Why Are So Many Women Suffering with Thyroid Problems? 1

Why Are So Many Women Suffering with Thyroid Problems?

The thyroid is a powerful organ – it regulates hormones throughout the body. These hormones affect metabolism, growth, development and body temperature! So why are so many women suffering from thyroid problems?

This summer we are taking some time to discuss some current issues that are on our minds–issues that we do not know how to answer. We are relying on you, the Keeper of the Home readers, to weigh in as we wrestle with these often complex subjects.

By Erin Odom, Contributing Writer

Up until a couple years ago, I had never heard of thyroid problems. I don’t even think I knew where the thyroid was located in our bodies. Perhaps I didn’t even know this little organ existed!

But over the course of the past two years, I’ve discovered what a powerful organ the thyroid is! It regulates hormones throughout the body. These hormones affect metabolism, growth, development and body temperature!

But, sadly, I’ve also found out that an alarming number of women–young women–are experiencing thyroid problems today.

And so I’ve begged the question:

Why are so many women suffering with thyroid problems?

goiter on South American Woman

Image by jkirkhart35

What is the thyroid?

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped organ that sits very low on your neck–along the windpipe. When the thyroid is normal in size, you should not be able to feel it.

What are problems associated with the thyroid?

There are actually quite a few problems that can be associated with the thyroid–ranging from a goiter (or enlarged thyroid) to various forms of thyroid disease to thyroid cancer. Graves Disease and Hashimotos’ are two diseases associated with the thyroid. Hashimotos’ is an autoimmune disease.

Symptoms of Problems with the Thyroid

There are a plethora of signs that may signal that something is wrong with your thyroid, including:

  • You can feel your thyroid (indicating that you have a goiter–or enlarged thyroid).
  • You have trouble losing–or trouble gaining–weight. (There are two extremes since the thyroid regulates the metabolism. If it is not properly functioning, it will be difficult for your body to regulate weight.)
  • You have heart palpitations and/or excessive nervousness.
  • You have brain fog or depression.
  • You are extremely tired–or you have insomnia.

Many people shrug off these symptoms as being a part of menopause, aging or depression. In fact, I thought I had been experiencing postpartum depression.

Morton Salt Ad

Image by jbcurio

My Story

When my second baby was close to a year old, I developed a persistent cough. What left me dumbfounded, though, was the fact that my cough was not accompanied by any other viral-like symptoms. It was simply a cough that would not go away.

This cough seemed to get worse at night when I lay down. And, sometimes, I felt like my airways were restricted while lying down–so much so that I began sleeping with several pillows that helped elevate my head.

I finally scheduled an appointment to see a doctor about the cough. I was shocked to find out that the cough was a symptom of an enlarged thyroid gland–a goiter.

The doctor immediately noticed the goiter protruding from my neck. The goiter had been pressing on my windpipe and causing irritation–the cough and trouble breathing when I reclined.

I asked her what could have caused the goiter, and she told me that it could be thyroid disease or even thyroid cancer.  After a very scary 24 hours, she confirmed that I did not have cancer, but my thyroid levels were low enough to suggest that I had an underactive thyroid–or hypothyroidism.

I told the doctor that I did not want to be on any synthetic medications, so she put me on Armour thyroid, which is derived from a pig’s thyroid.

I was on this medication for several months…during which time I became pregnant with my third baby–shortly after my second baby turned a year old.

After my first trimester, my midwife sent me to see an endocronologist–to monitor my thyroid condition. However, the doctor looked at me like I was crazy: My levels were fine, she said. And I did not have a goiter.

To this day, I wonder if, perhaps, my levels were fine and I did not have a goiter because I was, after all, on the medicine.

After my third baby was born, my symptoms came back. In May of this year, I was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue by my chiropractor. Then, in June, I started the cough again, felt the constriction in my throat, and I felt that a goiter had formed.

I went back to that same doctor. I do have a goiter, but my levels are “fine.” However, she went ahead and put me on Armour again to try to shrink the goiter–and to help my symptoms.

I sometimes wonder if my iodine levels are low since iodine deficiency can cause goiters, but the doctor told me there is no good test for this–and that most Americans are not low in iodine because it’s included in table salt and processed foods.

I don’t think she knew what to think when I told her I don’t eat processed foods and use real sea salt instead of table salt.

Could I be iodine deficient? It may be.

I want to get better. I don’t like being on medicine. In the past week, I have noticed that my hair is starting to fall out and that I feel jittery. But on days when I skip my pill, I feel like I can barely function–barely drag myself out of bed.

It’s like I’m going from one extreme to another–which I hear is common with thyroid conditions.

But, then again, I wonder if this all goes back to the adrenal fatigue. And I wonder if the thyroid condition caused the adrenals to stop working, or if the adrenals affected the thyroid.

I do not have answers, but I know some of you do.

Why do you think so many women are suffering with thyroid problems today? Have you ever experienced thyroid problems? What advice do you have to share?

*Note: At a nurse’s suggestion, I started halving my pills. I have noticed that my symptoms are much, much better when I am taking half the dose!


Disclaimer: Today’s post is on thyroid problems. None of the Keeper of the Home writers are health experts. We are simply women who enjoy researching about health. We encourage you to seek all medical advice from your trusted healthcare provider.

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  1. I went to a most excellent seminar this spring where Dr. Cathy Breedon brought up the subject of Iodine deficiency and the increased prevalence. The speculation is that many people in the US are iodine deficient because we are using less and less iodized table salt on our foods (possibly due to the USDA Dietary Guidelines recommending all American decrease sodium intake but also due to the increased usage of sea salt and kosher salt in cooking). Additionally, many processed foods are not, in fact, seasoned with iodized salt! Here is a link to one of her papers (it specifically talks about iodine related to pregnancy and lactation!):
    She is a reputable source and sites all of her info with science-based evidence.

  2. Erin, Armour Thyroid is what I also take. It’s more natural than most of the thyroid meds. It’s made from a pig and has less side effects. I also have adrenal fatigue. I totally know what you’re going through. Interesting take on the iodine… I hadn’t thought of that. I had my tubes tied after my 3rd child. BIG MISTAKE!!!! Having you’re tubes tied now means they completely separate your fallopian tubes from your uterus and nothing hormone related can get through to your uterus. I have serious hormone issues and have been trying for 3 years now to get them under control. It’s awful.

  3. Ha ha ha! i completely missed that you talked about Armour…. i got distracted and must have picked up reading in the wrong spot…. oops… sorry. 🙂

  4. Graves Disease is autoimmune also, which is what I have been diagnosed with. I had mixed symptoms of hyper and hypothyroid. I refused conventional treatment and have been seeking alternative treatments. I recently went to see a MD who uses “alternative methods to treat disease”. She put me on a Paleo diet and a couple of supplements. She will retest my blood work in six weeks and expects it to return to normal. I’ve been eating Paleo for four weeks and have lost 13 lbs. and have a lot more energy. My friends tell me I am glowing 🙂 I am praying God will use this to heal me.
    Thanks for posting on such an important topic many women face today.

