Swagbucks Offer

The people over at Swagbucks have decided to offer a bit of a sign-up incentive for my readers!

If you've been hearing about Swagbucks and are still a bit unsure of what this whole thing is about, here are the basics:

  • Whenever you want to search for something on the web( ie. a google search), simply use your Swagbucks search instead. You can use the Swagbucks homepage or add a Swagbucks search to your internet toolbar. You will randomly be awarded prizes of 1, 2 or even 5 "bucks".
  • As your points build up, you can trade them in for great gift certificates (among other things, but I like the certificates best). These include Amazon, Starbucks, Target, iTunes, Paypal, Restaurant.com, Barnes and Noble, etc. Depending on the card you choose, it will either be mailed to you within a few weeks, or you will receive a code to use when shopping online to redeem your gift certificate.
  • Your Swagbucks earning power goes up when you have friends sign up under you, so let others know about it using your promotion codes (you can get these once you've signed up).

All in all, I've been more than impressed this past month, as I earn gift certificates for places that our family likes to shop at! My latest fun has been with Amazon cards, where I'm able to purchase groceries (last week I got Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Raw Cacao Powder), books, gifts, nutritional supplements, and even heirloom garden seeds (yes, this makes me excited!).

That said, if you sign up through my links, you'll receive 5 Swagbucks (3 for signing up, and 2 extra bucks for using my code) when you register for the first time, putting you well on your way towards your first gift card! Make sure that you use the code KEEPEROFHOME to get your extra bucks (code expires this Friday, July 24).

And then I promise, I'll stop talking about how great Swagbucks are, just as soon as I get over how great they really are! 🙂

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  1. Swagbucks is pretty neat but I just don’t see how you can earn very many points unless you have a blog to promote them.

  2. I agree that the points won’t rack up as fast, but even before I promoted it on my blog, I was still moving steadily towards earning stuff, just from doing searches. I can also see how fast my readers earn points (I don’t actually know who they are, just that they’re earning points) and some people have already earned enough in one month to buy a gift certificate and are on their way to more, so I know that others are actually earning stuff without having their own blogs. 🙂

  3. Use it as your search engine instead of google or yahoo or whatever you use. (using their toolbar) There are less results to scroll through and most of the time I find what I need right away. I’ve started to wrack up points and I don’t do it that often. Not enough to get a gift certificate yet, but sometime by Christmas is my goal.

  4. How does this work for people outside of the USA? I know you’re not in the USA, but I know you have abilities to get things when you see family. Amazon.com is American I thought….but what do I know I really don’t know anything about the internet LOL

  5. Hi Nola, I signed up from Canada. By the way, please notice that the promotion code is KEEPER OF HOME, not Keeper of THE home (I only made this mistake three times). It’ll be interesting to see how fast I can rack up points.

  6. Nola, they aware Amazon.ca gift certificates as well as .com ones. And you can use the .com ones from Canada, you just pay a bit more for your shipping. My husband is able to use the US iTunes gift certificate from Canada as well (not sure how, but if someone really wants to know, I can ask him how he does it). There may be other gift certificates that work for Canadians, too, like Starbucks perhaps, but I’m just not sure about all of them yet.

  7. Thanks for reminding me of this again. I meant to sign up the first time, but forgot! I love anything that gives me something for free for doing something that I would do anyways! It is great that you get the perk of getting all of the points of the people who sunscribe under you. I’m glad to share the wealth 🙂 LOL!

  8. So what’s the catch? I assume they are harvesting and/or selling your information somehow, otherwise why would they pay you to search the web? Anyone have an idea of exactly how much info they’re collecting on you and your machine as you search? Or are they just selling their research based on their users’ habits? Their privacy policy is available but I don’t think those things are usually worth much…

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