above supplements that are described above & in other articles can do more harm than good if not used properly or if your body does not need them.
It is very important when you are experiencing any of the symptoms Stephanie has outlined to get a PROPER diagnoses. I visited several doctors for years before I found someone who knew how to treat me. I also embarked on any type of “treatment” that I heard of. I would have bought the moon if someone said it would cure me. Many conventional doctors only know how to treat the symptoms & not the cause. Furthermore, many convention doctors DO NOT know HOW to test for an accurate diagnoses. My case in point: all my test were coming back in the low-normal range (national average), but for my body chemistry they were low. I was racing up more INCORRECT diagnoses than I could count (irritable bowel syndrome, low-grade lupus, unspecified arthritic condition, unspecified dementia, high cholesterol and the list goes on) I was 35 at the time & presribed one med after the other!!! The underlying CAUSE & a correct diagnosis is the most important.
After suffering for 7 years, I have been in treatment for 1 1/2 years & have been doing fantastic. I was finally diagnosed with a hypothalmic adrenal pituitary dysfunction. Adrenal insufficiency, chronic fatigue syndrome & fibromyalgia are umbrella terms, but the primary reason needs to be addressed before healing can begin. I ended up having a ton of issues: anemia, thyroid hormone conversion issues, progesterone issues & I could go one. I have done a tremendous amount of research in this area. It is interesting & mind-blowing how interrelated our endocrine system is. When one area starts to fail, it caused a domino effect & our whole body begins to shut down. The clinic that I strongly recommend is fibro & fatigue. I have absolutely no affiliation with them professional. However, this clinic has saved my life & given me back my health. My doctor uses many natural supplements & natural hormones from reputable pharmacy-grade suppliers, so that your own body chemistry will repair & take back proper functioning. They do have a website ( & have many local clinics in each state (I’m in Michigan). I believe they even offer FREE consultations for you to get information. I would strongly recommend that before you start buying a bunch of supplements, get educated & get properly diagnosed. This clinic may or may not be for you, but at least you will have made an informed decision. If anyone wants to discuss anything further or what my treatment entails, I would be more than happy to answer any questions ( I do have to say, that after proper treatment many of my issues have been resolved & I am now in the phase of ending treatment. My best to each & everyone one who is experiencing these issues.
i’m SO glad you are covering this topic!! these are excellent posts and will provide a lot of help and direction in the years to come!
i actually went to the doctor yesterday in hopes of getting some relief. he wasn’t as sympathetic as i had hoped but perhaps i shouldn’t be surprised by that. he said that if i had adrenal fatigue i wouldn’t be sitting in front of him. i countered that there must be varying severity and he agreed to do an adrenal urine test (although he was quite a bit agitated).
i’m pretty sure the testing will come back negative since it’s an all or nothing test. no varying levels there either. but i feel strongly this is what i’m dealing with and this post has given me some great direction on where to go from here, particularly since i’m on my own with doctor’s support. thanks!!
@Stacey T, I agree with you that the test will probably come back negative, because yes, they’re looking for extremes. When your doctor hears you say “adrenal fatigue”, what he’s really hearing is “severe hypadrenia” or “Addison’s disease” or something like that. To him, it means adrenal glands that aren’t functioning at all, as opposed to ones that are simply running really low.
You’re much more likely to get a favorable response from any sort of natural practitioner, if you have access to that, and they can do more sensitive tests as well. Otherwise, your best bet is to probably just try to treat it yourself. Get some really good books and try to just read, ready, read as much as you can. Stick to the most simple changes, like lifestyle ones, instead of spending a lot of money on supplements that you are unsure of, if that concerns you or you’re really not sure that this is what you’re dealing with. The lifestyle changes alone will likely make a HUGE difference. 🙂
@Stacey T, I agree with Stephanie. I’ve also had mainstream doctors say that there is nothing wrong with me after their extensive testing. However I have major issues that are now getting attention. I am taking some things but the main thing that has helped me is honestly cutting back stress and overdoing it and getting more rest. Which is actually harder than taking things for me.
Great post! For me I have found that naps, or at least laying-down-to-rest times, during the day are essential to sleeping at night. AT first this seemed counter-intuitive to me since when I was younger a nap during the day meant a hard time sleeping at night, but now I need those naps to not get too exhausted to sleep at night.
I think a few things have really helped me (and I am still on the journey):
1). Not taking in any stimulants so that you can actually hear how fatigued your body is. Coffee just masks the problem and I couldn’t believe how much more sleep I needed once I stopped hiding the problem.
