Day in the Life: Brandy (A Monday in the Life of The Marathon Mom)

Day in the Life: Brandy (A Monday in the Life of The Marathon Mom)

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Written by Brandy, Contributing Writer

A day in the life of who?

Truth be told, I don’t claim the title of The Marathon Mom, although I totally envision motherhood as a marathon. And yes, my blog is called The Marathon Mom. But the reason for that is because I realized a LONG time ago, that I am anything BUT Supermom.

Oh, it’s something I commonly hear when I am in public with my entourage of eight sons and my celebrity husband. (He’s not a REAL celebrity, but everyone knows who he is everywhere we go.)  “Oh, you’re SUPERmom!” they say, as they count and recount our boys. “You look so well-rested and thin. What’s your secret?”

And to keep with truth-telling, I have absolutely no secrets, and furthermore, begin to play back in my mind the previous night’s wakefulness, choosing to forgo the details with the aforementioned polite inquirers.

I dare not start the marathon of a conversation it would be to explain my day’s events, let alone the paradigm which affords me enough sanity to stay the course, and I smile pleasantly and reply, “no, I’m no more special than any other mom.”

Day in the Life: Brandy (A Monday in the Life of The Marathon Mom)

None of my days really look the same, as there are different schedules for different days with this many active boys.

But we’ll start at 3:23 AM, since my day no more has a definite start than it has a finish.

The baby wakes to nurse. He’s a big, strong baby, with plenty of marshmallow, and I no more suspect that the child needs a feeding than he does a diaper change. Nonetheless, I nurse and cuddle sleepily for ten or so minutes, and look to see what email alert just went off on my phone. I put the baby back in his crib just next to my bed.

Day in the Life: Brandy (A Monday in the Life of The Marathon Mom)

6:00 AM, and he’s awake again. Same story, second dance.

7:00 AM, and I hear almost simultaneously, the blast of water from the upstairs shower starting, and my phone alarm. It’s time to get our 9th grader and 6th grader ready for their school day at the university model school they attend three days a week. I spend a few minutes talking to God while it’s still quiet, ask Him for His mercy and grace for the day, and make my way to the kitchen. I kiss the early riser 1st grader who enthusiastically asks what’s for breakfast. I make myself a coffee, not even missing my old vanilla creamer anymore, then get breakfast for him, and for the two older boys ready. Drew watches cartoons while I make lunches for the older boys and begin to hurry them along.

By 7:30, I’m filling water bottles, not just for the boys’ day at school, but a gallon jug for their football practice afterwards. I’m asking them if they have all their schoolwork packed, lining up their lunchboxes at the door with their bags, making sure the 6th grader’s hair is fixed, and all just in time to greet two or three other little boys who’ve woken up by this point. The baby cries, and when I pick him up, he shows me his usual jolly smile that lights up a room.

With the older two boys out the door with their daddy by 8:00, it’s just me and my youngest six, with whom every day is a challenge AND a delight. I try to eat a few bites while I get them all fed, even the baby, who nurses and has 1/4 of a fresh smashed banana (just started this week), and then get them dressed (many times from the previous night’s laundry load that got dumped onto the couch. What? You don’t do this, too?)

Our goal is to start our studies by 9:00. There is no huge hurry since it only takes us a few hours to get everything done. Some days it might take a little more time if we choose to craft and then laminate American flags (like today). I begin our lessons every day with something you might know as “circle time”. I sit in my rocking chair in our schoolroom, with our boys at my feet and we start our day talking about a specific character quality that we study for the week. We talk about what obedience or thoroughness or diligence means and how this quality is pleasing, then read a related Bible story, say a memory verse together, and then we pray for our day – for our family, that we would do all things as unto Him, and that each one of us would love Him with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength.

Day in the Life: Brandy (A Monday in the Life of The Marathon Mom)

By now, it’s usually 10:00, and we always do Math at this time. Our 4th grader uses an amazing math curriculum called Teaching Textbooks, and while he’s busy with that, I make sure the 1st and 2nd grader are working in their workbooks. Levi, by now, is pulling me by one arm and one leg to do HIS books with him. I happily oblige, while rocking the baby to sleep. It’s time for his first nap.

