I wondered to myself, "What does the Bible say about fear?" So I looked it up, and this is what I found...and this is what I experienced in my prayer as a result.

What Does the Bible Say about Fear?

Over the years my fears have grown along with my kids. It seems the bigger my children get, the bigger the fears get, especially now that four of the six are driving! But a few years ago I was waking up to terrible nightmares every night. I would sit straight up in the bed thinking I was stuck in a tiny space in the dark and couldn’t get out. This went on for months and I never figured out why I was having them. I felt trapped in my own nightmares. Unsure where to turn for help. I love how Janie shares about her ‘irrational’ fear, we all have those don’t we? Follow her five steps to win at fear and find peace! ~Ann

Have you ever wondered, as I did, “What does the Bible say about fear?”

In my last post, I shared my personal struggle with what seemed like an irrational fear … until I discovered that my fear was rooted in a subconscious memory! 

However, just because I had found the source, did not remove the fear.

When I had nowhere else to turn (why is it always that way?), I got on my knees beside my bed in my dorm at the University of North Carolina, and I prayed

But before I prayed, I scanned a list of Scripture passages in the Bible that dealt with fear.

(If you ever want to do that, find a Bible with a concordance in the back. What that means is an index with topics that are alphabetical. I looked up “fear,” and there they were!)

I wondered to myself, "What does the Bible say about fear?" So I looked it up, and this is what I found...and this is what I experienced in my prayer as a result.

At first I was discouraged because I was looking for the “how to” verse that would take this fear away! The best that I could find was where I learned that the Psalmist David “sought the Lord” and he was delivered from all of his fear! (Psalm 34:4).

OK. I guess I’m on the right path at least…” I thought to myself.

I kept plowing away through Scripture, looking for more clues to help me.

Trying not to be discouraged, I reached near the end of the list—which also happened to be at nearly the end of the New Testament.

It’s a little letter written by John, one of the Apostles of Jesus. In his letter to one of the churches, he says:

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love” (I John 4:18).

I remember looking up from the text and saying simply to God: “So that’s why I have fear! I don’t love you perfectly!”

Much to my shock, I heard a simple reply in the secret place of my heart:  “No, I love you perfectly.”

My response was also shocking: “I don’t believe that!” I said firmly.

I’m asking you to believe it.

I wondered to myself, "What does the Bible say about fear?" So I looked it up, and this is what I found...and this is what I experienced in my prayer as a result.

I looked down at the Bible and read the passage again.

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love” (I John 4:18).

I shook my head sadly. I just could not believe I was loved perfectly.

Besides, I didn’t even know what that meant!

So, I asked: “What does that mean?”

I am asking you to trust me even if what you most deeply fear comes upon you.”


I slumped onto my knees on the floor. This makes no sense to me! Why this answer!? I can’t be hearing God right!

I was sick at heart … and confused! What??? 

I felt I had no choice but to risk finding out what this meant.

I simply laid my head on the bed and closed my eyes. Instinctively, I let my imagination see myself on the ground having a grand mal seizure. For a few moments I watched myself shaking and jerking out of control…

I wondered to myself, "What does the Bible say about fear?" So I looked it up, and this is what I found...and this is what I experienced in my prayer as a result.

Then, I was stunned to see what happened next. Suddenly, I saw a form that I knew was Jesus. He was standing over me with his hand extended over my flailing body.

Seeing Him there, a vision of complete peace and calm, I felt calm flow through my soul. I was no longer afraid.

The astonishing thing is that the peace I experienced had nothing to do with my body suddenly becoming still. Honestly, none of that mattered anymore.

All that mattered was that Jesus was keeping me safe, because MY SOUL WAS SAFE. He kept safe the only part of me that would live on forever!

At that moment I thought of the Scripture that says:

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor principalities, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39).

My soul, my body, my mind  were flooded with deep peace and joy. I knew now the truth of these words! NOTHING can separate me from the love of Christ … NOTHING!

There was so much more to come in the years that followed, but I can tell you that this difficult time was life-changing! I am actually so glad that I had to work this out with Christ alone! 

Yes, there were times when other dangers and fears would confront me and try to destroy my peace. But now I knew how to face these threats.

I knew how to face the tiger: with the power of knowing the perfect love of Christ that would keep me safe EVEN IF! Tigers crouch back with this power flashed before them! Not even a tiger can snatch me out of His hand! (ref. John 10:27)

When we continue in this series on fear, I will share with you what I found out about the root of fear and how wonderfully God went to the root with me.

Would you like for Him to help you too? 

I wondered to myself, "What does the Bible say about fear?" So I looked it up, and this is what I found...and this is what I experienced in my prayer as a result.

Follow these simple steps to have Jesus help you with your fear:

1. Identify your fears.

2. Pick the fear you are MOST afraid of.

3. In quiet and solitude, talk to Jesus about your fear.

4. Ask Him to show YOU how much He loves you!

5. Enter into prayer and see your fear, waiting for the love of Christ come to you!

Comfort your soul with these words:

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from me, for my Father has given them to me, and he is more powerful than anyone else.d No one can snatch them from the Father’s hand” (John 10:227-29).

How have you found peace in what the Bible says about fear?

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  1. O hallelujah! This lesson on fear is blessing me right now even though i am a reborned christian of 17 years and have memorized many prayers in the bible like the armor of God , pslm 91 , isa 54? Lol no weapon , keep me as the apple of your eye lord . Im feeling blessed here because even if we do zin all we have to do is ask God to forgive us and help us to have more understanding and strenght in our inner man to not keep repeating our mistakes amem ? I fear Gods wtath but thats the only thing because without God im nothing but fear! Im 57 now and eas a child of darkness for the first 40 years of my life . That part of me is zo mean it scares me ! I dont know if this makes any sense to anyone reading this but someone in my heart tells me it will ? thank you for making my day and GBU All
    Sister in Christ Marla

  2. Everyone was so afraid last year,

    It was the year the world was supposed to fall apart in a way it did but,
    there was volcanic eruptions earthquakes, people mocking the lord. People were killing committing the unforgivable sin. We do not have to be afraid! We are stronger then they are those demons the bible said would come! We are all fighting this war together brothers and sisters! Pray for each other to have strength in our Christian walks. This is a war that will end have faith. MY ADVICE TO ALL OF YOU IN THIS BATTLE IS HAVE FAITH DONT BE SCARED. God bless you all may our father be with you.

    1. I really needed this as I’ve been struggling for a year now only to be at the most peace with myself at exactly the worst time in a long time for mankind. God bless you all, and shine on! Much love to you all!

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