Winter Giveaway Week: Win 1 of 2 Year-Long Memberships to Plan to Eat

Winter Giveaway Week: Win 1 of 2 Year-Long Memberships to Plan to Eat

meal planner monitor
Meal planning is such a must for busy moms and homemakers.

Even as we’re spending a year traveling around the world (yes, really- you can read about it here), I’m still realizing the need for it.

Just this afternoon, I drew up a list of the foods I’ve managed to stock up in our small, temporary pantry and kitchen. I took that list and went straight to my Plan to Eat account.

Last spring, I mentioned that I had been finding my Plan to Eat account more useful than ever, now that so many of my recipes originate from an online source, rather than a cookbook. This time around, I discovered another huge perk of this online service– even thousands of miles away, in a totally foreign place, all of my recipes and previous menus are still right at my fingertips!
Screen Shot 2013 02 17 at 1.16.05 PM

This is the simple meal plan that I made up for this week. The variety of foods available to me here is much more basic than what I can buy back home, and yet going back through my old plans and recipes inspired me with ideas of things that I could still make.

After using Plan to Eat over the past several years, in the midst of trying other meal planning systems, these are some of the reasons I go back to it time and again:

  1. Ease of use. The drag-and-drop feature just makes it so quick and easy to create your menu.
  2. Recipe storage. Yes, I use Pinterest and bookmarks for remembering where my favorite online recipes are, but taking the 2 minutes to actually load them into your Plan to Eat account means that they’re right there where you need them. I can categorize my recipes, give them tags, search them, use them to create shopping lists and more.
  3. Recipe sharing. Who doesn’t love sharing their recipes with friends? When I’m in a rut or can’t find a recipe in my own account that suits my needs, I really appreciate having the ability to search my friend’s recipes that they’ve shared with me (and vice versa- I share mine with them). I can also access all of the excellent recipes from the Plan to Eat blog.
  4. Recipe queue. Ever think to yourself, “I need to remember to make that recipe soon!”? I do, all the time. And then, I forget to make it. With the Recipe Queue, if you notice a recipe that you want to remember to make, just add it to your queue. Then whenever you make a new meal plan, check your queue to see if there are any good ideas or recipes you’d almost forgotten about.

There are many other features that make this program a winner. I know a lot of women find the shopping list creation a real time-saver. The grocery store mobile app makes your shopping list instantly available to you on your smart phone. I’ve even written a more detailed list of features I use and love in this post.

recipe book meal planner shopping list scroll

Because meal planning really is worth it.

I’m thrilled to offer 2 year-long memberships (worth $39 each) to my readers, because I am such a huge proponent of meal planning! It saves you time, money, sanity, and truly helps you to put nutritious, homemade meals on your table.

If you know that you need to make strides towards regular meal planning and you’re looking for a tool to help you do it, I highly recommend that you check out Plan to Eat’s tour (so that you can see what it’s all about) and then sign up for a free 30-day trial to see how it would work for you!

As an aside, do you want to be my friend on Plan to Eat? I’m “keeperofthehome” and you can request to share recipes with me. The more, the merrier!

A a huge bonus, from now through to March 31, Keeper of the Home readers will receive 30% off an annual subscription to Plan to Eat using the coupon code: keepthathome.

Would you like to be entered to win 1 of 2 Year-Long Memberships to Plan to Eat ($39 value each)?

Rather than simply leaving comments, I’m trying out a new method for entering giveaways. Click below to complete one Rafflecopter form, for all of your multiple entries, and then you’re done! If you’re reading in an email, make sure that you click through to enter from the actual website.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you’re thinking of purchasing a subscription, here’s a great opportunity to save some money.Through March 31, Keeper of the Home readers will receive 30% off an annual subscription to Plan to Eat using the coupon code: keepthathome!

Giveaway ends 2/23/2013 at 6:00 pm.

Disclosure: All opinions expressed are my own. I honestly use and love this system. This giveaway was generously sponsored by Plan to Eat, and I have also recieved a complimentary membership for the purpose of review.

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  1. I’ve just recently started to meal plan by the week and I’m really enjoying it. Less store trips is always a plus.

  2. I have tried to meal plan but have yet to have any success! My biggest problem is just being prepared….remembering where my list got laid. I could access this not only on my computer but my kindle!

  3. I do try to meal plan, but it doesn’t always get done the way I want it to during the school year. I do struggle to keep up with everything and this is one thing that tends to slide. But things always go much smoother on those weeks when I have planned!