With Lincoln asleep next to me in his travel crib, I work efficiently, from one boy to the next, teaching or reinforcing any math concepts. Rounding and estimating for one. Hundreds, tens, ones places for another. Subtraction and counting money with yet another. Levi and Landen have a fight, which I quickly extinguish, lest the baby is awakened and I become distracted. We all know what happens when a homeschooling mother gets distracted, right? If you’re unfamiliar, it’s sort of like when the phone rings and mayhem sets in.

Before lunch, all the boys have read their Bible readers, completed phonics lessons, Spelling, Handwriting, and Explode the Code. I cannot say enough how wonderful these workbooks are. The boys actually look forward to doing them.

After these lessons, one or more of us is getting cranky due to low blood sugar, so I take my cue and we all head downstairs to the kitchen for lunch.

Day in the Life: Brandy (A Monday in the Life of The Marathon Mom)

By 1:00, we’re back in our places and have resumed, with pencils in hand, where we left off. Lincoln squeals happily, and the boys have mostly learned to work amidst some noise. I try to read to Dylan his English lesson for the day, but Landen has a blue dry erase marker that he has scampered off with to color a toilet seat. When I get back, Lincoln is NOT pleased that I have left him for 7.4 seconds, and it’s time to nurse again. Chubby boy happy again, English continues.

Then I make the rounds with each boy, slowly finishing up English, then maybe history and science with some, depending on the day. Landen plays quietly with a basket of Rescue Heroes from the 1900’s and I’m grateful – and careful – not to say anything to him or else risk disturbing such a beautiful thing.

By 2:00, I help Levi finish gluing the cotton balls on his paper sack lamb puppet, and have the others start picking up their paper scraps from whatever art project they were doing, and I am more than ready to move on to the next phase of my day. Not that I don’t enjoy it, but the list of multi-tasking jobs of a homeschooling mom of many can be quite assertive.

Day in the Life: Brandy (A Monday in the Life of The Marathon Mom)

The boys get some free time while I start some laundry and clean up the lunch mess I might have left behind. I try to get Levi to take a nap with Landen, but he won’t (and hasn’t since he was two), so he scurries off to build forts with his brothers. With Lincoln in his exersaucer, I load the dishwasher, clean the kitchen and begin preparing our dinner, according to whatever I’ve planned on our menu.

We have to leave by 4:30 to pick up the oldest boys from football practice, so I get Superbaby nursed just in time. With two quick diaper changes, and a sippy cup filled, six boys are inserted into van, buckled, and away we go. It’s actually sort of relaxing, the 15 minute drive there. And once two sweaty boys enter the van, poof!  The fighting commences over who is going to sit where. (Remember when I said I’m not supermom?)

The next part of my day is commonly known as Chaos Hour around our house. Inevitably, this is the scene:

  • Celebrity Husband is not home from work yet.
  • Children are hungry, and I get dinner into the oven, and start a pot to boil for rice or quinoa.
  • Landen has pooped, the baby is crying, and the doorbell rings, not necessarily in that order.
  • The pot boils over, Lincoln needs to nurse, and Husband STILL does not answer his phone.
  • The chicken needs to come out of the oven, and I ask the teenager, but he cannot hear me in his room. (Stinking headphones.)
  • Landen needs a drink, Levi is HUNGRY, my phone rings…and it is NOT my Husband!

And just when I think I am going to come apart at the seams, mercifully, my husband appears through the front door. By 6:30 (please?), the table is set, water glasses are filled, and plates are loaded. Small cafeteria scene ensues.

With glasses crooked on my face, and hair pulled back, spit-up on my shirt, my husband miraculously asks how my day has been, while I balance Baby Sumo Wrestler in right arm while eating with my left. I drop a bite of food into my lap, and Dax (that’s his real name) and I conduct a conversation using sign language across the table, since it’s so loud. (Not necessarily loud due to misbehaving children, just loud with squealing baby, football stories, and little boy chatter.)