  5. Soy is a major contributor. Anyone with thyroid problems or if it runs in the family, should remove all soy from their diet-which is not as easy as you may think- it is NOT the health food everyone thinks it is. The only soy you should have in your diet is naturally fermented soy.

    1. SO true! My Sis suffered from thyroid problems, and I have Severe Adrenal Fatigue- but we both found HUGE relief from eliminating soy (I still take B Complex every day, but she is free of ALL meds and supplements). Soy seems to be in everything lately! It’s hard to even find bread without it. But if you make the effort, the difference is astonishing.

  6. I can pinpoint pretty clearly when my thyroid gave out on me and I went hypothyroid. It was after I started eating soy protein isolates in the form of Luna bars. I was eating them daily before workouts and after about two months I went hypothyroid and started losing my hair. Now it is like a nightmare getting the situation to self correct. I am on meds and whenever I stop them I start losing hair again after 2-3 weeks despite my diet being excellent. So for me soy was the cause, for others I am not not so sure.

    1. Luna Bars Shut down my entire system after a week & I ended up in the hospital so I avoid soy protein like the plague!

  7. I have thyroid nodules but have a normal working thyroid. If anything, it tends to run on the fast hyper side. My mother has similar issues. I had a nodule removed when I was 15 that was also hyper. I too wonder about iodine deficiency since I eat no processed foods and use sea salt. I also have adrenal fatigue which is most likely due to stress. The nodules are annoying and I can feel them when I’m not on my adrenal fatigue vitamins. No advice- I wish I knew how to get my body to correct it also.

  8. Erin, I am borderline as far as having thyroid issues, and it would be hypothyroidism. My MEDICAL doctor has also spent the last 20 years researching more wholistic ways to treat women’s hormone issues and had me provide lab samples that could be tested for hormone levels, including thyroid. This was in conjunction with adrenal fatigue. I just wanted to share with you and the readers that there is a way to find out exactly which hormones in your body are out of balance, and there is a path to bringing them back into balance and target specifically what is needed…if your chiropractor isn’t using a saliva test to diagnose these issues, let me know and I will get in touch with my doctor and see what he uses exactly (because I can’t remember at the moment) and will share the information with you…

  9. For me, it was a combo of stress and processed foods.. Even know when I’m stressed beyond belief, my heart starts to race, hands tremble and I know I’ve got to get it under control.. Homeopathic meds, yoga and partially kicking processed foods out has helped keep my levels under control..

  10. I, too, had a goiter in my thyroid and for 2 1/2 years fought symptoms of hypothyroidism but my blood levels never dropped out of the normal range. I eventually got fed up with the doctor I was seeing at the time running me through expensive and pointless treatments that only caused other hormonal and health issues elsewhere. I took myself to an endocrinologist who then promptly sent me to a ENT surgeon. My goiter was growing and needed to be removed because it was filling with fluid and not stopping, they were worried it was cancer, but the ENT was very certain it was only fluid and he was right. They were able to save the other side, so I’m living with a parathyroid and no meds, Thank God.

    What caused it all, my firm belief is the years of eating soy products, whether by my knowledge or not. I grew up on processed food and other bad things and it wasn’t until the thyroid problems that I began changing my diet. Thyroid patient advocate Mary Shomon has spoken out for years against soy, saying that it disrupts and destroys the thyroid’s ability to function properly. And since I’ve eliminated soy from our diets for good I haven’t had any more problems. New studies are showing that fluoride damages the thyroid, too.

    There are so many things out there that hurt our thyroid and many doctors and medical professionals won’t admit or they don’t know what causes it. Women’s hormones are such a touchy deal and we need to be proactive in watching what we put in our bodies.

  11. I have a friend who was diagnosed with OAT disorder. After about a year of treatment with her naturopath and a regiment of supplements she is back on her feet and doing well. She had quite a journey, but she is a testimony that there is hope.

  12. I have had hypothyroid since I was about 38, now a long time ago! But anyway I just want to say that “Soy” in any form inhibits the thyroid function. Unfortunately they use soy in just about everything.

  13. I would contact Dr. David Brownstein. He is an expert to my way of thinking. He is the Medical Director of the Center for Holistic Medicine in West Bloomfield, MI. Visit http://www.drbrownstein.com to learn more. He has a book called Overcoming Thyroid Disorders.

  14. My doctor sits on the board of the Weston A. Price foundation and he manages my hypothyroid by phone consultation and occasional blood tests. I remained whacko and about 20 lbs overweight until he suggested that I add a small amount of levothyroxine to my Amour because the pig thyroid is not identical to human thyroid. For me this did the trick……lots of hair, no dry skin, sleep through the night, maintain my weight at 125 lbs without effort, etc.

    I concur about avoiding all soy products with the exception of Tamari, Shoyu, miso, natto, etc. However, I think the increase of thyroid problems is more related to environmental exposure, viz., fluoride and other deadly chemicals in the water, many dangerous chemicals and heavy metals are being sprayed over large populations everyday via chemtrails, dangerous additives in our food supply, I could go on.

    The point is, even if you are careful to filter your water and prepare your organic foods at home, we still have to contend with these dangerous chemicals which are being sprayed and falling to earth and affecting all food, water, soil etc., and there is even evidence of nanoparticles being sprayed, whereby we are actually breathing in this stuff and it is crossing the blood brain barrier. For more information watch the documentary, “Why in the World are They Spraying” which can be viewed on youtube for free. These issues could explain why there is a worldwide epidemic of thyroid problems not seen in the past.

    Best to all, Susan

    1. What doctor do you see? I am looking for a dr. In my area that prescribes armour thyroid. I haven’t had a good workup in a long time

  15. Erin, I also have problems with my thyroid, adrenals, and reproductive system (maybe you’ve heard from your chiropractor that they are all closely connected – called the OAT or ovarian-adrenal-thyroid axis). Unfortunately I am still in the throes of research and not able to contribute much, but I will say that I have heard (from acupuncturist Chris Kresser – chriskresser.com I think is his site) that you should never take medication (natural or not) for thyroid without first or at least simultaneously working on the adrenals. Regulating the thyroid ups your metabolism again but if you have adrenal fatigue your adrenals can’t keep up with their required production of so many important hormones. He says it is like kicking a horse that is already about to collapse. I’m trying to work on supporting my body and particularly my OAT axis with diet, stress reduction techniques and exercise before starting any hormone replacers. I’m actually seeing my doctor today to go over the plans so if I find out anything else I’ll let you know. Best of luck to you in finding healing!

