Search Results for: PCOS

Q&A: In The Garden

This is the first of several posts (about 6 or 7, I believe) in which I am attempting to get caught up on all of the great questions that have been sitting in my inbox this spring!!! I'll be answering them according to theme, so some of the upcoming posts will be focused on Nutrition,…

Exercise… do you do it?

So… my hubby and I finally made the decision we've been considering for the past month or two. We bit the bullet and joined a gym! Actually, I've been a member of several different gyms in the past, but we haven't done this since our first year of marriage, before the sweet kiddos started arriving….

Menu Plan Monday- June 2

I don't know about the rest of you, but there is only so much of Nourishing Traditions that I can incorporate into my cooking style at once. We were already very on-board regarding the quality of our foods (ie. natural, free range meats, some wild fish, organic dairy, raw cheese, organic or unsprayed produce, a…

A very happy ending

All of that hard work and restricting what I ate these past couple of months was worth it! This morning I went to see my Naturopath for a food sensitivity re-test, as well as to get the results of my general health screen (blood tests), and discuss where to go from here. I was so…