Search Results for: PCOS

Q&A: Living with PCOS

  I've enjoyed your posts on PCOS. I'm struggling with that right now. Do you think this condition contributes to my sugar cravings? Jennifer Definitely! But it's not just the PCOS, although that certainly contributes. I can think of 3 likely reasons for sugar cravings: 1) Unbalanced blood sugar and insulin levels, common in most…

Living with PCOS: More Q&A

Continuing on from Monday's post… 3) Do you have the insulin problem (insulin resistance) and if so, how do you deal with it? I do have insulin issues, although mine are not as pronounced as some women's. This may be because I have been able to maintain a healthy weight, ever since I began to…

Living with PCOS: Some Q&A

Hello, fellow PCOS’ers! I hope you don’t think that I have forgotten or abandoned you in light of my current pregnancy! In fact, it makes me even more eager than ever to continue to talk through the issues surrounding PCOS. I hope that I can offer encouragement, as I keep sharing about the lifestyle changes…

Nourishing Traditional Diets- For those with PCOS and anyone else desiring good health!

I have been leading up to writing more specifically about what good nutrition looks like for those living with PCOS. Although what I have to share today is not specifically about PCOS, it is solid, nutritional teaching that will benefit anyone and is the backbone of overall good health. These are the teachings of Dr….

Living with PCOS: What to Eat

go through the basic tenets of weston price's teaching: fermented, cultulred, raw dairy, grass-fed meats, seafood, cod liver oil, butter and cream, soaked whole grains, vegetables, etc. make it as basic and straightforward as you can. a list of his basic teachings.

Start Here

Welcome to Keeper of the Home! We’re so glad you’re here! If you are a woman like me, you want the people you care about to live happy, healthy lives. But let’s face it—living a naturally healthy life is not easy these days. Does This Sound Familiar? I know it can be tough to get reliable…

My New Normal

My New Normal

Curious to know how I got onto this road of pursuing more healthy, natural living? This is my story: Hi friends, You know, back when I first started Keeper of the Home (seven years ago… can you believe it?), I shared a lot of my personal story. But our readership has changed and grown so…

What is “Real” Health?

What is “Real” Health?

Written by Kate Tietje, Contributing Writer These days, it’s hard to pinpoint what health really is. Our country’s health is going down the tubes – there are constantly reports on how more and more people are suffering from obesity, diabetes, heart disease, chronic infections, stomach disorders, reproductive disorders/infertility, cancer, neurological disorders, learning disabilities…. And yet,…