  16. They have re- established new guidelines for thyroid function & expanded the diagnosis levels to as low as 3 but I have yet to meet a doctor who follows the New Guidelines! Any time I’ve ever asked about thyroid function they say its a 3 & Im fine! Like you When I cut out Iodized salt my throat started to constrict too so I bought Iodized sea Salt instead & it went away. I also noted hair loss too & so now I buy Bovine Gelatin to drink & the hair is starting to return.

    1. This makes no sense… as low as 3? For what? A specific test? What is the range of that test? Are you talking about a TSH level? If so, that really measures how your pituitary gland is functioning, not your thyroid… so it really has no bearing on your thyroid production of T3 and T4…

      You need to get the reverse T3 and Free T3 tests done, among the other normal ones. THOSE are the tests that are the most appropriate to determine how your body is able to convert the proper hormones for use.

  17. Hi, Thyroid issues can be tricky- I have dealt with Hashimoto’s since the birth of my second (now 7). I would have loved to try more natural options but mine was pretty bad and I had other body systems shutting down due to it. My first draw TSH was 186 – which I was told was something you would see in a coma patient. It took me a year to get it back under control but that is only by taking 175-200mcg of Synthroid. I now have several other autoimmune disorders that have all seemed to anchor around post partum. I’m currently 36wks with our 5th and last (due to health). I am hoping I can maintain and not develop anything else- good luck ladies!

  18. I had thyroid problems about 10 years ago — fog brain, lethargy, inability to lose weight, muscle aches (especially in my neck and shoulders). I’m a coffee drinker and I was trying to compensate for my exhaustion by consuming caffeine. Even the equivalent of 12 cups of coffee per day (in the form of both coffee and espresso) was not enough to combat the exhaustion I was feeling. I ate only non-iodized sea salt and, at the time, ate many non-fermented soy products (we were vegetarian back then). I ended up experiencing a massive migraine (which I believe the Lord provided to finally get me off my butt and into the doctor!).

    My family physician (who was incredibly respectful of our “alternative” viewpoints on healthcare, yet also made use of mainstream medical treatments) palpated my thyroid in-office and found nodules on the left side. Long story short — after lots of lab work, an ultrasound of the thyroid gland that confirmed the nodules were suspicious and a fine needle aspiration biopsy that confirmed the nodules contained atypical cells, the left side of my thyroid was surgically removed. Because my symptoms were so severe, and because there was really no other effective natural treatment, I was okay with the surgical approach. I went on a low dose of levothyroxin (synthetic thyroid) after surgery (and will be on it for the rest of my life), as well as changed to iodized sea salt and restricted the amount of soy I consume. All of the above made a tremendous difference in how I feel and I can say I’m back to normal.

    Thyroid issues were easy to deal with compared to the Cushing’s Disease treatments I’ve been through. Talk about a hormonal nightmare!

  19. This topic is near and dear to me because my mom died from thyroid cancer. In some cases, a thyroid issue is hard to prove with standard testing. I share many of the symptoms you pointed out, but the doctors don’t see anything when they do tests on me. I have a strong fear of thyroid issues. I had it even before my Mom got cancer from it. Now it’s worse than it was.

  20. I was hoping this article would answer the question in its own title but it didn’t!!
    I was finally diagnosed as well, adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism. I started treatment back in March and my numbers slowly went up but not enough to clear my T3, and then the test I got done last week went down again… almost to where I was in the beginning initial diagnosis. I see my doc (ND) tomorrow to try and figure out what is going on.
    I am doing support for my adrenals, but really need to get this tackled and taken care of. I am not overweight but am at the higher end of my BMI range for my 5’8″ frame (about 155 lbs) and I want to lose 10 lbs. No matter WHAT I do I am unable to do this. I am eating mainly unprocessed foods, good saturated fats, no sugar, no gluten, low starchy carbs… weight won’t budge.
    It is very frustrating!

  21. Find an Applied Kinesiologist (does muscle testing) in your area. Some are better than others, but a good AK can get to the root of the problem. I had two of them in different states (I move around) say I had both adrenal fatigue and hypothyroid. The supplements i took (from Standard Process) helped a lot. Then I found a REALLY good AK who found the root of both problems and put me on one supplement instead of two. (Sorry, I don’t remember what he called it. 🙁 ) I immediately started feeling MUCH better. People travel great distances to see this Dr. he is great with everything from allergies to cancer!

  22. I am almost positive I have a thyroid problem or something wrong with me. My OB says she checks my thyroid yearly with a simple blood test and it comes back normal every time. But, I am constantly tired, tired in the mornings, I take Tylenol PM during my insomnia moments. I have blood sugar drops regularly, and I have dysfunctional uterine bleeding. I have tried changing what I eat. I have dropped almost all sugar out my diet, I have switched to whole wheat everything, I have prepared almost every thing from scratch and even tried weight watchers. (with some exercising) I usually lose about 10 pounds then it just stops. With weight watchers I lost almost 30 pounds in a years time, then it just stopped. I don’t over eat, and what I eat isn’t perfect but I eat well enough for what my budget allows.
    I don’t have a regular Dr just my OB and she just says I’m overweight and I should try to lose weight. But I know its something more. And I know it started when I was pregnant with my first one (back in 1997). Before that I was active, walked every where. I’ve been pregnant 4 times, 1st was a molar, 2nd I had beyond several preeclampsia and had to deliver pretty early, 3rd was a ruptured tubal & 4th was good except for the dehydration, I had to go to the hospital a couple times a week for refills because I was so dehydrated I would almost pass out. I was pretty tired after my first came along, but it got worse after my 2nd birth. Something in me changed.
    I can’t afford to see a doctor and have a bunch of tests done either. (deductible is way too high)

    1. You need to get your reverse T3 and free T3 blood tests done. Otherwise you won’t be able to tell from a single blood test.


      You need to compare the two numbers (reverse T3 to free T3) and if your ratio falls below 20, you are hypothyroid no matter what the OB GYN says. Even if both of the test results fall into the normal range.

      Read all the links from that link above.

      1. Once a year the OB draws blood and runs a series of tests on that one blood sample. All I know is she said they test for Diabetes, my thyroid, iron levels and such. I didn’t know I needed to request specific tests.

  23. A friend with Hashimoto’s found that lemongrass essential oil is an optional treatment. For Hyperthyroidism, it would be lemongrass with myrrh; for Hypothyroidism it would be lemongrass with either peppermint or clove essential oil. Another friend combines one drop of each recommended oil, applies it at the base of her throat daily and has noticed a remarkable improvement. Natural and effective!

