I get to go shopping...

I get to go Shopping…

…but it’s not going to affect our budget (I can’t believe we’re already 1/3 of the way through our month of trying not to spend any money)! My husband’s Grandma, who is just so sweet, just sent us a cheque for getting some things that our kids need, and it is just perfect timing!

New cloth diaper covers! Bummi’s Super Whisper Wraps, no less! *huge smile*

I know, I know, get a grip. They’re just diaper covers, right? But ever since Caden was born, 5 months ago, I have been getting by with these horrible, cheapest of cheap, leaky diaper covers. I am so tired of all the extra laundry, and of him always being wet.

I’ve been researching different covers for awhile, and my conclusion is that these are the best buy for us, when considering quality, price, and size. These are excellent covers, with a great rep, and they usually retail between $11-14, depending on whether you get white, or designed. I’m sticking with white, because although it’s a bit boring, it’s sensible and cheaper than the cuter than cute prints.

I’ve also strongly considered Mother-ease covers, which I’ve actually had a chance to try and I loved them. But, the Mother-ease mediums fit from 10-20 lbs, and my little guy is already around 15 lbs, so he may outgrow them in only a few short months. Whereas the Bummi’s mediums fit 15-30 lbs, so if I get them in the next couple of weeks, they could actually last all the way until my munchkin is potty trained, if he stays on the long and skinny side, like his sister did (at nearly 3, she’s only just recently hit 30 lbs).

So there you have it- the things that just make this (somewhat) crunchy mama’s day! And if you don’t know what crunchy means (when used as an adjective for a person), you’re not alone. I just discovered a couple weeks ago, as I kept reading the term on different blogs and thought “what does it mean for one to be crunchy?”.

Turns out it means someone who goes barefoot (check), eats granola (check), is a tree hugger (well, not quite, but certainly very earth conscious- check), and is just an all around “natural” kind of person. And I thought crunchy was a term reserved for apples, cereal, and dry fall leaves- oh, I have so much to learn. ๐Ÿ™‚

PS Did I mention that even though I have been given enough money to adequately buy these covers, I have still been scouring craigslist and ebay and comparing every site that sells these diapers, and have now ended up asking a company to do a price match for me?? You can give a frugal mama money, but you can’t take the frugal out of the mama!

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  1. Hi, I just found your blog through Crystal’s. We’ve been cloth diapering for almost 15 months. We use prefolds and the Bummis. They are my favorite cover. My daughter is in the medium size now too and has been for about 8 months. I hope to get another 12 or so months out of them before I have to buy size large for her. She’s on the smaller side too (22 lbs. at 15 mos.). They’ve held up well and I hope to use them for our future children. I blogged about our cloth diapering adventures last week if you want to read more.

  2. Hi Kel,
    Welcome to my blog! ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ll have to check out your cloth diapering post. I’m glad to hear of another mom who loves Bummis!

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