  4. My biggest struggle with menu planning is that my family likes variety…as in no repeats! Coming up with 21 new meals each and every week is a HUGE challenge!

  5. I used to meal plan really well. After baby (who is now 3;)), I have been resorting to flying by the seat of my pants. Would love to find a meal planning solution for me:)

  6. The extent of my meal planning is that a few hours before dinner, I panic and look in the fridge and pantry. Haha

    1. Forgot to specify…I never meal plan consistently. The few times I have tried were great…if only I could make it a habit!!!

  7. My biggest struggle is time due to being the parent of two children with autism and the fact that it’s hard to get everyone to eat the same thing. I am looking for help to make healthy meals for the whole family. I love your site! Thanks!

  8. For me, the biggest hurdle is having to wait to find out just what fresh produce and meat is on sale.
    Limited access to a tiny store makes it hard!

  9. I tried meal planning once. It worked really well until my plan ran out. Then life got busy and I didn’t get back to it. it’s difficult for me to decide what to make and my husband doesn’t like one big grocery bill at the beginning. He did like it after a bit of resistance. I just don’t have enough recipes, since trying to eat better, to plan out very well in advance.

  10. I need help. I have tried to meal plan and keep getting bored. My family loves different meals and I need to save money with groceries. I have started meal planning again in the past two weeks (after a long six months off) and have already saved money by going to the grocery store less…now I just need some variety!

  11. This resource looks fantastic! I am already subscribed to a meal planning service, but THEY plan the meals, I don’t…I can only use a fraction of them because my family doesn’t like some of the meals. At first glance, this looks like something I could use to have control over what we are eating and when…and with the shopping app, it looks really convenient, too!

  12. I think that meal planning would really be a money saver! I don’t know about you guys but a lot of our veggies spoil before we have a chance to use them. Meal planning would really help cut back on the waste while saving money! Definitely a win-win situation!

  13. My biggest struggle with meal planning is that everyone is picky, but none of them like the same things! I need to find some recipes that everyone will eat!

  14. My biggest struggle is busy schedules and following through. I can make a plan, then something comes up, or someone (hubby) doesn’t “feel like that tonight.”

  15. We did a free trial a while back, but it was bad timing and I didn’t really get to use it. I would love to try it again now that I am using the internet for more recipes.

  16. I love the Plan to Eat web-site. It is so helpful for meal planning and storing/organizing all my recipes that I find on-line.

  17. Our son was recently diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. As a result, we’ve had to completely overhaul the way we eat. It’s very overwhelming for me to try and plan our meals, while researching as much as possible and giving my family the attention that they deserve!

  18. I meal plan. I think the hardest part is I put all my favorite recipes in the beginning of the month, and leave all my so-so meals for the end.

  19. I do meal plan, but I’m awful about remembering to thaw things in time. And I’m much too likely to throw the plan out the window when my mood changes!

  20. I try to meal plan but get overwhelmed trying to follow a plan — some days I’m just not in the mood to eat what the plan of the day is!

  21. My biggest struggle is keeping fresh produce around. I prefer to shop once a week and it’s hard to do that and have produce. Plus, I think our produce spoils quickly sometimes, maybe we just get busy. But meal planning is not that hard. It’s the lunches and snacks that tend to get lost in the shuffle.

  22. I don’t currently meal plan, but have been wanting to start for ages now! As my son gets busier with school and other activities, we really need to work on planning since we’re never home. Our main problem is just getting started!

  23. I really appreciate the recommendation of this website and have signed up for a free trial. I, too, am using more and more recipes from the internet and haven’t found the perfect way to organize them all.

  24. I meal plan and don’t know how I would survive without it! My biggest challenge is working our my meals around my husband’s variable work schedule.

  25. My biggest struggle with meal planning – is that the schedule seems to go kaput at the beginning of the week…and while I try to substitute, I usually can’t manage it. But…I *will* keep trying!

  26. I do meal plan because I hate running to the store many times in a week. My biggest struggle is doing it at the same time every week.

  27. We meal plan off and on (my daughters are involved with meals now), but setting aside the time is always a challenge. It’s also frustrating when our plan gets really messed up because of too many leftovers, or some other unforeseen issue. I have heard a lot of good things about Plan to Eat and would appreciate winning.:-)

  28. I do meal plan, but sticking with it is our biggest challenge. There always seems to be something that throws a wrench into my plans.