    1. I also have Hashimoto’s and have been looking for an all natural remedy. Thanks so much for sharing!!

  24. I was diagnosed with Graves’ disease about 10 yrs ago after an extremely stressful part of my life. It became life threatening so I went through radio active iodine 2 times. Until recently I have felt ok. I take 150mcg of synthroid daily and my last test came back with my T4 slightly low. My Dr said let’s wait 6 more months to see if evens out again. I have been suffering with monthly migraines, terrible pms issues, needing a nap daily, constipation and on and on. I am beginning to ache all over but it could be to the 30lbs I have gained from eating crap. I keep trying to cut processed food out but that’s a monster of a battle too. Feel like its all related together. This is harder than anything else I have ever dealt with:-(

  25. I have been recently reading a lot on Matt Stone’s website 180degreehealth.com and he talks a lot about thyroid and adrenal problems and how they can be symptoms of overall serious health issues, rather than some isolated anomaly. I have researched health issues since I was a teen and have discovered that his work is spot on. I have followed his advice for the past few months, as well as attempting to avoid treated, processed foods and have discovered that I have had remarkable improvements in my health, both physically and mentally. Stress will wear your body out and reducing your overall stress load is a good place to start for improved health. Good luck!

  26. I believe it’s a combination of things, really. We can’t detox bromides properly due to the overabundance of chlorine and fluoride and lack of iodine (see Dr. Brownstein’s book on iodine). We’re bombarded with chemicals in our environment and foods. Some people have the MTHFR gene abnormality which may contribute to this (just learning more about this aspect myself). Personally, my enlarged thyroid was commented on for at least 6 years by 3 different doctors but no one did anything beyond checking TSH and T4 and declaring me “normal”. I didn’t feel “normal”. About 2.5 years ago my current dr ordered further testing and I was found to have papillary carcinoma in the thyroid at which time it was removed. Though I hate that it was removed, I am feeling much better since getting on Naturethroid, working on adrenals, and also working on my iron levels.

    1. Thanks for sharing your story. Could you tell us what testing was done? Was it a Fine Needle Biopsy or something else? thanks for your help.

  27. Have you looked into essential oils to help support a healthy thyroid? I use a blend of Lemongrass/Peppermint/Clove/Frankincense in some coconut oil. Rub it on you neck three times a day. I use doTerra oils, other brands may work as well but I have no experience in them. Just makes sure they are the highest quality you can find.

  28. I had a similar case as yours. I had an enlarged goiter and after an excruciating biopsy ( they hit a nerve) I was cleared of having cancer. But I was diagnosed with Hashimotos (an auto immune disease). I was also 8 weeks pregnant with my second child ( who was born with a bilateral cleft lip and pallete, no family history) I have been taking synthroid medication ever since. I have had one more child since, my dose has never changed for the last 4 years, even during pregnancy. I do remember using sea salt for a good year before I was put on the medicine. But I have been afraid to come off the meds between being pregnant and breastfeeding. Once my third is done nursing I do plan on going off the meds to see where my levels are, it takes a few months for your body to clear the meds. I hate taking them and I don’t want to take them anymore. I do believe that a lack of exercise and iodine contributed to my thyroid problems. And I refuse to believe I have an auto immune disease, its just horrible to think that my body would attack itself.

  29. I just read Dr. David Brownstein’s books on Thyroid and Iodine. They helped explain a lot. Also get Lynne Farrow’s book The Iodine Crisis. It is a must read. I also have adrenal fatigue and hypothyroid problems along with some other things. All of you who have natural doctors are very blessed. I would give anything to find someone to really work with me.

  30. I too am struggling with this issue. It started when my last child was just about a year. I went to my obgyn because I was skipping my period for months at a time. I was also overweight and to tired and cranky all the time. I ended up seeing one of the partners in the practice and not my regular doctor. She had my hormone levels checked and told me I was going through menopause (I was 34!) My thyroid was only slightly elevated, but everything else was really out of wack. When I saw my regular obgyn two months a later for my regular check up, she took one look at the tests and said that I had an underactive thyroid and put me on synthroid and told me to follow up with my family doctor. That was a year ago. We got my thyroid back to normal levels about three months ago. My mood and energy are much better and my weight is starting to move a little (as long as I am eating right. I would never have made the connection with things like Luna bars. Guess I can add that to the ever growing list of things I won’t buy any more!) The issue I am still having is with my period. At this point, I haven’t had one in close to a year. Anyone else have an underactive thyroid and have it affect their periods like me? Everything I’ve read says that it does the opposite and makes them heavier and more frequent.

    1. Erin, are you anemic? Do you have adequate levels of B12? What is your vit D levels like? If these are low, then your body would stop menstruating as to save vital nutrients. My period was always on a 42 day (or later) cycle my whole life. I recently found out I have celiac disease and lyme disease. Celiac prevents adequate nutrient absorption and lyme disease messes with the thymus which controls the thyroid. Since I stopped eating all forms of gluten (including corn) and started juicing and taking supplements like fish oil, vit d, methyl b12, methyl folate and others, my cycle has been coming every 28-32 days. That has never happened in all of my life and I am 37. I would suggest getting your vitamin and mineral levels checked out. Maybe that can help.

      1. Kate, I think they checked my vitamin D and iron when they did the original blood work (a year ago), but I have an appointment next week, so I’ll double check. I’ve always been slightly irregular when it comes to my cycle, but this is very extreme for me. I nursed my youngest and I was very late to get it back and then this with my thyroid. My doctor seemed very confident that it was due to the thyroid issue, but she seemed a little concerned the last time I was in that I hadn’t gotten it back yet. She’s probably going to refer me back to the obgyn at this point. The vitamin issue didn’t occur to me, but it makes sense. I used to be really good about taking them, but when my thyroid got out of control, I was so tired all the time that I stopped taking good care of myself- stopped working out, wasnt eating right, and I stopped taking my vitamins. I’m working on getting back on track with those things. I will definitely double check on what all tests they did already and request that they check those things if they haven’t already.

  31. Erin
    When I began reading your story, it sounded like you were telling mine. I did in fact have a goiter and had a partial thyroidectomy. I have been struggling for over 7 years with hypothyroidism, along with 3 Dr.’s. Praise God I have finally found one who has done ALL the tests needed to help me. I have a T3 conversion problem. it’s still a struggle, but am very aware of what helps and hinders my health has been great. I was on Armour Thyroid for about 4 years. Would love to share more with you. Feel free to contact me. I’m a firm believer that our diet and hormone levels have EVERYTHING to do with thyroid issues in women today. Processed foods and hormones in our food eventually catches up with us and I believe this is a huge reason we have so many thyroid issues.

