5 am club, anyone?

If I had known what the chapter was about, I wouldn’t have read it. I should have guessed by the title, I suppose. But there’s no going back now. I read it, and now I have to deal with the consequences.

The chapter, in the book Shopping for Time: How to Do It All and NOT Be Overwhelmed, explained how, as moms and wives, it can be crucial for us to wake early in order to begin our day efficiently and with our priorities in order. Carolyn and her daughter Nicole expressed how helpful it has been for them to learn to rise before their families, to spend time with the Lord, to establish their goals and priorities for that day, to get a start on chores or meals before the children are up, etc.

I’ve fluctuated between being hesitant and excited about the idea. I know that I desperately need to have a solid quiet time, and to prepare myself for the day, before my little ones are up. I also know that I often stay up too late, and that I struggle to get out of bed in the morning, especially with a nursing baby who is currently teething and still up 1-2 times a night.

I’ve been trying my best to incorporate this principle into my life, although I have chosen 6 am, rather than 5 am, because I just don’t think that I could quite do that. And even now, I am not doing it perfectly. Not even remotely close. Probably 3 out of 5 weekday mornings, I still stumble out of bed after 7, occasionally around 8. But a few mornings I actually get it right and pull my tired body out of bed between 6 and 6:30.

And the rewards are immeasurable. Since becoming a Mom, I can’t remember the last time when I have had truly quiet, uninterrupted times with God, longer than 5 minutes. I need it. I cannot expect to have anything to give to my family, to serve the needs of others, to be joyful and patient and loving, without sitting at His feet, and soaking in His Word.

For the rest of my day as well, I feel that I am able to be more productive and focused, having started my morning well. When I wake up at 8, stay in my pj’s until 10, once I’ve tidied the breakfast dishes and fed, bathed, and clothed everyone, the day feels like a waste, somehow.

I am committed to trying to be a part of the 6am club, and look forward to reaping the benefits even more. I love knowing that I am in good company…

She rises while it is yet night and provides food for her household…she looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness".
; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;Proverbs 31:15a, 28

If you are not in a season where you are able to do this, there is absolutely no shame. I believe that God blesses our efforts when our desire is to please Him, not to match up with someone else’s standard. However, at this point in my life, I am so thankful for this teaching and just wanted to share it with you. And you know what? It’s not working perfectly for me, yet, but by His grace I will keep striving to be faithful to what I feel called to do, as I serve and love my family.

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  1. thanks for these words of encouragement! i am not a morning person at all, but have been striving to get up and exercise – this was just what i needed to hear!

  2. I get out of bed at 5:30 am Monday – Friday. After studying Proverbs 31 I wanted to become “That” women. I am able to get more done because I do this. It allows me to relax earlier in the evenings because I begin my day in this fashion.

  3. I love that book! I got it a few weeks ago and am reading through it for a second time. I have committed to the 5:00am club. I agree with you that its soooo hard to get up, but when I do there are so many benefits. Sadly I didn’t make it today, but, I’ll try again tomorrow. I was also able to have a personal retreat day last week and I highly recommend taking one! It really helped me to focus on specific areas of my life that need some work. I have always been a person that kind-of lets life happen and goes with the flow, but the Lord is showing me that I need to be more deliberate about the use of my time. This comment is getting really long! But I am really enthusiastic about this book and I would recommend it to everyone!

  4. Any suggestions for someone (me) whose husband wakes up at any slight movement so he asks me not to get up earlier than he does? I love the mornings but since getting married have felt responsible to sleep in later so as to not disturb his beauty sleep.

  5. Hmm…good thoughts. I usually stay in bed until the baby wakes up at 7ish, then am struggling to find time to take care of business. What a concept – actually getting up BEFORE the baby. I’ll have to think about this.

  6. When my little man starts sleeping through the night (right now he’s waking 2-7 times a night), I may be able to do something similar. My husband gets up at 5 every morning and leaves for work by 5:45. If I ever manage to get some sleep, I may _try_ to get up when he does. We’ll see.