  29. I just started meal planning with Plan to Eat & love it! So simple & quick. Hardest thing is limited options since we’re on GAPS diet. Alot of re-runs, but kiddos don’t seem to mind. Keeps it simple 🙂

  30. I plan my menu every week, but my recipes are not organizedi. This would definitelysi make things a little easier.

  31. I do plan meals. Hardest part is choosing dinners, keeping a variety, then calculating/figuring the grocery list.

  32. My biggest problem is just doing it… and being able to remember where I put all of the recipes I’d like to work into rotation.

  33. I’ve only meal planned a couple of times. It was great when I did it. I wish it was easier and second nature for me to do it and I did it more often.

  34. I think my biggest issue with meal planning is balancing variety and new things with things my family will actually eat… still battling with pickiness from the 7, and 6 year olds. Thanks for the chance to win!

  35. I meal plan most times but trying to eat healthy whole foods that are low sugar and gluten free has caused me to fail at meal planning these last few weeks. Trying to take all of the info, recipes and sample meal plans has caused me quite a headache. And most days and nights it leaves me struggling to fix something which then sends us to the not so healthy choices.

  36. My biggest meal plan struggle is that I wait until the morning I plan to shop and then I’m stressing to get a list together and us all out the door to the store so we can have the shopping done before nap time… also just feeling like I’m stuck in a rut. Thanks for the chance! I’ve been wanting to try this program for a while.

  37. I don’t think I could function in the kitchen if I didn’t meal plan! In fact, I know I struggle when I don’t because we get take-out more often during those times. Meal planning has helped us to eat better, and eat home-made, more consistently.

  38. I try to meal plan but admit I am not always successful! My biggest problem is a) having too many recipes scattered all over the place and b) not wanting to take the time to do it properly. This giveaway would definitely help with both those problems!

  39. Oh dear, what a difference a simple plan can make. I have a family who eats now! haha
    Being able to click a few buttons and be done would be heavenly 🙂

  40. I recently started meal planning and I wonder why I never did it sooner. I thought it was too much effort to be worth the benefits but I was so wrong! It saves a large amount of time and anxiety about meals for us and no last minute store runs saves me money. This would be great to win for anyone! Thanks for the awesome opportunities. (:

  41. My biggest struggle with planning to eat is that I like to use everything I have in my fridge…. and it seems like when I have meals planned, extra stuff that comes around doesn’t get used and gets wasted… and I hate that. However, the benefits of planning far outweigh this one negative, and I’d love to try Plan to Eat.

  42. I used to meal plan, but a move has gotten me out of my groove. 😉 I love to do it though and appreciate the consistency and calm it brings to what could otherwise be a time of chaos for me.

  43. I try and try to meal plan. the biggest struggle is taking the time to make the plan and also following tru with it when I don’t make it a point to make sure I have all the ingredients needed.

  44. The biggest challenge for me is coming up with creative new recipes and finding the time to prepare them while taking care of a 5 month old who adores his mommy and does not want to share her with cooking 😉 it’s easy then to fall back on the same old recipes you’ve made for years…

  45. Sweet Jesus why haven’t I invested in this before now!?

    I do meal plan as much asI can, but my biggst struggle seems to be ideas and how to use leftovers effectively. Right now, I’m currently working on that one.

  46. I used to do quite a bit of meal planning. Not sure how I got out of the habit, but have plans to sit down today to work on this weeks meals!

  47. My biggest challenge is making myself write it down. I’ll think I have a meal plan in my head, but that usually fails because I’ll be missing a key ingredient for a dish.

  48. I’ve been writing out my meal plans and grocery lists for a while now, I’d LOVE to be able to get this program free.

  49. I am a sporadic meal planner. However, when I do meal plan, my family eats better and is more healthy. The thing I struggle the most with is the time and effort it takes – not to meal plan necessarily – but to cook homemade meals. It is my desire and firm belief in my responsibility to provide my family with healthy food that keeps me going! I just started a trial subscription to PLAN TO EAT, and I’m loving it!

  50. Just started a diet change with real foods and eating 5 times a day! This would really make planning ahead easier. I’m realizing it doesn’t work doing it in my head or just jotting it down quickly.

