Scalloped Potatoes

Scalloped Potatoes Recipe

A couple of years back, I realized that so many of the more ethnic, unique, vegetarian-influenced dishes that I had been making just didn’t appeal to my husband (lentil casseroles, cold rice and bean salads, various curries, squash soups, that sort of thing).

The leftovers would sit around, and only I would eat them. My husband isn’t a particularly picky eater, but I came to the conclusion that it’s comfort food that he loves. I’ve had to strive to learn to make those standard recipes in more nourishing ways, adding in plenty of vegetables, good fats (in place of bad ones), raw dairy, and finding plenty of ways to keep it frugal.

Blogger Kate Tietje also realized that comfort food was something that she and her family loved and even craved, and so she wrote the book Wholesome Comfort… 

“I love comfort food. As soon as the weather turns cooler, or any time I’m feeling stressed or tired, I just want something warm, creamy, or carb-heavy. Foods like mashed potatoes, stuffing, roast turkey, cheesy or creamy casseroles, fudge…. These are the foods that make me feel better. And I know I’m not alone.

The thing is, many of our favorite comfort foods aren’t so good for us. A look at the ingredients panel on a bag of storebought stuffing mix reveals bleached flour, soybean oil, high fructose corn syrup, and yucky preservatives. Don’t even get me started on the canned cream soups and the casseroles they’re used for. I have given up eating my beloved green bean casserole at parties because of the awful canned soups.

I knew there was a need here. I didn’t want to give up my comfort foods just because I don’t want those processed versions anymore, and I know others don’t want to either. So I set out to re-make all my old favorites with real food. They were so delicious and wonderful that it naturally led to the book idea. Who doesn’t love comfort food, really? Real meatloaf, scalloped potatoes, chicken and dumplings, hot chocolate…it’s the stuff of winter. And to some, happiness. And no guilt, because this version is totally real food. I feel good serving it to my family, and I feel good after I eat it. Pure awesomeness.

Another new feature in this book that I want to mention is that we added an allergy-friendly code. All recipes are soy and seafood-free. There are little icons in the book (both in the table of contents and the recipe pages themselves) indicating if a recipe is grain, egg, dairy, or nut-free. This makes it really handy for those with restrictions.”

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Scalloped Potatoes = Comfort Food

Kate has generously allowed me to share one of the recipes from the book, and I had to pick Scalloped Potatoes.

We love scalloped potatoes and have been making a vegan version that I started using back when we ate a little closer to vegetarian and dairy-free (which we don’t anymore– we’ve switched over to a traditional diet, which includes plenty of animal fats and raw dairy).

I kept up with the recipe because it’s still very good, I can substitute my raw milk in place of the “milk” alternative, and I didn’t feel like searching for another recipe. But I’m so excited to try this! My husband LOVES scalloped potatoes and so do I.

Scalloped Potatoes
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Scalloped Potatoes Recipe

Course: Side Dish
Servings: 4
Author: Keeper of the Home


  • 4 – 5 medium potatoes thinly slice (about 1/8”)
  • ¼ c. onion minced
  • ½ tsp. sea salt
  • ¼ tsp. black pepper
  • ¼ tsp. thyme
  • 2 tbsp. butter
  • 2 tbsp. arrowroot powder
  • 2 c. milk


  • Arrange the potato slices in a 9x13 baking dish.
  • In a small saucepan over medium heat, melt the butter. Saute the onions until softened.
  • Add the salt, pepper, thyme, and arrowroot powder and stir until smooth. Add the milk and stir until bubbling and slightly thickened.
  • Pour the mixture over the potatoes.
  • Bake at 350 for about an hour.


Serving Suggestion: Serve alongside Italian Chicken or Meatloaf.

Are you a potato fan like me?

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  1. My favorite is probably cream of tomato soup with a nice crispy grilled cheese sandwich. Not too fancy but the best in the world.

  2. My favorite comfort food is probably mashed potatoes with roast and homemade bread. I am also a big fan of the green bean casserole but have not eaten in a long time because of the dairy, not to mention everything else in it.

  3. Chicken Pot Pie has been a nice comfort food lately. So has just straight chicken broth/stock – so nourishing and good!