By 7:00, our family is on a mission to clean up after dinner. The big picture is to pull it all back together. Our central unit must be reined back in for the next day. If that sink is overflowing in the morning, then that makes a rough start for the day. Everyone has their assigned chores, and for the most part, we do them almost automatically. Within 20 minutes, the table is clean, the trash is out, the dishes are done, and the floor is swept.

Day in the Life: Brandy (A Monday in the Life of The Marathon Mom)

What follows is a rapid succession of baths for little boys, showers for football playing boys, and whichever the middle boys prefer is fine with me, as long as they get clean. Pajamas are on, somehow matching, and then we pile around Daddy in the living room for a chapter from the Bible and to pray together as a family.

8:00 is bedtime for half of our children. And it’s the time we catch up with some of the older boys. On Mondays, I go for a 1 to 2 mile run with one of our sons. Then I get a quick shower and ready for bed. I flip the laundry (again).

By 9:30, the baby is changed, then zipped into his sleep sack for the night, since he’s too big and wiggly to stay swaddled now, and he’s nursed to sleep. (Gasp!)  They grow up too fast.

By 10:30 or 11:00, I place chubby, Marshmallow Boy whose smile lights up a room into his crib, and I am asleep just five feet away from him, in 48.2 seconds. I know he will be awake by 1:00, so I pray a quick prayer for all these blessings I’ve been given and I fall right to sleep. I know that in this season of my life, every day truly is a marathon, and that I’m going to hit the ground running in the morning, and do it all again.

The day, with a thousand details, has gone by in a blur, and I’m sobered by the reality that it all goes by way. too. fast.

Yeah, it’s hard. It can even be grueling at times. But it’s worth it. And His mercies ARE new every morning.

And that, my friends, is why I say…

Motherhood is a marathon. Enjoy the run.

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  1. Eight. Boys. EIGHT. Well, I will be asking God to forgive me for any gripes over my two precious leetle girlie pies. I’m exhausted just reading this. I hope someone send you for a pedicure or massage or two hours at a bookstore with a cup of ridiculously overdone and overpriced cawfee. YOU are blessed!

  2. It’s great to hear about your day, Brandy! Every day is pretty different here as well. We are looking at a university-model school for our little girl!

    1. Erin, it is the best thing, in my opinion, for the older ones! It helps so much, especially when you have a bunch that you’re trying to ensure have an excellent education. I am very thankful that we are able to send them. 🙂 I know you will love it if you choose this path.

  3. I loved reading this, Brandy! I’ve wanted to be a fly on your wall for awhile now and this is the next best thing!

  4. I don’t care what you say. You’re awesome. My children are grown, and all but one are off on their own – spread all over the country. I prayed for a husband with a family, and boy, did I get it. There are 13 children between us, 24 grandchildren, and 1 great grandchild. I didn’t get this big family until 7 years ago, but I’m Mom, and Gramma, to all. You’re right – it all goes so fast. That little Lincoln of yours definitely lights up a room – even through the computer. God blesses you all. So glad I came across your blog! (would love to send you some of that vanilla creamer, by the way)

  5. I have several thoughts, in no particular order: 1. I love my wife. 2. I’m glad I’m not a woman. 3. I’m not as worried about adding a 4th child. 🙂

    Thanks for sharing!

  6. LORD PLEASE continue to bless Brandy!
    This post encourages me and inspires me to “run the race” with more endurance – as a mom of only three sons – OUR DAYS LOOK VERY SIMILAR. 🙂

  7. I loved reading about your day, but I think I now have to go take a nap. God certainly gives you His strength to get through each day….You are blessed

  8. This was a fun read, Brandy. You are one busy mom! Your home sounds like a fun place to live. Your dedication inspires me.

    You know I just love you and pray God continues to bless you and your sweet family 🙂

  9. You certainly accomplish a lot in one day. You inspire me. I only have four children and some days I think I will come apart at the seems. Then again, I work outside of the home so perhaps that is why it all seems unmanageable at times. Thanks for sharing your day!

  10. Wow!! You are my hero:) I only have three boys and I break dome crying at least 3 time a week. I’m excited to start reading your posts for some encouragement!!! Thank You for sharing your story:)

  11. I really enjoyed reading about your day. I have four young kids. My husband and I want more but some times it feels like it is just too much. Reading about you doing it with 8 and homeschool inspires me. Thanks for sharing!