    1. I also have a T3 conversion problem, so the test results are all within “normal” range until you look at the whole picture. And a regular T3 test doesn’t tell you anything, Free T3 (FT3) is the amount of T3 that your body is able to use…

  32. Hypothyroidism is a problem in my family. My aunt had it particularly bad and was on Synthroid for several years before she started reading about iodine deficiency and its link to thyroid disease. I don’t know the exact science behind this, and I would certainly encourage everyone to do their own research, but both fluoride – which is put in the public water supply – and bromide – which is used in the bread-making process – bind to the iodine receptors on thyroid tissue and prevent what little amount of iodine the average American consumes from ever reaching the thyroid. What’s more, fluoride and bromide both damage your thyroid. Ever since iodine was replaced with bromide in the bread-making process the rates of breast and ovarian cancer in American women have been on the rise. Japanese women have one of the lowest rates of breast and ovarian cancer in the world, and the Japanese diet contains high levels of iodine. My aunt and I both started taking an iodine supplement called Iodoral about a year and a half ago, and neither one of us have hypothyroid symptoms anymore. She no longer has to take her medication. I started by taking one 12.5 mg tablet each day and gradually worked my way up to 50 mg (4 tablets) for 2 months, and now I’ve worked my way back down to a maintenance dose of 12.5 mg a day. The reason for the gradual increase in dosage is to flush all of the fluoride and bromide out of your body. And for what it’s worth, my aunt and I always had “normal” T3 levels. I firmly believe that what’s “normal” for one person can be too low or too high for another person.

    Peanuts are another trigger for me. I had horrible acne in middle school, and then my mom took me off of peanuts (I was a peanut butter fiend) because a lady in a health food store told her that peanuts could trigger thyroid and hormonal problems. Within two weeks of coming off peanuts, my acne was completely gone. My great-grandfather, grandmother, father, and several cousins all have/had thyroid/hormone issues, and that side of my family is the biggest bunch of peanut eaters you’ve ever seen. That sensitivity is most likely genetic though, and therefore wouldn’t apply to everyone.

    1. I have a question for you, did you and your aunt take Iodoral under the watch of a practitioner. Were you on thyroid medication during the time that you took Iodoral? I have had low thyroid for 10 years but I want to be medication-free.

  33. I found this website this morning, and this article explains alot. http://anneshealthplace.com/blog/2010/10/thyroid-and-infertility/ I have heard good things about iodine, but that you should not take it for Hashimoto’s (It can worsen it). I have also heard that it will not worsen Hashimoto’s if you take the cofactors like selenium. I am very interested in knowing how to heal the OAT axis. Does anyone know what steps to take or supplements to use for healing the OAT axis?

  34. Hey Erin.

    Fabulous post. I am struggling w/ thyroid issues too and am now working w/ a local herbalist for myself and my son. He tackles adrenal issues from the thyroid side and I must say that we are both doing better in just 3 weeks. My son said that he is clearly feeling so much better. I would be happy to talk to you about it and I hope to post on it soon.


  35. The book “What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause” which speaks of the research of Dr. John Lee is a book all women should read too (yes, even those in their early 30s). Progesterone is linked to the thyroid issue. Many of the symptoms of low progesterone are similar to low thyroid. Low waking temps (below 97.2), major PMS, long cycles etc. Natural, bio-identical progresterone cream has become a life saver for those two weeks between ovulation and my period when I feel like I’m going to lose my mind. The book talks about why cream is the best method of absorbing progesterone. Dr. Lee found that women who got their progesterone level in the right proportion to estrogen over 3 or 4 months time using the cream were able to reduce or get off of their thyroid meds. We suffer from too many estrogens and xenoestrogens (things that aren’t estrogen, but act like so in our bodies) in our food and environment. Soy is one major contributor, but so are the many chemicals in our soaps, cleaners, and who knows where else (the book lists a lot). Wheat and sugar foods also cause major problems. I’m still going to get my thyroid tested and demand the Free T3 and Reverse T3 be looked at, but I know part of my problem is progesterone which drops off starting in our 30s.

  36. I have a lot of friends and family that also suffer and I am seeing great results with the THM eating plan! Trim Healthy Mama is on face book…..the private THM page is a huge source of help and encouragement!!

  37. Dr. Bob DeMaria’s books are very informative on thyroid issues and how it is affected by the food we eat. A lot of information on his website is also free. Check it out! Best of luck to you.

  38. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism a couple months after my first child was born. My throat was closing up, I felt like I was going to pass out when I worked out, I could not loose any weight, I looked puffy and I was exhausted. I finally went to my primary physician and my doctor felt my throat and knew right away it was my thyroid. They had my levels tested and an endocrinologist called right after receiving my blood work and said I had to come in right away because I was an emergency case (and could die or go into a coma). My tsh levels were 125 and the normal range is 2.5-4.5. He did not know how I was still functioning or walking even. I was put on synthetic meds and felt better but not like I should. I went round and round with him about being put on both T3 and T4 meds and he would even listen to me when I brought up Armor. Fast forward, 8 years later. I changed endocrinologists and I am on Synthroid with T3 meds as well. I felt better immediately once he put me on a low dose of T3. I also use coconut oil (take 2 tbsp. daily) and eat as whole food as I possibly can. I did go plant based for awhile but my heart would beat fast and I did not feel right. I later found out that I could have been iron deficient so now I eat a little of grass-fed beef to my diet so I do not have to take iron supplements. It has been an 8 year journey and I finally feel good and have energy. Every person is different and it is a lot of trial and error and you have to find a doctor that will listen to you. Unfortunately I have to be on thyroid meds for the rest of my life because my thyroid does not funciton. I have read about people using iodine supplements if your thyroid is out of control but still working. I like the website: Stop the Thyroid Madness. There is a book that discusses what tests you should have and people’s stories about what they have gone through. You just have to speak up for yourself and not take no for an answer. It took me almost 8 years, but I finally feel “right.”

  39. I have had thyroid issues since my teens. I have a goiter and am not on medication because I flip-flop between hyper and hypo when they have given me low doses of Synthroid in the past. Eventually I was told that I have Grave’s and Hashimoto’s antibodies running through my system at the same time, which I never even knew was possible. My endocrinologist basically told me there was nothing he can do for me until my body decides which way it is going to go, which he ultimately felt would end up being hypo. Unfortunately, I have been dealing with this for what is now going on 20 years, with no signs of my body “making a decision”. It is a very frustrating thing to deal with the symptoms. I will definitely be looking into some of the books and things mentioned above.

  40. I struggled with many symptoms last fall/winter. I started testing in Feb and finally got a diagnosis in April that I have silent thyroiditis, my thyroid swings from hypo to hyper and sometimes is normal. Right now I have insomnia, hair loss and anxiety but my blood work is normal. Does not make sense that the results are normal but so it is. This can last for awhile like years or not. My endocrinologist was very vague about how to control and heal the thyroid. So my other pracitioner is a Physician Assistant that focuses on integrative health. She is working towards healing with supplements. I am looking at “Thyrosol” made by Metagenics and “Adrenal Dessicated” by Standard Process.