  4. Actually, it happens to be au gratin scalloped potatoes. I’m going to have to try this recipe, since it doesn’t use any flour to thicken (we are GF now).

  5. My favorite comfort food has got to be pot roast with carrots & potatoes… My mom makes the most delicious version in the universe, but I have yet to try it myself for fear that it just won’t be as good!

  6. My favorite comfort food is veggie pot pie. I am GF so anytime I actually make a GF pie crust and fill it with the stuff, I love every minute of it!
    Sarah M

  7. Mac and Chesse is my favorie comfort food…. espically when it is the oven kind from scratch with a browned top.

  8. Looks like a great book, thanks for sharing the scalloped potato recipe, scalloped potatoes are a family favorite!

  9. Comfort foods are the best. And my sweet husband is also one who will put on a game face and try anything I fix, but comfort is his fave too. One of our comfort foods that always brings a smile is meatloaf. I’ve been adding chopped portobello mushrooms into the mix and it make the meatloaf so moist with a crazy good flavor. Thanks for the giveaway!

  10. I’m more of a snacker than a comfort food person, but my husband loves comfort food – especially mashed potatoes and gravy and meatloaf.

  11. My favorite comfort food is meatloaf. But my favorite comfort food memory is a fluffy banana pudding we had for special occasions when I was growing up.

  12. Mashed potatoes made with lots of real butter and evaporated milk. When I make it the pot is scraped clean!

  13. Favorite comfort food, hmm, it’s gotta be fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and biscuits with lots of butter!

  14. Is it weird that my favorite “comfort food” is stuffed green peppers? I think I just happened to finally learn how to make them and seriously could eat them every single day. Add lots of cheese and make sure put them in the broiler and YUMMO!

  15. How timely is this recipe, my husband hasnt complained, but he doesnt care for my mom’s scalloped potato recipe that I make….so time for a new one 🙂

  16. My favorite comfort food is Mac and Cheese. Adult mac and cheese with veggies and really really good cheese. Man, I’m hungry.

  17. Ok, seriously. You are killing me with all of these good giveaways. 🙂

    I have a related gripe, though! I wish the ebooks that are frequently coming out from my favorite bloggers would also come out in print. I refuse to buy an ebook. Do I sound snooty? lol. I have a good reason. I just won’t read an ebook. But I want these books so bad! I want them with pages… wonderful, beautiful, touchable pages. Especially something like this. A recipe book. I only want a recipe book in the kitchen… not on my computer! I’m only 22, but I guess I’m totally old school. I think kindles and other ereaders are totally lames.

  18. This looks like a great resource! I LOVE my comfort foods, but am always looking for new ways to make them more nourishing.

  19. My fav. is meatloaf and spaghetti. I love to eat these sorts of foods for breakfast, using up the leftovers. Or leftover steaks or ribs for breakfast. Don’t know why, I just love it in the morning!

  20. Oh my! Several of the other giveaway items this week have been really appealing or interesting or just something that looked like a lot of fun (Union 28!). BUT THIS. i might go so far as to say that i NEED it. The sad truth is that my hubby LOVES comfort food and b/c of that reality i have given up much hope of getting him to eat better – at least until i have more energy to direct toward that endeavor. An entire cookbook dedicated to maintaining that ‘comfort food’ aspect, but consisting of real, whole foods! ! YES!!!

  21. I definitely need some real food allergy friendly comfort foods!! We’re getting tired on the same things.

  22. This book looks AWESOME! My husband LOVES comfort food and have been trying to switch them all over to real ingredients!

  23. fav comfort food right now (preggo so dont judge lol)…blueberry waffles with creamcheese and banana with syrup on top…. SOOOOO bad but sOOOOOOOOOOOOOO yummy

  24. My family loves mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, chicken pot, meatloaf….. Well’ you get the idea, we love it all! Thanks for the opportunity!

  25. My favorite comfort food is a nice bowl of pinto beans–may seem weird to some of you, but there it is!

  26. Would love to win one of these. The family enjoys comfort food and I’m doing the recipes with wholesome ingredients but I need some help with new ideas. Thank you for this chance.

