It's (About) Time for a Change

It’s (About) Time for a Change


Photo credit robyn michelle-lee lifestyle photography

There’s a change coming. It’s been coming for a long time and I’m sorry that it’s taken me so long.

I need to apologize to you all. For the past two years, I have been a member of the BlogHer ad network. I need to state right away that there is nothing wrong with BlogHer or with any other blogger who is a member of their network. Not in the slightest. They’re fantastic ladies, a great ad network and I found them wonderful to work with.

The problem is with me.

I knew that 90% of the ads didn’t really sit right with me. Yes, I opted out of some of the ones that were particularly not something that I wanted on my blog. But I also let a lot of other ads run anyways, even though they were something that I would never buy myself and would not actually want to promote.

Funny thing is, allowing the ads to be up on my site is pretty much condoning them, isn’t it? Ouch.

I’ve known for a long time that I needed to leave the ad network and branch out on my own. Truth is, I was scared to. It takes a lot of hard work to run your own ads, and there is a significantly greater degree of risk involved.

This past month, however, God really convicted me that what I was doing was absolutely not serving my readership and was undermining the integrity of my blog and the topics and products that I share about.

Remember, stewardship applies to all areas of life and that would include the way that I am stewarding the awesome privelege of writing this blog and sharing the things that I am learning with so many other women. It is a great responsibility and in this area, I have not been faithful.

Can I just say that I’m sorry? Sorry for not putting my responsibility to be honest and integral with my readers above my desire to keep bringing in a reliable source of income. Sorry for exposing you to ads for things that I would never personally recommend to you.

All that is changing on March 1st. I am now running entirely private ads. The only things that you will see on my site from now on are either paid ads that I have personally chosen to run, or affiliate ads and links for companies that I believe in and would buy from (or do buy from) myself.

My criteria for accepting advertisements will now be for companies and products that fit well within the parameters of what my blog is about: natural and sustainable living products, real/traditional foods, books on Christian living or real food or natural living, small family-run businesses, homemaking helps, etc.

I am so excited to kick my first month off with advertisers like:

  • ListPlanIt (fabulous organization pages that I use all the time)
  • HopeInk Scripture Art (encouraging and inspirational and hanging in my own home)
  • Moukisac (a 6-in-1 reusable bag system that I have and love!)
  • It Starts at Home (a new book from Moody Publishers, intended to help parents learn to disciple their children)
  • Vintage Remedies (the fabulous reference book on herbs and natural remedies that I recently reviewed)
  • Your ad here (only one left- do you want it? Email me at stephanie (at) keeperofthehome (dot) org)

That’s much more like it, isn’t it? Phew… I feel so relieved.

The wonderful bonus? I have already seen God’s hand of blessing as I’ve made this move, confirming that it was indeed the right thing to do. He is so full of abounding grace and kindness.

Thank you, everyone, for your continued support of this little corner of the blogosphere. You make it so worthwhile.

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  1. I commend you for taking this stance and doing what you feel is right and what you believe in. This is your blog and you should feel comfortable with what you are advertising. I look forward to seeing your new ads 🙂
    .-= A New Season´s last blog ..Change =-.

  2. Good for you! It takes maturity to make the decision you made. It also shows that you’re sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. I’m interested in the Hope Ink scripture art and Vintage Remedies…I’ll check them out, thanks.
    .-= Mrs. T´s last blog ..THE SIMPLE WOMAN’S DAYBOOK =-.

  3. Good for you for doing what you think is right. Personally, I find it annoying to read a blog with tons of ads in the way, though I honestly never thought that of yours. You just have them on the side-not all over the place! I understand the moneymaking benefit, though. But I know the Lord will bless you for your integrity.

  4. Sounds great! I had wondered about that before, but figured you couldn’t control the ads. I prefer no ads, and love reading blogs without all that “stuff” but I also understand about making money. This is a good compromise- having ads but having them be what you believe in.

    1. @Nola, You’re right in that I didn’t really have much control over the ads. They came in automatically. I could say no to one if I really wanted to, but every time I did that I would lose more money so I tried to pick and choose which ones I was willing to lose money on.