  41. Hello, I am a NTP (Nutritional Therapy Practitioner) student and also someone who has Hashimoto’s disease. I believe the reason so many women suffer with thyroid issues is because of the link between the adrenals and the thyroid, both of which are part of the endocrine system. They MUST be treated together and not separately if there are imbalances. When the adrenals become stressed, the thyroid takes a hit. And how many women out there are not stressed? Keep in mind that stress to the body is cumulative and the body does not differentiate between different kinds of stress. So that means all of the following are stressful to the body: high amounts of refined sugars and processed food in the diets, chemicals in our food/environment, coffee, alcohol, work, home, kids, extreme exercise, emotional triggers, poor digestion, nutritional weaknesses, illnesses or diseases, pregnancy, etc. And remember, these are cumulative! (Especially harmful is poor digestion, because that can lead to dysbiosis, candida and/or leaky gut, and prolonged leaky gut can lead to an autoimmune condition, such as I have.) So when the adrenals are struggling, they rob nutrients and hormones from guess where? The thyroid and reproductive functions (menstruation.) Adrenal function takes priority. Which is why you need to treat adrenals and thyroid together. From my studies, this is why I believe so many women currently have thyroid problems. AND, so many are misdiagnosed….be sure to find a good naturopath that tests for antibodies as well as just TSH levels. (See the Stop the Thyroid Madness website for a list of all the bloodwork you should request.) That will tell you if you are hypothyroid or have developed an autoimmune condition. Hope that helps. Please contact me if you have questions. Blessings!

  42. I was diagnosed hypothyroid after years of symptoms and “normal” lab tests. I had a particularly stressful couple of years which I believe led to my lab tests actually indicating hypothyroid to my ND. I have been using Naturethroid for almost 2 months and my levels are already improving. I also switched to a strict Paleo diet for the past month and my energy, sleep and overall function seems to be much better. I believe I also have adrenal fatigue and have been pushing myself to go to bed early to get at least 7-9 hours of sleep each night, which has also been very beneficial. I cannot say enough about getting vitamin D levels up, above what is recommended, using cod liver oil and getting adequate sun exposure, as well as improving magnesium levels with transdermal magnesium as it is easily assimilated. I am considering adding a small amount of Iordal as I have had a hard time using the Kelp powder that my ND recommended; it tastes gross no matter how I try to disguise it! YUCK
    Stopthethyroidmadness.com has A TON of research and information from thyroid patients with many helpful tips. It is a lot of information, but worth the time I believe.

  43. I’m surprised more people haven’t mentioned the fluoride and chlorine link. Chemically fluorine, chlorine, and iodine are very similar. On the periodic table they all line up- sharing similar characteristics. Our thyroids are taking in fluorine and chlorine and then are unable to accept what little iodine might be available in our diet. Flushing your system with iodine in high doses will help- there are a few supplements that can help. Terry Naturally makes a tri-iodine which is an awesome product. You can also get kelp supplements from various companies like Nature’s Way. Some people have what seems like an allergic reaction to the iodine but in reality it is a reaction to the chlorine and fluorine being released. Obviously it goes without saying to make sure you stop fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash as well as reassessing you water you are drinking.

  44. I know so many people have already said this, but I just want to add my voice to the “Avoid soy!” discussion. I had thyroiditis with dangerously high thyroid for over a year, but even after my thyroid levels returned to “normal,” I was still on medication for another year to control heart palpitations, which the doctors told me were caused by the hyperthyroidism. I finally gave up soy because of what I thought were unrelated problems with my menstrual cycle, and the impact has been enormous. Within 3 months after eliminating dietary soy, I was able to wean myself off the heart medication I had been on for 2.5 years. Additionally, my anxiety ceased, my insomnia disappeared, and my skin (finally!) cleared up. I had several other major benefits aside from these, but suffice it to say that eliminating soy has changed my life.

    It’s been very difficult, though. People have commented on the difficulty of avoiding soy in processed food, but after months of making everything from scratch, I still occasionally find soy in unexpected places. Just a few months ago I realized my multivitamin had soy lecithin, and the month after that I found it in my favorite lotion, which I’ve been using for years. So it’s not just foods that contain soy–it seems to sneak in everywhere, in everything.

  45. Hey Erin, I’ve really got no wonderful insight or wisdom on this issue, except to say that I’m sorry you’ve had so many problems and that I’ll be praying for you. It’s hard enough to have so many young children, but to have even less energy due to a health issue compounds all of that.

  46. I couldn’t read all the comments and I normally do. However, I just read Lynne Farrow’s book The Iodine Crisis and I suggest you read it. Very quick to read and I think an excellent starting point. I think there are so many issues effecting our health that it is hard to say “this one issue” will cure all. I know that I have been fighting candida for 20+ years and now probably have adrenal fatigue and thyroid issues. Getting diagnosed is hard and expensive. I won’t give up. We should have to feel this sick. Best of luck.

  47. I had thyroid cancer diagnosed the day my son was born at 29yrs old. I’m now 61 and have just had another operation to remove cancer that was in a small part of the thyroid that remained after two initial operations. Even after four lots of iodine radiation treatment. I then was told I had two more nodules above the thyroid that were not operable. The good news is I no longer have these and all cancer has gone. I did this with an alkaline diet, raw food, coconut oil, tumeric etc and lots of meditation,sound healing and positive thinking. Plus lots of other things. It worked! Thyroid problems are all throughout my family going way back. My brother was diagnosed with thyroid cancer this year as well and had the op and iodine radiation treatment and is fine now. I don’t know the cause but I’ve learnt to take loving care of myself through eating nourishing food and no junk food. The best book I have read on the subject is Dr Sandra Cabots “Thyroid Cancer”. Search fishpond.com.au. I follow Young and Raw and Tyler Tolman on FB. I just thank God every day for being able to replace the thyroid by taking two little tablets a day. Thank you for addressing this subject as it’s becoming a very common condition now.

  48. I have heard that most Americans are deficient in iodine, though I can’t remember where I heard it from. Seaweed is an excellent source of iodine, and healthy fish. There isn’t much iodine in other foods, though there is some in potatoes. That’s all I know, except that perhaps some cleansing would help your thyroid gland function better. I’ve been reading Green Smoothie Girl’s blog, and it seems we all need a good cleanse! Hope this is helpful! I got the info on seaweed from The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Whole Foods Plant Based Nutrition, in case you needed to know that.