  27. Favorite comfort food over here is biscuits and sausage gravy. Ahhh…… Saturday mornings are SO comfortable!!

  28. This sounds very similar to my moms scalloped potatoes. Yummy! Potato soup is one of my favorite comfort foods.

  29. Yeah, I’m a meat-and-dairy comfort food kind of gal. I’ve made a good number of substitutions, but some real tried recipes would be great!

  30. I really like meatloaf, although scalloped potatoes are pretty high on the list too!

    My husbands hands-down favorite is sausages (venison he hunted), mashed potatoes, and cream corn. I kids love it too!

  31. My favourite comfort food – definitely a turkey dinner, mostly the stuffing and gravy though! And scalloped potatoes for sure. For the ultimate sugar-comfort high: English sticky toffee pudding, with custard! Guaranteed to glue your behind to the couch for a few hours!!!

  32. my favorite comfort food would depend on what time of the year it is….winter would be a cup of hot chocolate & baked oatmeal.

  33. hmmm… favorite comfort food… chicken and dumplings. I’ve been making the dumplings with soaked buttermilk biscuit batter – YUM!

  34. Mashed Potatoes….I can’t eat them right now because I’m on GAPS, but I am looking forward to the day I can eat them again!

  35. My favorite comfort food is potato cheese soup. I make it all the time with real cheese and homemade chicken broth. Mmmm…..

  36. Oh my! That recipe for scalloped potatoes will be tried first thing tomorrow! Ooh, I hope I win a copy of the book!!! Thank you!

  37. Hmm, I’m not sure of only one. Mashed potatoes, lasagna, macaroni and cheese, roast with veggies… Lots of things remind me of favorite meals growing up! 🙂

  38. Favorite comfort food = mashed potatoes…..but I may have to try this scalloped potato recipe – it sounds like it may top the list!

  39. One of my favorites–fried apples and hotdogs. I’ve tried replicating my mom’s and it just doesn’t work. My husband doesn’t care for this dish, so I don’t make it. Now that we have kids I want them to know this, but Mom is gone and so is the recipe.

  40. I try preparing meals from scratch and watch (more like obsess!) over labels. So many recipes call for canned cream soups and short of making my own (how?), I don’t know what to do! A book like this would be very useful.

    I enjoy reading Kate’s blog too, in addition to KOTH. Both are terrific!

  41. My favorite comfort food is homemade chocolate chip cookies…but any baked goods will work as a substitute!

  42. Oh my, favorite? How about a cinnamon roll with lots of frosting, syrupy filling, and plump fat raisins with a nice hot cup of tea or cider. That sounds GREAT right now. 🙂 Although, a simple slice of bread with butter would be fabulous. I am gluten and dairy free right now. 🙂

    1. Hi Tara, the book has 15 recipes that are dairy-free as written, and several more where subbing coconut milk/oil for dairy works great. There’s only three where that sub wouldn’t work (cheese recipes), and even then, if you used Daiya cheese, you could probably make them. We’ve been dairy-free too at different points and often make these subs ourselves, depending on what we have on hand. 🙂

  43. homemade macaroni and cheese … or pumpkin bread … i’m hanging on to these cold-weather foods as long as i can!

  44. My favorite comfort food….hmmm….unfortunately there’s so many. LOL I guess what really brings up great, comforting memories would be a toasted tuna sandwich.

  45. I LOVE that you included the recipe for scalloped potatoes, because that has to be one of my all time favorites! Add some meatloaf, and YUMMY!

  46. I’m a sucker for home made mac and cheese. It’s my ultimate comfort food! I’ll have to experiment on how to make it healthier though. Those scalloped potatoes look delicious!!!

  47. Pasta is definitely a comfort food for me! I love that someone put together a cookbook with healthier options for comfort foods!

  48. I have lots of starchy comfort foods – pasta, toast, pancakes, or homemade bread with lots of butter!

  49. My favorite comfort food is a ground beef/rice/bell pepper mix smothered in mozzerela cheese and oregano! Different – but it’s what I grew up on!

  50. My favorite comfort food is scalloped potatoes. Unfortunately, DH is not as big a fan!

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