On Things That Bring Me to a Complete Loss For Words
Words. I’m usually full of them.
As I write this post, however, I am entirely lacking in the right ones that will tell you what I want to say. In fact, my usually steady heart now beats frantically with panic at the sheer weight of responsibility hangs heavy over me as I contemplate what is to come…
In 3 months time, I will be headed on a plane to the Philippines with a team of bloggers with Compassion International.
So many words cloud my thinking and yet none of them can be easily articulated. anticipation. joy. humbled. fearful. honored. excited. trembling. incapable. grateful. dependent. weak. upheld. trust.
Last week, the Lord spoke to me through His word:
But Moses said to the LORD, “Oh, my Lord, I am not eloquent, either in the past or since you have spoken to your servant, but I am slow of speech and of tongue.” Then the LORD said to him, “Who has made man’s mouth? Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I, the LORD? Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak.” Exodus 4:1-12
Image by moyerphotos
Perfect timing
For more years than I can tell you, I have longed to go on a trip like this. To see these precious little ones that the Father loves so dearly. To hold them in my arms. To somehow, some way, bring just a little bit of His tender compassion and love to their lives. I had begun to doubt that it would ever happen, now as a wife and mother of three beautiful children of my own.
Never doubt His faithfulness. When He plants a dream in our hearts, there is a reason. He will see it through in His way, in His perfect timing.
I only pray that He will be with my mouth (and fingers), teaching me what I shall speak.
Our incredible team (Shaun, Patricia, Keely, Tsh, Lindsay, Kat and Emily) and I would covet your prayers as we prepare to go and speak on behalf of the beautiful Filipino people, sharing what the Lord is doing there and how you can join in that work.

Image by Salim Photography
The trip
We will be there May 29-June 4 and I (along with the other bloggers linked to above) will be writing more as we get closer to the trip, as well as live blogging the entire time that we are there, to share with you all that we are seeing and experiencing.
Thank you for joining me on this journey.
In August I am traveling with a team to Haiti to care for the orphans and serve using my nursing skills. I am a mother to a 5, 3, and 1 1/2 year old. I look forward to hearing about your trip as I prepare for Haiti.
@Jodi, That sounds like a wonderful trip, Jodi. What a blessing to be able to use your skills that way!
My husband and I sponsor 4 children in India with Compassion and are local advocates. We had the chance to meet one of our children 5 years ago and the experience was more than just life changing. You are going to have an amazing time, be blessed beyond measure and bless those children. I look forward to following the trip on the blog.
@Amy, How awesome that you were able to meet one of the children. What a blessing! I love that as I’m talking to people about this, I am learning or more and more people who are already doing the work of sponsorship and it makes me so much more eager to see the results of sponsorship with my own eyes!
Yes! My heart did a little jump when I read your news. Yes, yes, yes. I will be praying for you then … and I’m praying even now. (Eph. 3:20-21)
@Erika, Thank you, Erika!
What a tremendous blessing and gift can’t wait to follow your posts. I lived there in 98-99 working with a maternity and child health clinic, and traveled back in 2010 to get my son who was born on Davao. The people are amazing, so welcoming and kind…. I love it there. God’s hand is truly on the Filipino people. Be sure to try the mangoes and a ensaymada….mmmm.
@Dawn, Oh, that’s awesome! My husband also spent some time there right around 99-2000, and did some work in a health clinic. He loved it there, and we’re actually hoping that he’ll be able to go back there with me in May. He said the fruit was amazing, but the one thing I have to try it “baloot” (spelling?). Boiled, live, almost-ready-to-hatch chicken eggs that you slurp right out of the shell. Not so sure about that one… 🙂
How very exciting! If it weren’t against the Word, I would be jealous:) The words that you used above are right, but there are more… you will never be the same again.
I’m so excited for you! I spent a summer in Romania and it changes something in you. You’ll never be the same. I’m going to the Philippines too – May 7-15 – to do a day camp for local children and I know I’m not going to want to come home. I pray God fills you with His love so that you can in turn pour it out on those children. And remember 2 Cor 12:9 – “My grace is sufficient for you.” What we’re lacking He provides.
@Kelli, I believe that it will be life changing. That scares me just a bit, and yet I welcome it, too. I believe that I might not want to come home. I’m so excited to see what God will do!
Hello, I understand exactly how you are feeling. Our family lived in the Philippines for 2 years from 2007-2009, and we delivered our 2nd child there in that time ( I found out I was expecting the month that we moved there) We lived in Mindanao in a city called Iligan and we also lived in Luzon in a city called Baguio City. I learned alot about the people there, ediquete(sp?) and their culture in the little bit of time we were there. If you have any questions about these kind of things, feel free to email me:)
@Becky, What an experience, Becky. I can only imagine all that you learned during that time!