  49. Although the thyroid is often the first gland that comes to mind in patients with fatigue, I would recommend deferring any thyroid stimulation until you are certain of the integrity and normal function of the adrenals. If you first stimulate thyroid function without regard to the adrenal glands, you will increase the metabolism, and therefore, increase the demands placed on the adrenals. The ideal solution is to first support and repair adrenal function, and then support thyroid function if required. Many people who undergo thyroid therapy and initially have outstanding results, but then deteriorate back to their original state of health, should think about the adrenal function and its support.
    See complete info at: http://www.terrytalksnutrition.com/weekly-articles/2012/09-21/adrenal-burnout-fatigue-and-stress/

  50. So interesting to read all the comments and experiences! My thyroid issues began like yours, right after a pregnancy. And yes, taking on half a pill has made a huge difference for me – much less jittery and all. Had never heard about removing soy – I don’t consume a lot but I’ll have to look at that in my diet and see if there’s a difference. I’m also on a B complex and really think it helps too. And this post has reminded me that I need to schedule my scan – thanks!

  51. I’ve also have thyroid issues and have been on synthroid for some time. I would like to switch to Armour but right now the Synthroid is working and next time we move (which is often in the military) I plant to look for an endo who is more open to Armour.

    I have been finding a lot of blogs and articles about the thyroid lately and it really makes me think my poor diet (read lots and lots of french fries) in high school and college had a lot to do with my thyroid. I’ve read about soy and PUFAs and gluten all affecting the thyroid. I’m trying to avoid gluten and soy now and hoping my thyroid can start to do better on it’s own. I’ve also read a lot of iodine and I’m wondering if I should be taking an iodine supplement.

  52. Oh my, I’m taking this article as a sign from God… In the last month I’ve started gaining weight quickly with no explanation, can’t sleep, am having irritable moods, and about every other symptom of a thyroid problem. A few friends with hypothyroidism told me it sounds just like what they went through. I’ve been off processed foods and use real salt for about a year & a half, as well as having radiation treatment for breast cancer, which extended up near the collarbone…So now I am convinced I need to go get checked ASAP. Thank you, this was just the push I needed to make the call!

  53. I also started having thyroid problems after having my first baby. Same symptoms. I have hyper thyroid. I was taking half a pill but am pregnant now so not taking any medication. It’s funny and weird that, just like you, when I get pregnant it seems to go away. My levels are fine. I jokingly told my husband when we had our last daughter that I need to be pregnant for life! Hahaha and well, here I am again waiting for our 4th daughter in September. Four girls in 6 years! Not looking forward to it coming back though. Thanks for sharing! God bless

  54. I have hashimotos and am hypothyroid. After having my first baby, I went through secondary infertility. It would take a year or longer for me to get pregnant and then miscarry shortly after. I went to a infertility doctor and had numerous tests and they couldn’t find anything that was causing the infertility issues. Finally after about 4 years of testing the doctor finally tested my thyroid because I told him that I felt tired all the time. The test showed hashimotos with hypothyroid. He sent me to an endocrinologist who told me that my thyroid problem was causing my fertility issues and once they got my TSH levels to 1 I should have no problem conceiving and carrying to term. It took about three months to get my level down to 1 and after that I didn’t have any issues with getting pregnant and carrying to term. It is amazing how one little gland regulates so many things in our body. I have always wondered if there was a more natural way to heal my thyroid. I’ve read about the benefits of coconut oil on the thyroid and certain foods to avoid, but I’m not sure if that has helped me or not because I’m on the medication.

  55. After I had my second child I noticed a lump on the front of my neck. Long story short, after a lot of tests and procedures I was told that I didn’t have cancer (whew!) but instead had postpartum hyperthyroidism. HUH?? I was surprised that it took months for someone to give me a straight answer. I learned the hard way that sometimes doctors aren’t sure what the problem is or what is causing it so they have to test, and retest, and get other opinions and sometimes just take a guess at what might be wrong and try to treat it to see if it goes away. :-/ My symptoms went away on their own, but then came back after each new baby I had, then would go away on its own again. (I have 6 children now)

  56. My husband takes a natural supplement called Norwegian kelp which contains iodine. It has really helped him. Plus, it is supposed to be a protectant from radiation. I don’t used iodized salt, always sea salt which is labeled that it doesn’t contain much iodine. WIthout some type of iodine supplement, I don’t believe people are getting enough of it to feed their thyroid gland to keep it healthy.

  57. I had to be on thyroid meds for a few years also and was able to discontinue after I weaned myself off and stopped eating gluten,soy and cow dairy. Eating soy makes my thyroid levels go really low almost immediately. So I would make sure to never eat any from of soy products. The best thing to do for your thyroid is to eat lots of seafood like seaweed, oysters, clams etc. They are loaded with nutrients the thyroid needs to function such as iodine, zinc, and selenium. Don’t listen to docs that say you will need it forever because it really is not true! (unless your thyroid gland is removed)

  58. I was certain my thyroid issues were triggered by having babies. After gaining 40 lbs since my last one arrived (now 2 years old), not feeling well, hair falling out, no sex drive, etc. I started looking for answers. I went to a holistic chiropractor who prescribes Stand Process (whole food) supplements. They put me on things to heal ovaries and thyroid. My naturopath put me on a homeopathic for adrenals. I recently was turned onto a book called Gut and Psychology Syndrome by Natasha Campbell-McBride. In this book I learned why I had so many childhood illnesses, including severe eczema and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. I’m having celiac symptoms too. I also learned that gut problems can cause hormone and thyroid issues as well. Bingo! I went back to my chiropractor, whose wife is a nutrition mentor, and had a long chat about the book and what could be causing the issues. Because they thyroid and hormone supplements hadn’t done what they “should” in 6 months, they agreed I needed a different course of action. I am now on a supplement designed to reverse autoimmune response, another to kill bad parasites and bacteria in my gut, and one more to put healthy gut flora back into my body. I’ve been doing it for 10 days so far and am feeling better. I’m also doing a cleanse and have lost almost 15 lbs. in the past 3 weeks, where weightloss used to be nearly impossible. I am also beginning to consume fermented foods to help put healthy bacteria back into my gut – kefir, kombucha, homemade yogurt and homemade sauerkraut, etc. I also agree that soy is a BIG problem in this country and should be completely avoided. I am currently reading a book called Wheat Belly. I’m only a few pages into it but the wheat in this country is causing significant health problems also. Good luck with your healing journey!