    Really I’m just hoping that eventually AJ will sleep past 7 regularly and I can just keep getting up at 7. I’d _really_ prefer that. 🙂

  7. momala, I also took a personal retreat (well, in between nursing sessions) for a day and it was incredible. I have never done that before, and it helped me to focus and prioritize so much! I also recommend it to anyone!

    Britni, first off I would say it’s good that you have been abiding by your husband’s wishes. That is your first priority. I would also suggest that you talk to him about this, and see if you can come to an arrangement that works for both of you. If not, then honor his wishes, and perhaps try staying up a bit later at night, to prepare things for the morning or have some quiet time, and then you can still wake up with him. Any other suggestions for Britni?

    For those with babies, like myself, good for you for trying! Honestly, it can be a tough season, when sleep is so sporadic and broken, but it’s so good to remember that slowly babies do sleep longer and longer. Personally, I’m just doing the best I can, and on those mornings when I just really need that sleep, I take it (and try not to feel guilty about doing so).

  8. Ahhh… I used to get up well before the kiddos and it was wonderful. I miss it. I’ve had my reasons/excuses for sleeping until the baby wakes up, but maybe it would be worth it to start setting an alarm again. Thanks for the reminder of what that Morning Mommy time was like! 🙂

  9. This was a topic we spent a lot of time on in my mom’s group at church a while back. What we ended up saying was that any time spent with the Lord one on one was good. Most of us all have small children who wake up early, and those who don’t are hockey moms, so they are up early anyway. So we ended up reconcilling ourselves to the idea that devotions and prayer at night can be just as good as in the morning from a spiritual perspective. 5 am just doesn’t sound good to me, but maybe one day I will work up the nerve to try it. Good luck everyone.

  10. Hi Trisha! Thanks for visiting! I agree, any time spent with God is good, regardless of when it happens. And I also agree that it’s not for everyone, and certainly not for every season of life. I guess I like it because I just really enjoy that time of quite and productivity before the household is up, and after such a busy season of our lives this past year, I feel like I need that along time with the Lord and to feel ready for the day. Plus, my evenings are my time with Ry, and I just don’t want to give that up. 🙂

  11. Ive just stumbled upon this posting and think its a really good idea. 5am wouldnt work for me but 6am would. I often find that when i wake up late the day is just wasted. I have started getting up at 7am for the kids for school but i would love to get up at 6am to have some quiet devotional time with God and to get the house sorted.

  12. I don’t have children, but I have a full-time job that is likely to keep me working early in the morning and/or sometime after 5PM. For several weeks, I have struggled with Saturdays-how to get the laundry, preparation of the coming week’s meals done, and all of the other necessary cleaning done. Saturday would pass by in a blur, and before I know it, the whole day would pass by.

    I then discovered that I get my best cleaning time done in the morning, a time when my husband has not awakened yet, and I can get it done without it hanging over my head while I am at work. On the days I have to be at work by 7am, I get up at 4; if I have to be at work by 8am, I get up at 5. This allows me more than enough time to first read my daily portions of the Bible, which would take about an hour, then do what i set out to do in the morning.

    So, whoever wrote this post, there is someone else in this country who has the same tactic you do.

  13. I will definitely think on this for a while. I do currently have a baby who wakes between 5 and 6 a.m. every morning and may (or may not) take a nap an hour or so later. But I do know that when I take the time to really listen during my morning Bible reading, and then talk it over with God, I am more likely to actually follow the instructions in the chapter I’ve read.
    Also, I do understand the husband needing sleep thing as he gets up about 5:30 every morning to be at work by 6a.m. and our son has a feeding during the night (which I have to set an alarm for). Thankfully, my husband gets off around 2p.m. each day, so I try to have things done so we can squeeze in time together around his unwind time and other weekly commitments.

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