21 Days to a More Disciplined Life (plus 100 free copies!)

21 Days to a More Disciplined Life (plus 100 free copies!)

21 days disclipined life

I’m the queen of making lofty goals that never come to fruition.

Being a particularly ambitious and driven person, I tend to shoot for the starts. I write up fancy plans, reorganize my schedule, print up pretty calendars and goal charts and dive right in. None of this is bad; in fact, being goal oriented and aiming high is a good thing!

The problem is that my exuberance often exceeds my capability to follow through. Time and again, my lofty plans fall flat. Over the last while, I’ve been slowly learning to take my goals and plans one intentional step at a time, so that they actually become a reality and not just a dream.

This is hard for a couple reasons: 1) I have to pick just one thing and work on it at a time (ignoring my huge list of things I want to work on), and 2) I have to recognize that I am part of the problem in the first place.

Recently, I was reading through Crystal Paine’s new ebook, 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life, and this jumped out at me:

But here’s the reality: A bad system is not the problem. My circumstances are not the problem. I am the problem. Oh sure, every time I start to get a good routine going, life throws a curveball. There are job losses, babies born, illnesses, moves, and never-ending projects that must be completed or that I want to complete. But ultimately, whether or not I live a disciplined life depends solely upon me and the choices I make on a daily basis. Believe me, those are tough words to swallow. My life isn’t disciplined, and it’s my fault. And I could wallow in frustration over my shortcomings and failures. But instead, I want to let that frustration motivate me. I am the problem, but I am also the solution.

If I’m being honest, aside from my desire to just rush and implement all of my goals and plans with the flick of my pretty little pastel-colored daily planner, there’s one issue that supersedes all other challenges I have with accomplishing my goals…


. discipline is the bridge

I need to be told (probably over and over again) that “I am the problem, but I am also the solution“. If I could paint this on a 2×4 and just give myself a whack every day or so, I think that might be helpful.

Though I’d like to blame my failings on the wrong system, goals that are too difficult, or other life circumstances (like my children, my husband, my lack of sleep, my personality, the size of my house, the limits of my budget, etc.), none of those things are the problem. I am. I am the problem. (Say it with me now).

21 Days to a More Disciplined Life

What I loved, no, not jut loved but needed to hear in this ebook was the reminder that I (and I alone) have the power to change things in my life and achieve my goals. When I choose to make the tough decisions, to pull myself out of bed at the sound of the alarm and prop open my weary eyelids, or to stick to a schedule I’ve made even when I’d rather let myself by distracted by something more fun that what I know I should be doing, it’s that discipline that makes all the difference.

These past few months, I have really struggled with going to bed too late, and then not being able to get up early in the morning and start my day well. My excuses have included everything under the sun that I could come up with (my heavy work load, a teething baby, wanting to spend time with my husband, having a hard time winding down at night) but none of them are true.

The real, gut-honest reason I can’t seem to get to bed on time and wake up when I want to is because I haven’t been disciplined about it. And it needs to change.

For me, this ebook came at the perfect time. I’m making myself a 21 day plan to establish a better morning wake-up time, based on Crystal’s suggestions, and then I’ll read along with the book, one short chapter per day, for encouragement and help to stick with my goals. Why 21 days? Because that’s how long it takes for something to become a habit. Forcing myself to push hard at this one goal for 21 days will get me well on the road to making it a habit in my life.

I know I’m not alone. I think most of us struggle with lacking discipline in some areas of our lives, whether it’s with our personal habits, how we maintain our home, what we eat, how much we exercise, our times with the Lord, making it to appointments on time, or even remembering birthdays (major ouch area for me)… you name it, it probably requires discipline!

I found this little checklist is on Crystal’s website, suggesting who this ebookmight be for. Sound like you?

  • You have trouble following through.
  • You get overwhelmed by huge projects.
  • You start strong, but your passion fizzles out.
  • You are super-disciplined in a few areas of your life, but you have one or two pet areas that you just can’t get under control.
  • You check out 10 different books on discipline and organization from the library, but return all of them late.

Guilty. as. charged. I need this book. The library fines are killing me. Can I get an amen?

Would you like to get a copy of the ebook?

The free copies are all gone- sorry! But you can still get your own copy for just $4.99!

I have 100 free copies of 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life to give away! The ebook usually sell for $4.99, but the first 100 people to comment will receive a PDF copy of the book (it will be sent by email, within 2-3 days).

For those who miss out on the free copies (which will go fast, no doubt), the ebook is just $4.99 and available for Kindle as well. If you’re struggling with self-discipline, as I am, why don’t you join me in making some slow but steady progress towards achieving goals and making new habits?