@Becky, We will be spending 3 months in Baguio City at Doane Rest relieving full time missionaries who are returning to the US for furlough. We were there for 4 months in 2008. Wonder if we met you then.
What a wonderful, blessed opportunity Stephanie! 🙂 Our prayers are with you!
I will be praying for you all.
What an wonderful and important opportunity to show God’s love!
I look so forward to meeting you. What a beautiful post you’ve written here about it all!
@emily freeman, I also can’t wait to meet you, Emily! 🙂
Good luck Stephanie! I’ve been to the Philippines, and I’m sure you will have a lot to help out with there.
I am looking forward to hearing about your trip! We have a compassion kid in the Philippines, and last year, we adopted our son from the Philippines!
@Trish, Oh, I love that you’ve adopted from the Philippines. When we found out I was going (only a few weeks ago) my husband ask, “Do you think we can pull everything together to adopt a child by the time you go in 3 months?” Sigh… I only wish! 🙂
…And He will give you the words to say.
…And His words are always better than the words of man.
So happy to read your news!
Looking forward to following along as you share…
This is so exciting! I saw Kat’s post last week anouncing her inlcusion on the team and was excited when I clicked on the link and saw that you and Lindsay were going to be there, too. What an amazing opportunity! Even though I’m not a blogger, I hope that I can be a part of a trip like this someday. My church is very committed to providing opportunities for individuals to take God’s love around the world, so perhaps one day I will. Blessings to you and all those on your team!
So excited for you and the team Stephanie and keep you in my prayers. Looking forward to see what the Lord teaches all of you and through your team teaches all of us readers 🙂
Thankful that we can share this experience with you.
To God be the glory!!
I love that we’ve already had the chance to meet and I’m so excited to go on this adventure with you!
@Kat, Me too, Kat! I was so thrilled when I saw the list of bloggers, and realized that they were all these fantastic women I had already met! 🙂
I can’t wait to hear all about it! We sponsor three precious children through Compassion and I would LOVE to make it over to visit them one day. You’re going to have such an amazing time, what a great opportunity! We’ll be keeping you in our prayers xx
Just remember, “He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it.” Philippians 1:6
I went on a trip with Compassion a year and half ago. The trip was amazing. We were in Lima Peru. I was not sponsoring a child at the time but most of the people on the trip were. The time they spent with those children and just being able to look on brought me to tears. There was such love from the children and their families. You will have a trip that you will remember a lifetime. Enjoy every moment and spend time with the children as much a possible they will touch your life.
What a wonderful post! The Lord has proven to me over and over that He’s got my back and He knows my limits (turns out that they’re much higher than I imagine myself!) My MIL has taken 2 trips to the same place for medical missions (via Bridge of life) She has stepped from a comfy job as VP to work for Bridge of life permanently. She came back quite a changed woman and looks forward to going back! We will pray fro all of you as you journey and share your knowledge. May God bless you now and always.
This is just awesome!!! My daughter is making plans for her second mission trip to the Philippines. Last summer she spent two months working at an orphanage and this year she will be going further north. It was hard work for her, but the lasting rewards will be with her forever. We are just waiting for God to provide the financial means. We know he will in his own time and if he does not then we know there is another door to walk through that will be a greater blessing. I will add you and your team to my prayer list. I hope you will be able to keep us updated on your work.
Melissa M.
Hi Stephanie,
I am Filipina and I am based in Manila. It must be God’s will for me to come across this blog and read that you will be coming over in a couple months’ time. I don’t have much in terms of finances, but if you have time, I would love to meet you and the rest of the blogging team when you come over. Or, just send me an email. I’d be glad to help in any way I can.
My prayers are with you.
@Sammy, Thanks, Sammy. What a sweet offer! At this point, I have no idea what our itinerary is and I know that they’ll keep us very busy (in a good way!) but it’s so nice to know that I have readers in the Manila area, and I am so thankful for the prayers. 🙂
@Stephanie @ Keeper of the Home, Keep being an inspiration, Stephanie. 🙂
We will just miss you in the Philippines. My husband and I will be doing a short term ministry trip beginning June 20 through September 19 there. My husband and his first wife (who is now with the Lord) were career missionaries for 28 years in the Philippines and also 8 years in Australia. This will be my second trip. We relieve other missionaries who are returning to the US for furlough. We will be praying for you as your serve the Lord in the Philippines!
My children and I have been reading your compassion blogs. Thanks so much for going, giving, and encouraging us all. On a side note I have noticed that you ad for Berkley water filter. Have you ever looked at Dr. Mercola’s whole house water filter system and if so what do you think?
@Lisa, And thank YOU for reading, especially with your children. Awesome.
And no, I haven’t looked into the Mercola filter yet, so unfortunately I can’t really compare. I would imagine it’s a lot more expensive, although I would love to be able to filter the water for our whole house!