2). A lower-carb diet. This helps with keeping your blood sugar steady, as you said, but also puts an emphasis on tons of nourishing fats. Coconut oil is a must!
3). Taking a supplement – cyruta plus by Standard Process right now.
Thanks for linking to my series!
I was diagnosed with moderate to severe adrenal fatigue right before I found out I was pregnant with #4. At this point I am just trying to do damage control, trying to get more sleep (tough to do with 3 kids under 3yr.) and continuing to eat high quality animal proteins, veggies, healthy fats.)
In the mean time my midwife suggested nettle tea. It supposedly is one of the most nourishing tonics during pregnancy, high in chlorophyll ,Vitamin A, C, D & K. I know that Licorice Root and some of the other herbs / supplements should be avoided during pregnancy. Any additional tips on being pregnant with adrenal fatigue would be awesome. (Any ideas on at least keeping it from getting worse and surviving the next 4 months.)
@Caitlyn, I would just think that drinking some sort of electrolyte drink (like a lemon drink with a bit of sea salt), using sea salt liberally on your food, and taking short breaks in the day to lie down (or nap if you can at all) would be some of the other things that would be helpful. Supposedly (according to the books I’ve read) pregnancy is not supposed to worsen adrenal fatigue because the hormones of pregnancy are somehow protective against that. Hopefully that’s true! 🙂
Just had to note the irony of the fact that while I’m insomniac and not feeling well, dreading being exhausted again tomorrow, I’ve come to your blog to read about adrenal fatigue.
Thanks for the information! I’ll definitely be talking to my wellness provider about this!
I don’t know how much vitamin D plays a role in adrenal fatigue but I have found that taking 10,000 IU of a good over the counter vitamin D has helped my energy levels immensely.
I’ve also worked with an ND and she addressed my own issues with adrenal fatigue. She stressed the importance of getting enough salt. The adrenals live on good salt. Take a glass of water and add a teaspoon of quality sea salt. If you drink the entire glass in 5 minutes, you should need to use the restroom soon. If you don’t, your adrenals took all of that salt before it could be used by your body as a flush. Continue to do that ever morning until your body reacts by going to the bathroom…at that point your adrenals will be healing nicely…it could take years. Another tip I learned was to eat the white parts of an orange. That is a super nutrient for your adrenals! But don’t eat too much or you will need to rush to the bathroom.
I’m curious about something, and wondering if you have any input from your research. Of course you can’t tell me what to do, I know that. My husband and I have decided to take a break from having any kids, or perhaps if needed (but I really hope not) not ever have any more kids. I simply cannot function enough to look after the ones we already have very well sometimes, although its getting better, having another baby (and accompanying pregnancy and stress from all that, not to mention the actual baby’s arrival and care) I think would really zap me and wreck and progress I’ve made. Although I certainly would welcome a “surprise” we don’t want to put extra stress on me right now. My doctor feels similarly although he understands the blessings of children and does think I will be able to have more someday. What have you read about people with adrenal issues and having further pregnancies?
@Nola, The little bit of reading that I have done on that specific topic is that the actual pregnancies don’t make adrenal issues worth, because the high progesterone is somewhat protective against that. I haven’t studied it much, so I would try to dig into the issue for yourself, but I thought that was encouraging anyways. You may just want to wait until the girls are a little older and more self-sufficient and helpful around the house, and that may help you to be able to get through those early tiring days if you were to have another baby. Plus, it will give your body more time to heal in the meantime. I think that your motives are good and your heart is certainly for more children (and I know that you think they’re a blessing). There’s nothing wrong with wanting to make sure that you are physically ready and able to take care of your children well. 🙂
@Stephanie @ Keeper of the Home, Thanks for the encouragement…I needed that. 🙂 Its just so hard since I’d really like another baby…actually a lot more babies. I am quite anxious at times about wanting another one soon. But I think I’ll end up with a big gap between my youngest and another baby, and that I need to be okay with that if it happens. My oldest is already a help to me so waiting a few more years, if that is what happens, she will be more of a help, for sure. Its hard when so many friends are having lots of babies all at once.
I got the books you mentioned through interlibrary loan and they are great (tired of being tired, and adrenal fatigue). They explain a few things I hadn’t had explained to me very well. Thank you for the recommendation.
A little late to the discussion, but I have a question for you, Stphanie. I’ve been taking the adrenal support supplement (stress end) that you mentioned in the post for about a month. I think it is helping my energy. Is it safe to take during pregnancy under normal conditions? Just found out we’re expecting number four, and we’re so excited!
