Forum Highlights- November
Wow, the forum is really hopping these days!
I have been so blessed by the way that so many of you have just jumped on board with the forum, starting new topics, answering other’s questions, introducing yourselves… it’s really phenomenal to me. It is creating exactly the type of community and resource that I had envisioned when I first came up with the idea of having a forum! Thank you for your participation. I love it!
Now that there are nearly 300 members and 150 topics (and growing daily!) I thought that it might be helpful if once a month or so, I just give you a bit of an update on what’s happening in the forum and highlight some particularly interesting or helpful topics for you to check out!
Here are this month’s picks:
First, a couple of all-around good places to visit.
Recipes- This is one that I need to revisit myself! Every time I check in at the forum, it seems there is a new recipe up (or several!). Lots of good, healthy stuff, too!
Members Cafe- If you’d like to get to know a bit about all the wonderful women in the forum, this is the place to do it! It’s been neat to read everyone’s introductions and feel like I know you all just a little it better.
These are some particular topics that seem interesting, have been quite a hot topic, or that I think would be really valuable if we could get more of a discussion going:
BPA-free canning lids
3-year-old just diagnosed with nut allergy
Yeast Infection and the Cloth Diaper
Clogged drain (a great example of how we can learn from each other to avoid using nasty chemicals in our homes!)
Homemade laundry detergent
Natural Remedies for Dry Scalp
Vaccine Resources
Boosting immunity in toddlers and preschoolers
Cheap sources of organic, grass-fed butter?
Natural ways to promote a sticky baby? (in reference to recurring miscarriages)
Need encouraging resources for discouraged moms
Too late to plant garlic?
Quality read-alouds for my preschooler?
I won’t always post this many forum topics, but I wanted to give you a really good taste of the types of important and interesting topics that are being raised. This is just a small sampling really (13 out of 150!). I hope that you’ll be encouraged to take a look around, become a member and join this community of like-minded women!
Some Housekeeping
Unfortunately, the spammers have already discovered our lovely little community. I was hoping it would take them a bit longer! 🙂 If you are in the forum and notice a post that is obviously spam (or even if you’re not sure but it seems out of place to you), please use the option “Report to Moderator”. I will receive an email with the link to that specific topic and will be sure to check it out and remove it ASAP.
Ahhh, thanks for letting me know about the “report to moderator”. I visit the forum several times a day and I kept thinking about what I could do to help with the spam…now I know!
@Lisa, Awesome, thanks! It’s so helpful for me to have your eyes looking out for spam as well! The faster I can get it deleted, the better!
I’ve really been loving it!!! Busyness has kept me away much of this week, but I’ll be back when I can!
.-= Babychaser´s last blog ..WOW Toys… a self offered review! =-.
@Babychaser, Oh good, I’m so glad that you’ve been enjoying it!