  51. I used to meal plan but it was time consuming, so I stopped. I think a membership would help me since it saves time.

  52. I do not meal plan, but I know I should. I think I’m afraid of the “set-up” time and just haven’t jumped in.

  53. My biggest problem is all of it. Actually sitting down to do it, coming up with meals, make sure I stay in budget, making a shopping list (I always forget something)

  54. This looks amazing! One of the hardest thinks, I find, with meal planning is finding time to do it. This seems like it really save time.

  55. This looks amazing! One of the hardest things, I find, with meal planning is finding time to do it. This seems like it really saves time.

  56. I would love to win this! I do meal plan. I would be incredibly helpful if I was more organized and consistent, though. It makes it so much easier if I have everything planned out.

  57. I have a hard time making myself take the time to sit down and plan. I plan for a month at a time, so it is great when I actually make myself do it!

  58. I tend to put off peal planning thinking it takes too much time but once it’s done and I begin to use it, I’m so grateful that I took the time to do it!

  59. I meal plan through the week, but usually bomb out for the weekend, leaving us high and dry. I’d love to fix that 🙂

  60. I do not currently meal plan. I am trying out the PTE meal planning website. Seems to be a really cool site. My biggest problem besides actually doing a meal plan is remembering to start in the morning for some meals that need prep or defrosting.

  61. I struggled with how to have a plan and still be flexible. It works best for me to have a plan but feel free to switch the days around if something comes up.

  62. My biggest struggle is being consistent. I’ll plan out 2 weeks or so and for that 2 weeks things are glorious, Then I forget to do it and things fall apart pretty quickly. I think a program like this could really help me be more consistent.

  63. I do menu plan but struggle with actually sticking to it as well planning around what we already have in the house.

  64. My meal planning goes through phases. Sometimes money is so tight that we live almost day-to-day, so what we have is what we eat. It’s been harder lately to find the money to go out and get a week’s worth of groceries, let alone two weeks, which I used to do every paycheck.

  65. I do, but my biggest struggle lately is keeping up with it! Getting it done before I go grocery shopping especially.

  66. I would give this to my daughter who is a college student. She is trying very hard to eat clean. This would be a great tool for her!

  67. I currently do my menu planning on paper, and have a binder for recipe printouts, but it’d be nice to have it all together and online.

  68. I try…sometimes I’m fine, but then I start dreading it and put it off. And then we’re back to scrambling trips to the store every evening or take out. The biggest struggle is making the grocery list after deciding on the meals–I always forget something!

  69. I do meal plan. The challenge for me is finding ways to simplify my meal planning so it doesn’t take as much time (especially for those stretches of “very busy” times we all have!)

  70. My biggest problem is being consistent with it (I go in spurts of meal planning) and keeping everything organized. I need some way to keep everything in one spot, and make it easier for me to do, as I have SO much to accomplish in one day. With twin 3 1/2 year old girls, and working towards God-sufficiency on our farm, there’s not much extra time in the day. I’ve actually been looking at Plan To Eat, but don’t think we could fit it into our budget. Would love to win a free year! 😀

  71. I use “the fresh 20” meal plans. My subscription will expire soon & I would love to try plan to eat. I think it will help me & my family a lot!

  72. SO important to meal plan! Doing the pantry challenge over at helped me realize just how important meal planning was to feeding my family healthy foods while being frugal with our budget!

  73. I do meal plan but am totally manual currently. A drag and drop program would be awesome though I’m slightly intimidated at the thought of entering in my recipes. The hardest part of all for me, though, is the shopping list creation. For some reason I find it super cumbersome to add up just how much onion I need to make sure I buy enough!

  74. I meal plan each week, but need to start keeping copies of my plans so that I can reuse them and not start from scratch every week!

  75. I try, but I find it overwhelming to figure out what to cook for multiple days all at once. I hate doing it even for just one day!

  76. I do meal plan. It’s hardest for me to keep veggies fresh if I only shop once per week and it’s hard for me to find a consistent time each week when I can sit down and make my plan.

  77. I always meal plan, and I really love to, but my biggest struggle is finding time to do it. I always find time, but it’s a little rushed at times, and I know it could be better. This would be such an awesome help while my children are young!

  78. I know I should meal plan and shop regularly…. but I don’t. I’m single, and find it so hard to shop and cook for just myself. Maybe a system like this would work better. 🙂

  79. I do meal plan. My struggle is mostly just making the time to do it. And I don’t always use everything I buy as wisely as I should. Some goes to waste!