@Becca, So exciting, Becca! Unfortunately I don’t know because I stopped taking it before I got pregnant. I would definitely talk to your midwife or naturopath about it (a conventional doctor probably won’t even understand why you are taking it in the first place, so asking them wouldn’t be helpful, most likely).
Looking for a little help……I have been battling extreme adrenal exhuastion for about a year now. Seeking help from a naturopath and nutitional coach. I have improved about 40-50% in the past 9 months or so, but still battle some on going anxiety, fatigue, and most of all low blood sugar. I feel like I am doing it all, but am at a stand still. I have been off gluten, dairy and sugar for 9-10 months, I eat very healthy and juice several times a day. I just found out I am expecting #6 and I am terrified of worsening symptoms, especially the hypoglycemia. There are times I wake up in the morning and my blood sugar is in the low 60’s. It was slowly getting better, but in the past few days since finding out about the pregnancy, it has been more off. Any help or input would be appreciated. Anything to stay away from while PG? Anyone else go through adrenal problems and pregnancy at the same time?
I have recently begun my own journey of finding suitable medical guidance and confirmation of my adrenal fatigue, which after much reading (including the Endocrine chapter in my Anatomy and Physiology text) I am quite sure this is what I am dealing with. Over the past three years I have slowly made the transition to a whole-food, as organic as affordable, ovo-vegetarian diet and credit this transition as the only reason I am not chronically sick with sinus/respiratory infections. The only thing concerning to me about this post and a number of the comments is the emphasis on animal fats and proteins. Scientific studies conducted over the past 30-40 years have consistently and conclusively shown that a whole-food PLANT-BASED diet is substantially better for the body – especially a healing body. I highly suggest viewing the documentary FORKS OVER KNIVES, and then perhaps doing your own research on the topic.
Love this post – so many good points. I actually am doing a few posts on sleep myself and linked to this one in my blog.
This is long after you’ve written the original post; however, I have just “found you” 😉 I have been googling adrenal fatigue since told this is what I have, and I am glad that I stumbled upon your blog.
Only those of us with adrenal fatigue truly understand just how difficult it can be.
My story in a nut-shell: I think that I have accumulated stress since childhood, and never properly addressed any of it. As your typical over-achiever and busy wife/mommy I have completely over-done it. My goal now is to “de-stress & heal my adrenals.”
I have been trying to increase cortisol levels, DHEA levels, etc since last summer, and feel as though the progress is slow. I have seen an incredible pharmasist w/ his Phd who seems to specialize in this, as well as natural hormone replacement. I also am seeing a new & wodnerful Christian OB/GYN who had me undergo allergy testing, which revealed that I’m slighty allergic to (or react to?!?) dairy, eggs, most meats, etc. I am eliminating these from my diet which has been EXTREMELY difficult as I REALLY need a lot of protein. (I have also been gluten-free since last summer, which helped migraines tremendously!)
Thank you so very much for sharing your story and for your encouragement. Sometimes it helps to know that we aren’t in the valley alone 😉 even though there may be mountains separating us!
Thanks so much for sharing your story, Nicole. I agree, it does help so much to know that we aren’t alone. Sounds like you’re making some great strides towards regaining your health and energy. Blessings! 🙂
I just found this – great advice! Making lifestyle and diet changes is clearly an important step toward restoring adrenal health and balance. I also found Marcelle Pick’s latest book, “Are You Tired and Wired?” really helpful. Check out her 30-day Eating Program and the accompanying recipes!
One of the factors in adrenal fatigue that I haven’t seen addressed in your blog is that which comes from prolonged prednisone usage. I was on high doses of prednisone due to an autoimmune disease I have and when I came off the prednisone I experienced severe adrenal fatigue. I came completely off of prednison mid-May of this year although I had to take methotrexate for several months and am just now weaning off of this. It is taking a long time for my adrenal glands to recover from what the prednisone did to them. I’m sure there are many of your readers that suffer from adrenal fatigue not caused by the typical factors listed in your related blog entries. Just saying . . .
Hi everyone,
I am 100% cured of my ‘adrenal fatigue’. I’ve been very unwell for over 7 months now (bed bound in July) and been diagnosed with AF by naturopaths and via self diagnosis. Allopathic doctors either didn’t know what to say or suggested the possibility of CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome).
My cure? Cutting out gluten. Yes that’s right. All of my AF symptoms such as extreme fatigue, foggy brain, balance issues, low stress threshold, irritability are also symptoms of gluten intolerance! I had no idea. Check out various celiac websites.
I figured this out while travelling in China where they don’t eat a lot of wheat based food. All of sudden I was feeling good until I had a big bowl of wheat noodles one day.
