
We Now Interupt This Blog to Bring You Real Life

Canning-toms-with-jo-in-sling Being a mama, wife and homemaker is a full time, occasionally overwhelming, but always a blessed and privileged career and calling.

Lately, though, this blessed mama is finding herself with very full days! My tasks at present feel like all (and some days more than) I can handle: caring for three little ones aged 4 and under including a somewhat colicky (but still lovely!) newborn, maintaining the home in some semblance of order and cleanliness, making meals, scaling mountains of laundry, harvesting the garden (ignoring the weeds), doing my regular fall preserving (or attempting to, as you can see in the picture of me shushing a fussy baby while canning tomatoes), starting the new school year of home educating, supporting my husband as he starts a new business, and still having any degree of time and energy for relationships.

Though I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things, I'm also just plain old exhausted from lack of sleep, and thus time spent blogging is often just a bit much for me. There doesn't seem to be enough time in the day, and seriously, my brain isn't fully functioning! I would be wrong in my priorities to spend time focusing on my blog on many of these days when I am just needed in so many other ways, and honestly, my kids (and husband) need a much more pleasant and cheerful woman than I've been of late.

I've decided that I'm going to do some "play it again" posts (idea and title inspired by the lovely Amy @ MomAdvice, who occasionally re-posts previous but excellent posts from her archives). I'm going to bring back some oldies but goodies, interspersed with what I have time and energy to write fresh until I get things on the home front back under control and myself back to being a bit more rested and sane. 🙂

Thanks for understanding, y'all! Hope you enjoy them and can't wait to be more fully back ASAP! (Any requests?)

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  1. That sounds great! And I totally understand. I’m speaking as a mom who only has 2 kids who doesn’t have a blog, so I can see how you would rightly feel this way! I am pleased that you can see where your priorities need to be changed. This is a wonderful testimony.

    As for suggestions- I know you must get new readers all the time so perhaps items on “baby steps” or in light of the season, older posts on preserving food, would be some ideas.

  2. I often think of seasons in life as our Bible teaches us and I think there are some seasons where pulling back to what time you do have left to your family, your Lord, people in real life etc is perhaps the wisest thing to do!

    Enjoy some quiet time – if it is ever really quite with 3 littles 😉

  3. I’m a fairly new reader, so getting some re-posts will be helpful in catching me up! I must say that you seemed to be handling all this transition in your life impossibly well, but if sleep was what was suffering, get more of it whenever you can!

  4. I think that is a great idea! You need to focus on your family and I’m proud of you for making this decision instead of guiltily focusing on your blog. Take care of yourself, your family, and your home as instructed in Titus 2. Blessings!

  5. Good luck! I call it reclaiming life. For example, every Monday, I have to reclaim the house from weekend clutter. Sometimes, I need to step back & reclaim my life from “housekeeping” because it can take over & come before my “home-making.”

  6. That sounds like a great plan, can’t wait to read your ‘oldies but goodies’!! 🙂 Enjoy that family!!
    Sarah M

  7. Enjoy your new baby! Definitely don’t mind re-posts!

    I do have a question about your sling. It is a HotSling, right? I’m expecting my first baby in December and I’m trying to decide which sling to get. Is that the sling you would recommend, or something else?

    Thanks so much!

  8. Thanks for the support and encouragement, everyone! It blesses me. 🙂

    M, it’s a Hotsling.

    Joy, I love that- “reclaiming the clutter”. 🙂 I do the same thing each Monday!

  9. Sorry to hear baby is a bit colickly. Your baby is so young, I bet you’re still breastfeeding exclusively but I read recently that they did a study which showed chamomile does indeed help with colic.


    One report by the American Academy of Pediatrics in 2007 reviewed two of those studies, including a randomized clinical trial that involved 68 colicky but otherwise healthy infants, ages 2 to 8 weeks. One group received either an herbal tea (served warm or cool) made primarily with German chamomile, and the other placebo tea.

    The scientists reported that each infant was offered either the tea or placebo with every bout of colic, up to 150 millilitres – a little more than half a cup – no more than three times a day.

    After a week, “parents reported that the tea eliminated the colic in 57 per cent of the infants,” the researchers reported, “whereas placebo was helpful in only 26 per cent. No adverse effects were noted in either group.”

    Other studies have had similar results. Experts say allergic reactions to chamomile are rare, but one way to check is to swab a bit on the skin. If no redness develops, it should be safe.

  10. There are seasons in life and we do best if we acknowledge them as you do and remain content with where the Lord has us at that time. AND, since there is nothing new under the sun, and we are forgetful people, I think it is a fabulous idea to go through some of your previous posts – many of which I’m sure I have not read and will be a first! I’m actually looking forward to reading them.

  11. What a great picture!!

    I have been feeling overwelmed for years and cannot get my head above water. Much of our lives right now is being sacrificed and invested into our littles. You WILL see that bear fruit. Sounds like you have some amazing readers with amazing perspective. I will be perusing your old posts as I pray for you 🙂

  12. Great post! I’m new and absolutely love your blog. I’ve been devouring it daily for about a week and telling all my friends about “this great new site I stumbled upon”. Thank you for sharing your life and learning with all of us so openly. I am striving to be a godly woman, to be a wise home-maker, wife and mother, and find your great collection of articles so helpful. I would love to see the old favorites again.
    Enjoy your new baby- such a blessing.