Do you find it hard to be disciplined? What is one good habit that you would really like to develop (or one bad habit that you want to get rid of)?

Texture background for quote comes from Friendbrook Meadows
Disclosure: This post includes my affiliate links.

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  1. I totally need this! I’ve known for a long time that I’m the problem in not getting things done, being unorganized, staying up late..the list keeps going. But instead of beating myself up, it’s refreshing to hear that I can fix this too.

  2. Yes! I need this! I would love to read this book. All the baby steps in the world won’t help me without discipline.

  3. This is exactly what I need too. It has been a rough year and I want to get it together before the next one. I need to focus, catch up and stay caught up!

  4. Thank you for this great post! I’d love to be part of this ebook win, just what I need about now.

  5. This would come in really handy! I would love to read it and finally get my life organized better, my family would thank me!

  6. Super Excited to check out this e-book! I love Crystal’s writing style. This book will help me get the motivation I need to be more organized!

  7. I hope I win a copy! Live Money Saving Mom and after recently having a baby, I need some motivation to get my eating and cleaning and money routines back in shape.

  8. This all sounds perfect for me! I am motivated and ready! Hope I win a copy.

    New reader to your blog these last couple months. Love it.

  9. What a blessing! There are MANY areas i need to be more disciplined. Mainly with our morning routines. Would love to be one of the 100 to get a free copy 🙂

  10. I have a hard time balancing working, being a mother, taking care of the house, and being a good wife. I find myself feeling like I am doing nothing well at times. I would love to have a good read that would give me some ideas and perspective.

  11. I so could use some focus. I seem to start one plan,and end up with 10+ and then I fall to far behind,get discouraged and give up. I need to gain control again one step at a time! 🙂

  12. I totally need this. Being a new stay at home mom I need to do a better job eith structure and discipline!!

  13. I struggle with burn out. I do it for a week then fall off the wagon.

    I need to add the habits of early wake up and exercise into my day, and change the habit if staying up too late.

  14. I so need this book! I am starting to home school my 4 year old, and one of my number 1 problems is my own discipline to keep everyone on task. I beat myself up over it, but I seem to get so distracted by little things. I need a little help in staying focused. I would love to get a copy.

  15. Oh my goodness! I totally could have written your post! Thank you so much for sharing!!! Sometimes it just takes knowing you aren’t the only one struggling!!

  16. I also really need this book. I have seen good things about it all over the web. Seems to be well worth the $4.99.

  17. I am the same way – setting goals and not following through. If Crystal’s book can help with this, that would be so wonderful! She has great advice on her site (as do you), so I would love to read her thoughts on the topic.

  18. I would love a free copy! Hopefully I am in the 100 blessed to receive the gift. I NEED a plan to get a more disciplined life so badly – lol!!! Thanks for the opportunity.

  19. It’s like you described me exactly! What a blessing it would be to overcome my lack of self discipline and see the fruit of it in my life!

  20. I really need some help in this area. I love your blog. I hope I win a free book. Thanks!

  21. I have been waiting to read the book and just forgot to order! Now I think I definitely need it. I love Crystal and have the privilege of meeting and speaking with her and can’t wait to read the book and learn from her!

  22. Would love to read this! I am great at being organized and having a plan for everything, but so often I just can’t follow through and accomplish what needs to be done. It is totally a self-control issue – maybe this book will help?!

  23. Oh this sounds like my song that you’re singing! I too have such lofty goals and hopes only to have them fall flat. This sounds like a wonderful resource! Thank You!!

  24. I could totally use this book! I have been working on a lot of areas in my life like being more purposeful with my kids, planning meals ahead, staying organized, and exercising. This would be great! Thank you!

  25. I need this book! I’m like you–goal oriented and a visionary–but I lack follow through!

  26. I would like to be more consistant with waking up before the kids… which starts with going to bed early the night before. Such a challenge but also such a blessing when I can manage it.

  27. I use to be disciplined but the last few years I have been not eating well or going to bed at a decent time, finishing or starting projects.

  28. Most people deem me as super organized. Unfortunately, the appearrance of organization is wearing me down. I need help in prioritizing. Thanks for the opportunity to catch a free ebook to help me get on track and not drive myself bonkers!

  29. I’d love a copy of the e-book! Thanks to you and Crystal! I need to get into the habit of praying regularly for my friends and family. 21 days to this sounds like a good start!

  30. I definitely struggle with self-discipline! I would love to dig into this book. And I really enjoyed hearing you at Allume! Thanks for the free book 🙂 The best habit I would like to develop is consistency! I am great at setting up a plan and attacking it most days. I need to do more!