  80. My free Plan to Eat 30 day trial period just ended. I’m looking for a promo code to save a few bucks over a year membership. Thanks. . .

  81. I’ve been experimenting with meal planning the past few weeks, it’s very helpful for having ideas to turn to. My issue is keeping up on it and knowing what food I have, just need to stay on top of it!

  82. I’m transitioning to being a stay at home mom, and learning all this stuff is both challenging and fun! I’ve heard about meal planning, but never really been too organized with it, so I’d be interested in trying out plantoeat…. thanks for the contest!

  83. I have a teenager in my home now and feel that teaching her how to cook is very important. My husband and I cook from scratch and a meal planner would really help 🙂

  84. I meal plan… about four meals a week seems to do it for our little family. But you know, it is a task that I just.don’ I am so uninspired about meals… stuck in a boring rut of things that are “okay” but not our favorites.

  85. I’ve heard so many good things about PTE and am actually trying it out now – my main problem is just remembering to do it online!

  86. I try to meal plan, I love when I do. I just can’t seem to decide on the “perfect” menu for my week to work around what I already have in stock, coordinating days we have to eat early or late because of after school activities, days i won’t be home etc. i’m too indecisive.

  87. I’ve gotten so fed up with menu planning, I’ve tried a number of prepaid menus. And while none of them are bad, they really lack customization. This might just be what I need. Thanks!

  88. I meal plan like it is a religion. I’m doing it all on paper at the moment but I’d love to try a digital version.

  89. I was raised by a great meal planner, but as an adult I have found that I have some problems keeping up with it. Most recently, I have been using my google calendar to meal plan. While it works, I think that Plan to Eat may be a much better solution. I find that I am much more relaxed about preparing meals when I have planned, but still haven’t found THE best way to do it yet

  90. I meal plan regularly, but my biggest problem is incorporating sale items or “in-season” produce into my meal plan.

  91. I meal plan on the weekends with my husband. Sometimes I just get stuck trying to think of the “perfect” things to make that week. I have a lot of great cookbooks and resources but I just get overwhelmed trying to decide while incorporating things on sale, in season, healthy foods, and a variety.

  92. No, but I’d like to. My biggest struggle with meal planning is actually sitting down & taking the time to do it! I am hoping Plan to Eat makes this much quicker & easier. 😉

  93. I have just begun meal planning, so I’m trying to figure out exactly how to make it work. My biggest struggle has been figuring out what to cook on those days that we are busy with the children’s after-school activities when I don’t have as much time to cook.

  94. Dinner is the hardest because my brain is worn out. I try to plan and I do great when I do but then I fall off the wagon and it is a struggle again! This program would be great!

  95. I do currently with a monthly rotation (Fall/Winter plan & Spring/Summer plan), but it’s hard to adjust when unexpected stuff comes up or certain things needed for recipes are unavailable. This could be a great help :0)

  96. I do meal plan. I struggle most with finding variety in the preparation and seasoning of the foods we regularly eat.

  97. Have wanted to for years and never seem to follow through (the meal plan thing) tired of not achieving this goal and ready to move forward!

  98. I love to meal plan as it helps to keep me sane when shopping. I mainly use pinterest to keep meal ideas organized.

  99. 2013 is the year I am starting to switch my family to healthier, cleaner real food. How fortunate to run across your site! Thank you for the information–I look forward to learning from you!

  100. I used to be really good about meal planning…I’ve gotten away from it this past year. I need to get back on track!

  101. I don’t currently plan meals, unless I’m having a really great week 🙂 Being a working wife with a husband in law school, and weeknights full of meetings, Bible studies, and visiting with friends, it can be pretty challenging. I think meal planning would be extremely valuable and would love a little extra help!

  102. I *try* to meal-plan, and we’ve got a loose “rhythm” to the week (roast on Sunday, meatless Monday, etc.), which does help. But I’d love to be more intentional about it. I know we could be more frugal and careful with our food if I were planning more carefully!

  103. I meal plan our dinner entrees, but not much else. My biggest challenge is picky husband – the 6 year old is more adventurous than he is!

  104. Hardest part of meal planning for me is the big chunk of time it takes. I spend several hours every other Friday doing two weeks worth. But it is still so much better than being frantic every evening!

  105. I have tried various forms of meal planning for our family of nine. I struggle with getting into a rut; I also hate to throw out food because I forgot about it.

  106. I kind of meal plan loosely in my head for the week. My struggle is making sure I get home on time to make the plan happen.