  12. I really enjoyed reading about your day! My husband and I have 4 young children and we would love more but sometimes it seems to much. Reading that you can do it with 8 and homeschool has inspired me! Thanks for sharing!

  13. Wow! And I thought I was busy LOL 🙂 Thanks for sharing. Sounds exhausting, but wonderful 🙂 I have to ask…why is your husband a “celebrity?” Do you live in a small town or does he have a high profile job where everyone knows him? You are very focused on your children and their needs. I love this. Some HS mom’s schedules consist of all the subjects etc… I love how yours easily allows for their needs as well. You’re a great mom! And yes, it goes by fast!!! ENJOY!

  14. Wow that is amazing! I actually just contacted you last night about needing advice on how to transition from just 1 to 2 kiddos. I just don’t see how you do it all even after reading this. Nursing is what’s getting me with my 2 week old. He takes for ever to nurse which is just fine b/c I love it, however my 3 year old needs my attention as well. God has truly blessed your family and your blog has been so inspiring to me and makes me feel like I can truly get through my days with Him on my side.

    Thank you!

    1. It was my experience that the transition from 1 to 2 kids was the HARDEST! One wasn’t bad because it was so excited and you could always sleep when baby slept. 2 was a NIGHTMARE! haha! Three was the most joyous transition of all! 3 was even easier than just 1 really. By 3 kids, you know what to do with kids (experience) and the older 2 can play together while you take care of baby #3. Good luck! Word of advice…start your day with prayer and Bible reading…not something I do enough, but always a much better day when I do!

  15. Thank you for this Brandy. I have tears in my eyes reading this, because I feel so encouraged. I’m a 22 y/o mom to ONE child. I should be a bundle of energy, able to tackle it all…but I’m not. I had such a hard day with my teething babygirl, and I just cried out to the Lord for strength. He has shown me, through you, that I must rely on him for strength and he will deliver.

  16. You need to come over my house and teach me how to do it. I got 4 kids – only one boy but by supper time you can find me having a tantrum if hubby is not here to help.

    How do you keep them seated for 2 plus hours straight doing workbooks is another mystery!!!! 🙂 You are truly blessed!!!

  17. Thanks for sharing Brandy! I am homeschooling my 8 as well. Many days I wonder if others have it as crazy as it is here! So glad to know I am not alone 🙂 Blessings to you!

  18. Oh, My!! I found myself doing 2 things: (1) Laughing so hard because this was like a little snapshot of how our days usually run! (2) Wishing I could have another little baby boy!! We have 5 Boys and homeschool as well. LOVE Explode the Code too! ;o) My oldest plays football too! My 3 middle boys play baseball. And my little one (3 yrs old) is just content to stay with Me!! ;o))
    I really enjoyed reading this post!! ;o)

  19. Always a pleasure reading your posts about your family! I’ve been waiting for a post like this from you! 🙂 I would also LOVE to hear about why/when you chose to homeschool and also the why’s behind your big family! I would love both of those things!
    Keep up the good work!

  20. Your baby boy is precious! I just love those chubby legs & that dimple. I just gave birth to my 5th son & I can’t wait for the giggles and more personality – not that I’m rushing it – I know it will be here and one before I know it 🙂 You inspire me & I’m sure you inspire other moms as well. Somehow God give us the strength to handle it all & it’s great to see people handling it well who have it even “crazier” than you.

  21. Brandy, we have three sons (with the possibility of a fourth baby on the way….we are waiting to see if that has occurred…what a blessing that would be) and although I do not homeschool, the amount of boy energy and the ages of my little guys (10, 6 and 4) means that I can somewhat identify with the pace of your day. It is really just one thing to the next, while often doing at least one other thing at the same time. It takes so much intentional effort to stay in the moment with them, to see them, to really hear them because it can get chaotic. I think you sum it all up perfectly in your posts about what a life with boys is like. I very much enjoy reading your blog…keep it up! Wishing you many blessed days with those sweet boys.

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