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How to Make Mayonnaise

How to Make Mayonnaise

Written by Stacy Karen, Contributing Writer

Today I’m going to share my favorite mayonnaise recipe and give you the details on how I make it.

It’s not complicated, but it does take a little patience.

The first time I made mayonnaise it was a complete flop. I rushed it, and well, I never actually got mayonnaise.

Since then I’ve tried a few different methods and have settled on the one that works best for me. If you’ve attempted to make mayonnaise before and it didn’t work, I encourage you to give this method a try.

Many people use a food processor to make mayonnaise, or even a stick blender, but I’ve had trouble with both. (My sister tells me her food processor works beautifully for mayonnaise. She makes a delicious looking garlic and lemon mayonnaise. Maybe it’s just me!).

In fact, since I know many, many people use a food processor to make mayonnaise, I thought I’d try it again when preparing for this post. I got frustrated when it kept splashing out the sides:

mayo in food processor

So, I went back to my tried and true method: the handheld mixer.

I like using a handheld mixer to make mayonnaise because I have more control over the speed. The other bonus is that it doesn’t get too hot. Excess heat ruins the mayonnaise making process. This is one reason some high-power blenders don’t work well for mayonnaise: they generate too much heat.

If you have success with food-processors, blenders, or other appliances, then by all means, carry on. And if you don’t have a handheld mixer, give it a shot in one of the other kitchen appliances. (They work really well for plenty of people.)

Why make mayonnaise?

It is awfully hard to find good mayonnaise at the store; most use undesirable oils, like soy or canola, and have other additives. Making it yourself allows you full control over the ingredients.

Plus, it tastes really good.

In Nourishing Traditions, Sally Fallon suggests adding a tablespoon of whey to the mayonnaise and leaving it out for several hours. She states that it will then keep for up to 6 months. I have not tried this. Anyone else? Ours never lasts that long since we use it to make salad dressing, as well as egg and chicken salad.

homemade mayo

Do you make your own mayonnaise? If so, which kitchen appliance do you use?


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Author: Ann Timm

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    1. Maureen: EVOO works, but it has a very strong flavour which I don’t care for. Maybe you could mix it with another oil to soften the flavour.

    2. Yes, it’s fine to do that, but the flavor will probably be pretty strong (but your family might like it just fine!). I like to mix the extra virgin oil with a lighter-tasting oil and it’s really yummy.

      I have actually done mayonnaise by hand with a hand whisk before! Iit’s totally possible 🙂 I usually like to use the hand mixer, though, because I don’t have a food processor or immersion blender and I’m scared to use a regular blender. If you’re making a big batch (at least 2 cups) you can also use a stand mixer and that will save one of your arms. Just be sure you pour the oil in very slowly like Stacy mentioned 🙂 (But mine is usually done before 20 minutes…hmmm…. 🙂 ) Oh, and I love the addition of cayenne–I’ll try that next time!

  1. I have successfully subbed in whole hard boiled eggs and produced yummy mayo with them using the recipe above. Nice to know if you are scared of raw eggs. Our vitamix is my weapon of choice.

  2. I usually put whey in my homemade mayo like Sally Fallon suggests to preserve it. I’ve never tried keeping it for six months, but I’ve kept it for up to two with no spoilage.

    I have most success with my food processor, too. It doesn’t take anywhere near 20 minutes that way — maybe five. I get the thickest mayo with my Ninja food processor.

    One of these days I want to try whisking it by hand, like Julia Child, just to see how it works. But I always end up going the easy route. 🙂

  3. When you say that you can use whey to stabilize it, are you talking about whey protein powder, or a different form? We use mayo so sparingly (mainly because I know how unhealthy the store bought variety is) and I would love to figure out a way to make it last longer!

    1. Whey is the liquid that separates from cultured milk products like yogurt. The recipe I have read uses 1Tbs whey and 3 egg yolks to 1c oil. Also,lemon juice or raw vinegar, salt, and dry or prepared mustard. All ingredients room temp. After it is made, leave it on the counter covered tightly in the jar you will be keeping it in for 7-24 hours depending on the temp in the room. It supposedly keeps for weeks. My rule of thumb is to smell it, if it smells like it should, taste it. If it tastes good use it. If it is iffy pitch it and make more.

  4. Great post. I’m pinning this. I tried making mayo before but didn’t like the taste of the recipe. So I’ll have to give this one a try.

  5. I was making my own mayo, but then I started to get too freaked out about salmonella. How do you deal with that possibility?

  6. I second Rachel’s comment…is Salmonella a risk with this? Does it depend on where the eggs come from?

  7. It is so much easier if you use an immersion blender, trust me! I just throw the ingredients in a tall plastic measuring cup (or jar) . my recipe is similar, just some small differences-white vinegar, lemon juice, onion powder. No mess, no splatter, easy clean-up. Definitely consider purchasing one of you are going to make your own condiments. Also definitely use light olive oil or cold-pressed grapeseed, etc. I am no huge fan of vegetable oils, but the olive oil makes this very bitter, and my kids did not like it (although they love regular mayo!).

  8. I’ve been making it myself for two months, and no sickness. If you can get eggs with a guarantee, like we have in our grocery, get them. Otherwise, I really think the risk is small. There is raw egg in many dishes and dressings and most people are just fine. Think of all the times we ate raw cookie dough as kids! 🙂

  9. Thanks so much! This sounds great, I’ve been meaning to look up a recipe because we enjoy mayo and the ingredients from the store are sickening!!

