
We’re buying into a cow share!

No, this isn’t some warped version of a vacation time share! But to this nutritionally minded gal, it almost ranks up there with a holiday (well, maybe… Greece or cow share? Hmmm, I’ll get back to you on that…)

Here’s the deal: We are going to pay into owning a percentage of a small herd of cows, on a local farm. We will then pay a weekly maintenance fee, which entitles us to a set amount of raw, natural milk from said cows. And then, once a week, we get to go pick up our fresh, raw, creamy, delicious, unadulterated, pure… ok, ok, I know you get the point. Our raw milk.

In B.C., Canada, where I live, it is illegal to sell raw (unpasteurized) milk. I know that in many American states, the same is true. However, there is a loophole. The government cannot legislate what the owner of a cow does with his/her own milk. Although this farmer cannot legally sell me the milk, regardless of whether I am willing to take the risk upon myself, he can allow me to purchase into a cow share, thereby making me part owner of the cows, and at liberty to do with the milk as I see fit.

Why should you care about drinking raw vs. regular, pasteurized milk? I’m glad you asked! Here are a few reasons:

  1. Raw milk is absolutely full of enzymes and nutrients that are lost in the pasteurization process.
  2. Many, many people who are "lactose intolerant" are able to digest milk if it still has it’s natural enzymes available to aid in the digestion process.
  3. Pasteurization kills most of milk’s goodness, making it virtually lifeless, in an effort to kill any possible bacteria. I just finished using some Organic Ultra-Pasteurized milk today- the best before date was early January!!!! Ladies, this should not be!
  4. Homogenization alters the structure of the fat molecules in milk. Our body cannot assimilate them properly, and treats them as foreign invaders. This contributes to atherosclerosis (thickening of the artery walls, which can contribute to heart disease) and food allergies.
  5. The calcium in regular milk is barely usable for our bodies, but in raw milk it can be much more readily absorbed.
  6. Raw milk tastes incredibly creamy and delicious!

I highly recommend that you take the time to read this informative article from the Weston Price Foundation site, on the health issues regarding the quality of the milk that we drink, as well as visit the site of the Campaign for Real Milk, which includes a directory for finding sources of raw milk in North America (there are a few other countries included, but the listing are few).

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  1. My husband & I raise Angus cattle naturally in North Carolina, USA and recently bought a Brown Swiss milk cow. We enjoy raw milk as well as butter & cheese made from it. We’ve received many inquires for shares in our cow after simple word-of-mouth advertizing. As far as you know, is there a scriptural basis for consumption of raw milk products?

    Stacey Tisdale

  2. Stacey, how wonderful that you are able to have your own cow and enjoy all those great dairy products! The demand for these products really is growing, isn’t it?

    As far as a Biblical basis for raw milk consumption, I’m honestly not sure. Milk is not mentioned in the levitical laws surrounding meat consumption. Milk is mentioned many times in the old testament, in a very positive light. God told his people about a land “flowing with milk and honey”, which I do not imagine he would have spoke of if he was opposed to his people consuming milk.

    As to whether that milk should be raw or not, I suppose my conviction in drinking raw milk comes from the current information available about the enzymes, nutrients and greater digestability of raw milk. When I read these things, I feel grateful that God, in his wisdom and kindness, created foods that are not only delicious but also wonderful for our health. I desire to eat foods in the most natural form possible, as close to the way that God originally made them. However, I also bake my meat and enjoy steamed veggies and toasted almonds- all cooked versions of foods that started off raw. Hmmm…

    There is a large raw food movement that believes to truly eat food as God intended (in the garden of Eden) that we should never cook our food at all (although most of these people are vegan). And yet many foods are more digestible, easier to eat, and also just plain good when cooked. I think that although raw foods are very beneficial to our health, there is no reason to avoid cooked food altogether.

    I suppose what I am saying is that I see no moral reason for drinking milk either raw or pasturized, but I do believe that God made milk to be the most beneficial in it’s raw and natural state.

    What an interesting question- I’d love to hear your thoughts on the issue!

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