I Tweet! (Oh yes, I do!)
Did you think you’d ever see the day when I joined Twitter? 🙂
I haven’t been shy in my dislike for social media or the fact that I think it can tend to be a time-stealer and get in the way of being focused and efficient in my roles as a mom, wife and homemaker (and note that I said in my roles, because I know my own tendency to get off track if I’m not careful- I know that many people are able to carefully balance the use of social media and I think that’s great). I still think that these things (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) can have the potential to distract us and it’s important to make sure that we keep our priorities in order and not allow them to get in the way of those things that are far more important.
However, my husband has been looking into Twitter a lot lately and feels that it’s a really valuable tool from a business perspective. It’s ideal for keeping in touch with my readers (that would be you!) more frequently and consistently, and also on a more personal level. It also allows me to pass great information and resources on to you very quickly and easily, such as helpful websites, yummy recipes, interesting facts, exciting giveaways, thought-provoking quotes and so many other things. When used well, Twitter can be a worthwhile tool for communicating and that makes it something that I feel like I can wholeheartedly participate in.
And so, I’ve agreed to join the ranks and start tweeting along with you all!
Wanna join me? Follow me on Twitter!
(And on a related topic, during my blog’s transfer over to WordPress, my feed was temporarily broken and many people unsubcribed as a result. Rest assured that the feed is indeed working again and you can re-subscribe by clicking here. There are options to subscribe either through a feed reader (like Google Reader or Bloglines) or else through your email (you’ll receive an email each time I post), so choose what suits you best! Thanks everyone and sorry for the inconvenience!)
It’s about time, Steph. 😉 You probably already know, but TweetDeck is a fantastic Twitter app. It’s all I’ll use. You can set up columns to pay attention to only the tweets you really want to see, forgoing a lot of the “timesucker static.”
You can follow me! @AmysFinerThings
Me again. 🙂 Have you tried to comment on your own blog since you put in the Captcha thing? It’s difficult… takes me away from your blog. Is it just me?
Now that you’re on wordpress (Yay!) there are some spam plug-ins that make verification unnecessary. I like akismet.
Thanks Amy! 🙂 I’d love to follow you. I’m still just getting things set up, and my hubby and I are researching ways to make using Twitter as easy as possible for me. I’m glad to get any recommendations! I had heard of TweetDeck but haven’t tried it out yet.
And I didn’t realize that Captcha was enabled (I hired someone else to set up my blog on WP so I’m still sorting through all the settings). I’ve deactivated it now, so it should be better. Thanks for bringing my attention to that (because I’m always logged in, I couldn’t see that it was enabled).
My dh just got me tweeting this past week! I have been on FB for a little while and have to force myself to limitmy time. BUT I doooo love getting to know my blog friends better there so i thought Twitter might help too. Good to have you on Twitter! I’m at mom24heritage if you want to follow….
Blessings & glad you’re feeling better,
I read on my google reader that you are now on twitter, so I am following you. I must admit, I don’t tweet very often, as I can never think of anything to say! I do better on my blog and facebook I think.
Anyway, I am @momsthewordfun in case you see it and wonder who I am. Have fun!
I was pleasantly surprised to see you on Twitter today. I don’t find it to be a huge time waster myself, but it is addicting! I love the personal level that it brings to my bloggers and readers and I am sure you will too!
I tried Tweet Deck and found that it slowed my computer down considerably so I ended up uninstalling it. I just keep who I follow down and open up tabs in windows to keep track of conversations. Probably not too efficient but it works for me!
How awesome that your book is in paperback format now! I pray that it sells well for you!
.-= Angela´s last blog ..Feeling Like Fall =-.