  107. I meal plan in a very loose way and not every week. I just need to get in the habit. It is very helpful when I do plan ahead.

  108. I’m so excited to read about this here! Loving your site! I do currently meal plan. I think just keeping it all organized, especially when incorporating/trying new recipes is my biggest challenge currently. I appreciate all you offer here, including this great giveaway!

  109. I struggle to find a chunk of time large enough to sit down and plan out a menu and then make sure I get everything when I go shopping. It sure makes life easier though if I do make it happen.

  110. I try to plan using a calendar on my wall, but it is slow going and sometimes I don’t account for necessary ingredients. My biggest struggle is finding the time to sit down and plan.

  111. There are so many sources of recipes out there now that it is a little over-whelming. I am spending way to much time searching different sites. This sounds organized, and it would be a time-saver to have a weekly menu as a foundation for menu planning, supplemented with our own family favorites.

  112. I already meal plan by the month. I wonder if a service such as Plan to Eat would make this process easier and much quicker to plan meals and prepare a grocery list for this big chore.

  113. I’ve realized that, much as I would love a meal planner that has done all the work for me, it just doesn’t work for our specific food needs. There’s no pre-made plan that’s gluten free, dairy free, and designed to use up all the beef I need to use up from last year’s cow before we get this year’s.

  114. I don’t meal plan, my struggle is with being unorganized. I can’t seem to get my act together long enough to plan.

  115. The biggest struggle is that I’m not consistent. We’ll do it for a time and then lose track and before you know it I see my husband making DiGiorno pizza.

  116. I love meal planning, but my biggest struggle is that I always want to try new recipes and then end up spending more time making the meals than anticipated.

  117. I LOVE Plan to Eat. I became a member last summer. After being sick with a major infection all fall and winter, I am looking forward to finally getting into my meal planning! My biggest struggle is sticking to the plan! I’m really a free spirit when it comes to eating, “what do I “feel” like eating??” So I’m thinking I might meal plan for a week and then use which ever meal sounds good on that night. 🙂

  118. I haven’t ever gotten into planning my meals ahead, and too many times supper time is almost upon me and I say “what am I going to make?!” Meal planning seems a little daunting…maybe I just need something like this to help me along. And would I like it? There are so many recipes we like and so many new ones I want to try!

  119. We don’t meal plan right now, mostly because I’m a student and work and rarely have time to cook anything beyond the basics

  120. I have a hard time planning in advance because I do not know what I will feel like cooking or eating on a particular day. I would like to practice more though.

  121. I actually use and LOVE PTE – it’s what makes menu planning simple for me! It’s only hard when I don’t use it! 😉

  122. I meal planned once – forgot the name of the web-based program – but the collective cost of the meals was much higher than advertised. I’m doing it now in my head, jotting down a week’s worth at a time, but I’m not sure how much longer I can keep this up.

  123. I haven’t meal planned in awhile only because I gave the duty to my hubby who does all the grocery shopping. 🙂 My biggest struggle was finding time to do it.

  124. My biggest struggle with meal planning is that I think I should do something different quite often. I don’t like to do the same thing every week, but I don’t remember the things that I know I am good at making unless it has been recent. I need an easy to see place to keep all my recipes in a visible place!

  125. I need this sooo bad.. This is one of the biggest things I have been struggling with while working on a tight budget.

  126. I am off and one about meal planning. I like to buy what is on sale and then decide what to do with it. If I pick out my recipes and then go to the store. I end up not getting what is on sale and spending more..

  127. I’ve tried meal planning, I love the concept of it but I can never stick with it! I also end up making the same meals over and over.

  128. This looks like a great way to get started on meal planning… Something I’ve always wanted to do, but wasn’t sure how to proceed!

  129. I love the concept of keeping my meal planning online and especially the recipe queue. When I pin or file a recipe I may not see it again for months, so the queue is a neat feature. 🙂

  130. I try to meal plan, but I am not overly successful at it. My biggest struggle is keeping track of my menu plan and putting together a grocery list.

  131. I do weekly meal plans using a picture frame and white board marker, but sometimes it’s hard to be motivated to do it each week…

  132. I’ve played around with a few recipe planners but haven’t found one I like yet. Maybe this one will do the trick?

  133. Commenting again…lol. I have been diddling with this for two hours and I LOVE IT. If I don’t win I’ll buy it 🙂

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