  13. First time posting here………. I’m an older momma (51, with six children ranging from 7-29) and agree 100% with your decision to regroup and spend your limited energy on your family. While you can always blog, you will NEVER get back these early months with your baby.

    And you need sleep! It’s just impossible to function on a day-to-day basis in continual sleep deficit. Yeah, voice of experience here: We have two boys on the autism spectrum, the younger of whom, at age 11, is still incredibly challenging, much like an overgrown toddler. This unfortunately includes sleep issues and security problems (jumping on the outdoor trampoline in the rain at 3:00 a.m., anyone?!). Our three older daughters (29, 26, 20) have long flown the coop, and life is full. We also have dairy goats and sell the milk — I get to do a lot of PR/grunt work/counseling for the business — and we’re in our 23rd year of homeschooling. In addition, my husband works a full-time job which often takes him out of state overnight(s).

    All that to say, prioritize! I pray daily, sometimes hourly, for wisdom in how to order my day. I’ve had to pull back from most extracurricular activities/field trips/homeschool support groups/outings with friends/even extended visits with customers. All these things, while not “bad” in and of themselves, take me away from my husband and children.

    I have to say that I was totally overwhelmed at the proposed homeschool schedule you posted weeks ago. In baby years (pregnancy and those crucial months recovering from birth), I considered it a successful day if my children read books, wrote occasionally, and did their daily math. At the time, we lived in WA state where children must test annually, and I worried that they would do poorly. TO A CHILD, each tested at least six grade levels above the previous year! All three of my older daughters finished homeschool high school by age 15, and all three have gone on to successful adult lives; more importantly, all are walking with the Lord.

    I hope this isn’t coming across as being critical! I am in awe of all you’re doing, in point of fact. Just wondering, and speaking as an older woman who has been through this many times, whether you could scale back on the schooling (daughters especially love Mommy time which can include informal academics) as your children are so young yet (and maybe work on the potty training with your son?!). I know how hard it is to spread oneself so thin.

    Sorry to go on and on……. This is a subject near and dear to my heart as it’s one I deal with personally and see so often in today’s crazy world.

    Kim Walters

  14. Thanks for the link, Beatrice. I’ll definitely check it out. I’ve actually been experimenting with weak fennel tea the last two days, and so far, I think we’re seeing some improvement!

    Kim, I am definitely NOT doing the full homeschool schedule that I posted (though I hope to gradually work up to it). My goal this week was just to spend at least some time every day doing learning time, and on tired days, it was mostly snuggling up and reading, with a little bit of math and more formal language arts mixed in. Yesterday we skipped academics and just did a really fun craft. Today we did reading, then went to the library. We’re definitely keeping it free and easy these days! 🙂 I appreciate your thoughts on the topic, as it’s always wonderful and helpful to hear from more experienced mamas!

  15. We wouldn’t expect anything less from such a dedicated wife and mother. Thanks for loving your family.

  16. Don’t forget that you are also a working mom – this blog is a job! Please take more of a “sabatical” and use your time for you and the family. As a newer reader, I would certainly love older posts and any visiting poster too!

  17. Good for you. I’m doing a whole series on laying down busyness. I, too, am getting my priorities in order and lay aside the rest.

    I think when you do stuff like this and tell people you are doing it, it gives them courage to do the same.

    I’ll be happy to read old posts. I just recently found you, so it will all be new to me. 🙂

    Blessings as you take care of your sweet family,

  18. I would love to read anything on how long it took for you to get pregnant, and things you did to enhance this process. I would love to read older posts…thanks, and your new addition looks beautiful! I am looking forward to holding one like that in my arms very soon!

  19. You look adorable with your new little one. My only child was colicky & I can’t even imagine blogging during that time period.

  20. As many have already conveyed, I totally support your decision. And, I would love to see older posts. I have been meaning to look at those concerning PCOS, but haven’t remembered when I had the time. I believe I have PCOS but do not know a whole lot about it. I also would like to continue learning about being a Godly wife. Congratulations!

  21. thank you! I have also just had a baby (2 months) – who is also colicky – and have a 3 and a 4 year old. It is a joy but a challenge, so thank you for your honesty and decision to do less- it is an encouragement! here’s to focusing on our children and to sleep!

  22. Sorry to hear life is overwhelming. I understand, as I have two under 2, one is just two months old. Most days just taking care of my family is all I can do too!

    If Johanna is often fussy, have you tried removing dairy from your diet? We follow NT too but this made a huge difference for my son. He went from being a randomly fussy, unhappy baby to being very calm, happy, and enjoyable. I would think it’s worth a shot! (Many experts I talk to say “colic” is really early food allergies/intolerances.)

  23. As “keepers of the home,” I believe our ministry is first to our families, so bravo for taking a step back to evaluate your priorities. Frankly, I’m overwhelmed just reading about your schedule! : ) I’ve just found your blog, as PP’s have said, and I look forward to reading the oldies-but-goodies. Thanks for all your hard work and support on behalf of home-keeping.

  24. I hear you! Just had #4 this summer. Hopefully, we will all sleep a bit more soon. But my hubby says that I’m a bit more entertaining when I’m sleep deprived!

  25. You’ve definitely got your priorities right, mama! I also have a newborn and it’s a bit overwhelming at times! Babywearing will more than likely help with the colickiness…your newborn is beautiful! Enjoy!

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