Wanna Write A Guest Post?

It's time for me to make another plea for some fantastic guest posters, to fill in the gaps during the first 6-8 weeks after this baby is born!

Speaking of baby being born, I had my ultrasound today and the news was good… the placenta is a bit low, but not dangerously low, so there are no worries about a natural birth! Whohoo! As well, baby is no longer as transverse (sideways) as it was, but is now almost straight head down. It's back is facing out and to the side, not towards my spine, which earns a huge sigh of relief from me, as I've done both a posterior (facing the wrong way- pushing on the mom's spine and tailbone) and an anterior birth (the right way, that lends itself to faster, smoother births), and I know which one I preferred! And, baby looks like it will be a nice, average size, right around 7 lbs, just like my first baby. All around, I'm thrilled with the news and excited to work at getting baby all the way into the right position and start preparing myself for labor! 🙂

So, back to the business at hand… finding fabulous ladies who would like to contribute to my blog!

Here are some topics I would be interested in having posts on:

  • traditional nutrition/ whole foods
  • gardening (organic is a big bonus!)
  • preserving food (canning, drying, freezing, etc.)
  • homeschooling or mothering
  • organization in the home
  • frugality and/or sound money management (cash system, budgeting, being debt-free, etc.)
  • natural living topics (recipes for beauty products or cleaning supplies, avoiding toxins in the home, using herbs and natural medicine)
  • going green topics (reducing waste, composting, earth-friendly products, etc.)
  • infant care (breastfeeding, cloth diapering, etc.)
  • living simply
  • Biblical womanhood in general

Is that broad enough for y'all? 🙂 I'm interested in lots of topics, and I hope you are, too!

The one major requirement for these guest posts is that they be written and submitted to me within the next 6 weeks, so that I can have them all ready to go before baby arrives.

If you're interested, please send me an email at keeperofthehome (at) canada (dot) com. Let me know any topics that you're thinking of, and your blog address (if you have one).

Thanks so much! I always look forward to learning from you and gleaning from the wonderful things you have to share!

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