    In terms of salmonella, the risk is on the OUTSIDE of the shell, it would come from the mom’s canal as she lays the eggs. So washing the eggs and making sure that the outside of the shell doesn’t touch reduces the risk til near nothing from everything I’ve seen. Crack them individually and if you drop egg shell into it, skip using it for making mayo. After reading a bunch (cause the kids like to eat raw batter when we bake!) it seems the risk is way less than gets suggested (much like honey and botulism for infants…)

  10. I love making it with my stick blender… I’m not good on the slow and waiting thing ;-). Recently, I’ve tried making it with part coconut oil, which is just amazing since it helps to thicken it and lets you get more coconut oil in your diet. I don’t really measure, just dump everything in my jar, stick my blender in & go. (There’s also baconnaise … )

  11. I use olive oil and sometime I use whey if I have some on hand and other times I do not. It is always good. I also combine everything in the jar I want to use making sure every addition is room temp and the eggs are on the bottom and I use a hand held blender. Takes 30 seconds to emulsify. It works great in less time and I can’t tell the difference between doing it this way and the slow way. Does anyone know if doing it fast ruins it nutritionally?

  12. I also make homemade mayo and I just use a small wisk in a glass bowl. Plastic bowls don’t work as well. I have also discovered that using a cold egg yolk versus a room temp one works better. Also, if it is a rainy day it is more than likely not going to work. I just use 1 yolk, a squirt of spicy mustard, veggie oil, salt, pepper and lemon juice.

  13. This is very similar to the recipe I use and we love it! I make it in my Bosch blender and have never had any problems with it. I would like to try using part coconut oil sometime, too. Sounds yummy! I have tried using extra virgin olive oil and it was so nasty I threw the whole batch out!!!

  14. Thank goodness we have an ever ending supply of eggs from the chickens on our farm. For my first attempt at mayonnaise, I tried a whisk, a regular blender, and an immersion blender, before I finally achieved emulsification with a hand mixer, ha! So worth it. My friend suggested using egg whites the other day, but I’m not sure if I would like the taste. I’m curious, has anyone tried using just egg whites?

  15. I use whole eggs for mine. And a blend of grapeseed and EEVO. I also add coconut oil but discovered that you don’t want to use a lot of it if you have a warm house. It will liquefy and separate while you have it out for meal.
    (Also, I’ve read that “light” olive oil is not actually pure olive oil, it has canola or veg oil mixed in. Sorry I don’t have the link.)
    I make it in my old hand-me-down blender and use the top of an old dish soap bottle with a pull top, with the bottom cut off, for the oil. If you use the bigger part of the lid on your blender just stand it upside down on the hole in the middle. Start with it closed. Put the oil in. Start blending the eggs and all other ingredients. Open the lid on the bottle just enough for drops to come out at a time (or a very thin stream). After the mayonnaise starts to thicken you can open the lid further for a slightly faster stream of oil as you also increase the speed of the blender. I don’t think I’ve had a batch not thicken since I started doing it this way. And the bonus is, you can do other things while it’s blending, rather than standing there holding a measuring cup with the oil!

  16. I spent months perfecting my mayo recipe and technique. I’ve tried every way imaginable, and I’ve had to “fix” many batches where the emulsification broke, by hand with a wisk. Ugh… nightmare!

    I had good success with the hand mixer, but it took so long, and my arms ached every time I made it. So, I purchased an immersion blender, and was in love. I still do not know why, but after about a year of 100% success, my last several attempts with the immersion blender have failed. It’s been pretty traumatic. There was no change in ingredients or technique.

    I got a new Cuisinart food processor for Christmas, and FINALLY had a successful batch on the first try again. I’m hoping it continues, or I may give up on homemade mayo altogether, and purchase from Wilderness Family Naturals.

    Don’t ever throw out a failed batch. You can fix it. It’s a huge pain, but better than throwing out perfectly good and pricey ingredients. Just Google “how to fix broken mayo”. Good luck, everyone!

  17. What Lauren said about salmonella is not true; salmonella is not just on the shell. If the chicken is infected, the infection can be inside the eggs: http://www.cdc.gov/nczved/divisions/dfbmd/diseases/salmonella_enteritidis/#eggs. You can pasteurize an egg yolk by adding 2 tablespoons of the liquid for each egg/yolk and cooking over low heat or a double boiler until it reaches 150 or you can try this: http://www.halleethehomemaker.com/2010/01/how-to-pasteurize-an-egg/
    Also this mayo method is great: http://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2011/10/two-minute-mayonnaise.html

  18. I am concerned about the bacteria in the uncooked egg. I would not share recipes that could possibly make someone sick.

  19. OMGoodness, my arm is going to fall off. I think I have rendered it useless for the rest of the day however, I have FINALLY achieve homemade Mayo success! I used 3/4 cup EVOO and the rest GMO free canola but I am afraid it it still too strong flavor. I will have to use it up in a batch of buttermilk ranch dressing and make more for sandwhiches (100% canola). For other first timers: Try an oil bottle with a pour spout – I measured my oil and poured it back into the bottle and it was much easier to prop against the bowl and drizzle. Thanks for sharing!

  20. If you have bacteria concerns, dont forget you added vinegar, which is a potent germ/mold/bacteria destroyer.

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