      I can understand preferring no ads, but the reality of the amount of time and energy that goes into maintaining a blog like this is that I simply cannot do it if I am not making money. I wish so much that I could, but the time commitment is just too much, much as I love doing it. I am happy with a compromise like this, too. 🙂

  5. Well, thank you for sharing this. Just this week I have been pondering the BlogHer network and Google ads. But I agree with your thoughts on only placing ads for places that you would use or at least recommend, and since I don’t have experience with running ads yet, this gives me some perspective. Way to stick to your convictions!!!
    .-= Farmer Gal´s last blog ..My New Favorite Thing =-.

  6. all the best in this new season of change stephanie! it will be wonderful for your blog, your readers and your heart!

    and thanks for using my photo! – always a fun little surprise to find it when i am reading your posts!
    .-= robyn´s last blog ..a little inspiration =-.

  7. Good for you! I kicked them to the curb for the same reason. But I also feel over the last couple of years that not only have *I* grown and gotten farther in my real food journey, but the ads they place also got further and further away.

    It’s just a huge weight off your shoulders when you do something out of conviction isn’t it?

  8. I have only been reading blogs for about 3-4 months, and I’ve wondered how it all works. I think I have a little better insight now. Blessings to you as you take this step of faith!

  9. Stephanie, I have to say that I am relieved to hear that. I am new to your site and the whole idea of natural living and real food. I am starting from scratch so to speak. My husband is the pastor of our church in our small town and I really feel that God is calling me to this discipline. I have enjoyed your posts and learn so much daily. But the adds I have seen have been somewhat confusing. I am thankful that you are taking the challenge of running your own adds and hope to continue to grow from the knowledge of your site. Peace be with you. Lori

  10. Well, first of all, I run AdBlockPlus on Firefox, so I never see BlogHer ads. HEEE!
    So no need to apologize to me.

    Secondly, I left BlogHer after about four or five weeks. I didn’t like the way it made me all of the sudden very concerned about pageviews and stats. I also am known to just stop blogging for no reason for sometimes weeks at a time. I didn’t like knowing there was an expectation for me to post several times a week. I mean, I get the *why* of that, I just didn’t want them telling me I had to blog.

    Best wishes on this change, Stephanie! I am trying to get my own private ad space up and running. It does take a lot of time and work, but I am so much more fulfilled in supporting small business rather than corporations.

    Blessings on you, friend!
    .-= Megan@SortaCrunchy´s last blog ..40 Days of Joy {day 7} – it’s the little things. =-.

  11. Praise God for the confirmation He’s given you that you’re walking in the right path with your blog! I enjoyed your blog before, but I’m enjoying it even more with your openness and changes – wish we weren’t on opposite ends of the continent! (I’m in FL.) Blessings!
    .-= Kimarie´s last blog ..Back to School! =-.

  12. Wow. I really admire you for doing this. I actually came here to your blog through BlogHer, as I have their ads on my sites as well. They pay so well, that it is hard for me to imagine leaving them, but you make such a good point about stewardship. Definitely something to think about and thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. 🙂
    .-= Mom2my9´s last blog ..To Eat a Strawberry =-.

  13. Such a great reminder to all of us bloggers!
    I love how sensitive you are to the Holy Spirit, may you be blessed abundantly for your obedience!
    .-= Amy Bowman´s last blog ..Omentum–huh? =-.

  14. I just ordered from HopeInk last week, after I saw it on your blog a while back.
    I am super excited to get it hung up. She was very prompt in answering my questions, got to me in about 4 days, and was professionally packaged (by the printer).
    Thanks for the recommendation!

  15. Good job, Stephanie! 🙂
    That is the very reason I decided not to go with BlogHer, after considering their invitation awhile ago. I have a similar perspective on the quality of advertisers on my blog. The financial aspect of my blog is still in its early stages, but I know I can trust in our Lord’s provision in His perfect time.

    I am so thankful you’ve made this decision, as it is much more enjoyable for me to visit your blog now! 🙂
    .-= Michele @ Frugal Granola´s last blog ..Gardening Joy: A Giveaway! =-.

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