  59. I showed low thyroid in my blood work two years ago and started taking Iosol (iodine) drops (2 a day) and that brought my levels in the normal range. This year they dropped again and also tested positive for Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. I have done a lot of research since this diagnosis. If you test positive for the antibodies for H.T. you might not be able to take iosol drops because it can aggravate the H.T. (this would also mean you should stay away from iodine in seafood). If you have H.T. you are really dealing with two problems. You have an auto immune disease that reacts negatively to soy, gluten, dairy and sugar. (things that cause inflammation). You want to make your body as free of inflammatory foods as possible in order to heal your adrenal glands and thyroid. Also I learned that flouride directly attacks the thyroid. Flouride is in your tap water (you can buy filters that filter out flouride). Flouride is also in caffeine. The longer you steep a tea bag, the more flouride is produced. I was drinking lots of iced tea and also tap water. It’s also in your toothpaste. If you have thyroid issues you really need to take flouride/caffeine out of your diet. Just wanted to share this info. It’s not fun to remove all these things, but necessary to get back your health.

  60. This was posted at a good time for me,too! I have a cyst on my thyroid right now and and showing all signs of adrenal fatigue. My personal doctor just thinks I have anxiety, (she sees depression in my medical history and just says anxiety for everything). I have had a biopsy which turned out fine but my thyroid doctor is quick to do surgery, “just in case”. I am going to seek a second opinion and this post and all the comments are giving me questions for the next doctor!

  61. I have been diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism and I started taking an herbal supplement called Thyrosoothe, it has helped me tremendously! After seeing what happened to my mother’s singing voice after they removed her thyroid I said no way! I’ll try anything instead of having it removed. Someone told me that stress has a lot to do with the thyroid but I don’t know if this is true or not.

  62. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in my twenties having gained almost twenty pounds, feeling tired all the time, hair easily falling out, and many other issues. Getting diagnosed lead me to a lifetime of synthetic meds that keep me balanced. There are natural meds you could use to balance your TsH levels, if that’s the route you prefer, but it is a serious matter and when I hear other women with similar symptoms, thyroid is the first thing I tell them to get checked.

  63. Hey Erin,

    I’m so sad to hear that you’ve been struggling with your thyroid. I can so relate. For years and years I would lose my voice for months at a time, and no one knew why. Finally, three years ago I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s. I got on Levothyroxine and I switched to a gluten-free diet. Three years later, I can finally lose weight, I’m not exhausted, and my cycles are more regular (not clockwork, but better). I lost my voice for a few days a year or two ago, but nothing like what used to be common every year….

    My recommendation: find a doctor/endocrinologist who will treat your symptoms, whether your levels indicate you are “normal” or not. I had to beg for my PCP to refer me to an endocrinologist, and I love him! He listened to me, told me ideal TSH levels are much lower than the general range suggests, and he said he’d ‘up’ my dosage, see how I feel, test my TSH levels in a few months, and then repeat. I’m now at Levothroid (Walmart generic) 100 mcg daily, and while I don’t like taking a synthetic pill every day, I’m grateful I can now function. It’s worth it overall to me.

    I will pray for God to lead you to the right solution! (And, of course, for healing… Nothing is impossible for our God!)

  64. Hi Erin,

    I know you said you went to a chiropractor, but what type of chiropractor are they?
    The reason I ask is I’m thinking you may need to go see a neurological based chiropractor, they’re different than most chiropractors and are not just pain based. They focus on your brain, spine, and nerves through out the body. Generally if you are having a thyroid issue it means one of your spinal column bones has shifted out of position and is putting pressure on a nerve, in this case, a nerve that goes to your thyroid. All of our nerves go to organs in our body and if there is interference going on, that’s where the malfunctioning and issues come into play.

    A neurological chiropractor doesn’t focus on treating your symptoms, they try and get to the root cause of why you’re having that symptom in the first place. By removing that interference with getting adjusted, you’re body can start healing itself and functioning how it’s suppose to again.

    I hope that makes sense. I’ve seen a lot of people who have had success when going to this type of chiropractor. It’s a very simple concept, and often the most simple concept is hardest to understand. I hope this is of help.


  65. I have Thyroid issues-hypothyroidism and am taking prescription medication. Through my chiropractors office I was invited to a free seminar taught by a Naturopathic Doctor on how to treat your thyroid naturally. She gave us a hand out with a list of foods to avoid, and a list of foods that help improve the health of your thyriod. She said that we need Iodine, Copper, Zinc, and Selenium to help our thyroid function properly. She said that getting these nutrients from you diet is a better way than taking supplements. One of the foods richest in Selenium is Brazil Nuts, so I went and bought a pound of them at the grocery store. They’re a little spendy, but you aren’t eating a pound of them in one sitting. I ate 3-4 per day for a month. I also bought a Kelp supplement for the Iodine and took that once a day with a meal. After a month I had some bloodwork done and found that my TSH levels have improved by almost .600 The Naturopathic Dr said that if you are already on Thyroid medication it’s tough to get off and you most likely won’t. That’s not to say you shouldn’t try to have a healthier Thyroid.

  66. Hi, I was just reading your post, but cannot see responses that people may have left. On other blogs you can view these at the end of the post…. am I missing something?

  67. Thanks for sharing your story! I’ve got a couple of tips, based on the experience of family members who have thyroid issues and adrenal fatigue.
    1. You don’t say why you don’t want to take synthroid; I assume you researched it and have specific reasons for your reluctance. But just in case you didn’t, I’d recommend considering it as an option. My mother has taken it for 50+ years with no problems.
    2. Thyroid treatment usually requires frequent adjustment–every 6 months, at least. If you haven’t been following this schedule, that could account for your difficulty in finding consistency. This is another area where synthroid might be useful because it’s highly adjustable.
    2. You might consider finding a naturopath or holistic NP who will do a full workup on you to check for other vitamin/mineral deficiencies that could be combining with your hypothyroidism and adrenal fatigue to cause your symptoms. Vitamin B, vitamin D, and magnesium are just three I can think of off the top of my head.
    Best wishes for getting to the bottom of it returning to full health!

  68. Fluoride is definitely a culprit- it interrupts our endocrine systems. Plus all our hugely processed foods don’t help. Try an osteopath as well.

  69. I have suffered with thyroid issues over the years, starting as a teenager. The doctor wanted to shut down my thyroid and put me on medicine. Thankfully, my parents always went the natural route. I have been able to manage my thyroid problems, as well as other health issues, with homeopaths and supplements, under the care of a natural practitioner. I have also been using pure, therapeutic grade essential oils and using a fitness program designed for health issues. My thyroid is not a problem any more…thankfully!! Thanks for sharing, Erin, and glad you are doing so much better!

  70. I had the same symptoms about 6 years ago. My hair was falling out, I had no energy, I was sick all the time, and nervousness was my middle name. Unlike you, I had no health insurance. I started myself on a vitamin regemend which became very expensive so in searching for a more affordable alternative I found a powder which had all the recommended vitamins in an easily digestable form and now my symptoms are gone.My hair grew back, my energy is back and so is my sanity! I use this powder called “all one”, I get the kind that has phyto nutrients as well. I found it at the best price on swansons.com. (Plus I take CQ, and fish oil. ) Good Luck!!

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