Three weeks has passed and I feel amazing. 100% in every way. All symptoms gone. I haven’t been tested for gluten intolerance but the drastic health rebound is just too convincing to ignore. I got my life back!!!!! Now within 15 minutes of ingesting gluten I’m back to AF symptoms and the rest of the day is shot.
If even a handful of you suffering these challenging symptoms are secretly gluten intolerant, I urge everyone to try cutting it out of your diet for a month and seeing what happens. It’s no risk for the possibility of getting healthy again. I know how bad you’re feeling. Will you try?
Same goes for CFS folks as the symptoms are so similar and I, for one, do not accept what the CFS societies say about, “start lowering expectations for your life” when they also acknowledge they don’t know what causes CFS or how to do anything more than manage symptoms.
I’m with you. Good luck.
I had my adrenal fatigue under control before my pregnancy. My third daughter is now 8 months old and it is back with a vengeance. I was on the supplement regimen that you listed here with the help of an herbalist and nutritionist. I’d like to start back. Do you know if this regimen is safe for breastfeeding?
Hey, first I’d like to say I hope you have already recovered from your health issues as I know this article is a few years old now.
After reading through this article i have noticed that regarding nutrition that you are eating a lot of fat and seem to be carb phobic. Whole food sugars, like fruits, grains, vegetables etc, aren’t actually the cause of blood sugar spikes and crashes, I know it sounds counterintuitive, but if you have too much fat in your blood stream then it stops the sugar from getting out of your blood into your cells as fat molecules are very sticky and is one cause of insulin resistance. It also hinders the uptake of many vitamins and minerals. From my experience as a health and fitness educator I have seen so many people on a high fat diet experiencing adrenal fatigue like yourself, I’ve been down that line of eaing too (I was eating most of the foods you had suggested) to try and rectify my own adrenal fatigue, I didn’t get better and was constantly stressing over what to eat and when to eat it. The only diet that worked was a plant based, high carbohydrate low fat diet. Carbohydrates are very important. The health benefits don’t just go as far as fixing adrenal fatigue but also increased energy all day long, mental clarity like I have never experienced before, I havn’t been ill at all in 3 years using this foodstyle not even a cold, also weight loss without restricting calories at all (3500 calories on average per day) and fitness level I never thought I would have.
If you have a look at human history you can see that every successful human society has made carbohydrates the base for their diet, the aztecs with their corn, asians with white rice, incans with potatos (theres many more examples) and none of these societies had a focus on high fat foods, these societies also didn’t have the majority of illnesses that westernised countries suffer from today.
I invite you to check out the work of Dr. Neal Barnard, he has written the book “The Program for Reversing Diabetes”, he is also a part of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.
Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn who has written the book “Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease” and “engine 2 diet”.
T. Colin Campbell who has published over 300 research papers on nutrition and is the author of “The China Study”.
Dr. John McDougall is the author of “The Starch Solution”.
Some of these doctors have been researching for decades on how diet can affect our health .Collectively they have helped thousands of people who have been suffering from a wide range of illnesses and diseases. All of them promote a high carb low fat diet
I also invite you to check out the documentary called “Forks Over Knives” the doctors I mentioned above and many more are in this documentary and it is very informative, well worth a watch.
Here is an interesting video where Dr. Nick Delgado shows how fat affects our blood sugar, insulin resistance, cholesterol levels and also shows his blood under a high powered microscope, before and after eating high fat products to show the effects of the fat molecules in our blood and the difference is dramatic.
I hope you will look at the information I have provided with an open mind as the results are truly fantastic.
As I said at the beginning of this post, I hope you have your health back but this information could improve your health even further.
Take care 🙂
Quick question……how long do you need to be on the supplements? Only until you experience relief? Or do you stay on them forever as a maintenance thing?
I’m so pleased to have discovered Keeper of the Home. I had a severe adrenal crash last June and until recently have felt much on the mend. I found your site as I had taken notes from The Adrenal Recovery book (may not have the title correct at this moment) but could not remember the why of salt. Your site came up high in the search.
I, too, am a go go go kind of woman and as I’ve let myself become busier, the symptoms are returning. A low thyroid is also culpable in adrenal fatigue.
I was most interested to hear some in your circle doubted you. My general practitioner thought I was depressed as did some in my family. Irritated, my sister – a nurse – asked why I thought I was too good for antidepressants. Others thought I was having a nervous breakdown. It was finally my chiro, doing some simple neurological tests in his office, that put me on the right track. It was tough road though and I was indeed beginning to wonder if I was just having a mental issue of some sort.
Thanks for your posts.