Diaper Giveaway Winner and RSS/Email Subscriptions


Two quick, but important things to tell you:

1. Someone has won that fantabulous cloth diaper package from the giveaway last week? Are you eager to know who it is?

(I’m sure you are.. one of my real life friends keeps asking me, “So, did you choose a winner yet???”)

And the winner of a Fuzzi Bunz One Size Diaper, a hemp insert and bamboo cloth wipes is…

April! (SavvyChristianMom)

Congratulations and enjoy your wonderful diaper package, courtesy of Just Bumming Around! For those who didn’t win, but loved what you saw in the giveaway post, make sure you check out Just Bumming Around and their wonderful assortment of only the best cloth diapering supplies!

2. Many of you have noticed (and some have contacted me- thank you!) the fact that my RSS feed is not working, or that you are not receiving emails of my recent posts.

After long term problems with Feedburner, I have opted to switch to a new feed service, Feedblitz. This will ultimately be a really good thing, but in the meantime, it requires one thing of you.

If you enjoy what you read here at Keeper of the Home, would you kindly re-subscribe to my feed, either through RSS (for blog readers, like Google Reader or Bloglines) or through email?

Subscribe by RSS
Subscribe by Email

**Please note that even though you are currently receiving my feed and it seems like it is working, it is crucial that you unsubscribe and re-subscribe using these links, as the feed that you are seeing right now is only temporary!!!**

Thank you so much! I apologize for the inconvenience, and I hope that this switch brings about more stability with my feeds in the long run.

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  1. Hey, just wanted to let you know that I had *not* been getting any posts (I thought maybe you were on a blogging break!), but the Feedblitz email showed up just fine without me having to make any switches!
    .-= Megan@SortaCrunchy´s last blog ..Because I love him, old chap =-.

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