The Easiest Sourdough Pancakes Ever 6

The Easiest Sourdough Pancakes Ever

Sourdough is my preference when it comes to preparing grains. If we were to compare the efficiency and health benefits of grain preparation to, let’s say speed, I’d say soaking is like riding a bicycle with training wheels, sprouting is a professional bike racer, and sourdough is akin to a motorcycle.

There are many health reasons to prefer sourdough over others, and today I’m going to share one of my favorite sourdough recipes. Pancakes.

As I mentioned with my Basic Sourdough Bread recipe, when I make something with sourdough, I want to use as much sourdough starter as I can. In this recipe, the entire ‘batter’ is sourdough starter with a few spices thrown in – and it’s AMAZING!

As with everything I cook, I make a large batch to feed the kids’ bottomless pits and still have enough to freeze for quick leftovers later, but you can easily halve this recipe if needed.

The Easiest Sourdough Pancakes Ever 6
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Sourdough Pancakes Recipe (Nut Free, Yeast Free, Sugar Free)

Course: Breakfast
Servings: 0
Author: Ann Timm


  • 6 c. sourdough starter
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 c. homemade yogurt
  • 2 T. cinnamon
  • 2 T. stevia
  • 2 t. baking soda
  • 2 t. baking powder


  • Bring your cast iron pans, griddle, or what have you, to a nice hot temperature. I like it when I can drip water on the pan and it sizzles. Drop some bacon grease, lard, or coconut oil onto the pan and let it melt.
  • Combine the starter and the eggs first. Depending on how thick this, begin adding yogurt until it comes to the batter consistency your family prefers.
  • Add the rest of the ingredients and whisk together. I just use a 1/2 cup measuring cup to pour it onto the griddles, but if you want to be more sophisticated about it, be my guest. 😉
  • Pour batter onto griddle and flip just as edges start to get a dry appearance to them.
  • Pour a little real maple syrup over them, stack them up like the leaning tower of Pisa, or just gobble them up without fanfare - no matter how you eat them, enjoy!

What is your favorite method of grain preparation? Have you tried sourdough yet?

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    1. It really depends on your brand of stevia. Some are stronger than others. I’ve noticed too that when you add stevia to anything you cook or freeze, the sweetness diminishes. For instance, I only need to add a tsp of stevia to a whole gallon of Red Raspberry Leaf Teaand it’s great, but I need more for anything I plan to bake.

      Another reason is that this batter is entirely made of sourdough starter, so it’s quite ‘potent’. The kids are still getting used to the sour taste so I add enough stevia so that it isn’t too overpowering.

  1. Thanks so much for this recipe, Paula–and for your sourdough tips on your blog! I will have to pin them! I have yet to attempt sourdough, but it’s my hubby’s favorite! We buy fresh sourdough bread at an Amish store about 45 minutes away–and freeze several loaves at a time. Of course, that doesn’t help me make pancakes! 😉

    These look absolutely delicious–and healthy! 🙂

  2. Wow, Paula, I had no clue you could make a batter with just the sourdough starter. But it makes sense! These sound really yummy!

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