  31. There’s a quote I love – I think it’s by Mark Twain – something like “Quitting smoking is easy. I’ve done it a hundred times!” That pretty much sums it up for me (not the smoking part, but the overall idea!) I have the best of intentions when it comes to my personal goals, and the most thoughtful of plans – but it’s the follow-through that gets me every time! I could definitely use this ebook!

  32. This has been a problem for me most of my life! I have made strides in this area but still need some work on it. I always want to start my day with The Lord but, alas, I let myself be sidetracked. :(. Would love to read this book!

  33. I totally could use this book. I have been so excited about changes only to fail in the planning stage of things. I get so wrapped up in the details that I forget the goal.

  34. I am also good at setting goals, unfortunately they are usually too outrageous that I rarely accomplish them. I could definitely use a little more discipline in my life!

  35. I just transitioned from the corporate world to a SAHM to my 4 yr old twins. I could definitely use thias. Thanks and am really glad to find your site!

  36. Hi there! This topic really hit home for me! I am the worlds worst procrastinator and it really effects my daily productivity. Every night I feel bad that I didn’t accomplish all that I needed to and vow to do better tomorrow. I definitely need to be more disciplined.

  37. I do find it hard to stay disciplined. I need to work on following through and not getting lazy and quitting. This book looks great!

  38. I find it so easy to start something, then find my resolve disappears! I would love to have a copy of this ebook to motivate me to keep on track.

  39. Why did I think that I was the only one who struggled with this?! 🙂 I could certainly use some help in this area of my life. I pray that this book is a blessing to many.

  40. I commented first and then read your post so didn’t see your question 🙂
    I would like to start getting up much earlier, before my boys, so I can fit in exercise and a quiet time and get my day started right! I am also a terrible meal planner and always scramble everyday to figure something out…

  41. I was just asking a good friend to pray for me to have discipline! It is definitely something I struggle with. I would live to have a free copy of this book.

  42. Got to get this book! God has been showing me that since my family is grown and out of the house, I have gotten sloppy and am not using my time well. Always trying to catch up.

  43. I struggle with making plans and sticking to them. I want to be a good example to my children to form good habits when it comes to time management, finances, school work etc.

  44. I absolutely get overwhelmed by huge projects. I get overwhelmed cleaning the house. My desire is to be more disciplined and I can use all the help I can get!

  45. Crystal has changed my life. I hope I win this book because that is the only chance I will have to get it.

  46. I used to be fairly disciplined but since having children…. not so much. I really need encouragement to get control of my own life so that I can better serve my family. I’d love to have a copy! 🙂


  47. This is so me. I never get anything done til the last minute. I have been working on it but not getting real far.

  48. I am soooo guilty!! I struggle with self discipline in most areas of my life. I would love to get it together.

  49. This made me Lol – my husband was ready to revoke my library priveleges this past summer due to the fines I was racking up! And what better time to find some discipline than before the holiday rush??

  50. Oh my goodness! This is me! Ii really need this book, especially coming right into the holidays and new year! Thanks o much for this post!

  51. I feel like I know what I need to do, but need a little push to organize and DO IT! Thanks for offering this!

  52. This is timely! I can relate to everything you said in your post. Ready to be part of the solution!

  53. This is definitely something that I should read, especially now. I got up today, overwhelmed by all that I need to get done yet unable to decide where to start, etc.

  54. I definitely feel like I am at a point where I need to make some better decisions to become more disciplined and effective in my roles. I would love to read this book!

  55. Not sure if I made the cut, but if not this will be a book I purchase! Thanks for the post.. It couldn’t have come at a better time!

  56. This sounds like just the thing for me! Between a graduating senior and a brand-new baby I have more than my share of things I use for excuses. I just want to be more “there” for my kids. Instead of, “We’ll read the story later sweetheart, mommy’s too tired”, I really want to give up the excuses. Looking at my 18 year old has definately brought into stark focus the fact that you can only say “next time” so many times before there are just no next-times left.

  57. This is is highly needed in our family. We have great ideas and intentions but have a hard time actually getting them all the way finished. Especially thinks we don’t really want to to do but need to be done. I’d love to see if this book will help with some practical ideas and plans on follow through.

  58. This sounds exactly like me: i never get my to do list done, i have good intentions to do things but never seen to finish them and i never can find any motivation

  59. I have been struggling with this some as I try to line up our family’s priorities with realistic goals to reach them. Any help and insight is always welcome.

  60. I need this! I guess this is one time I can be thankful that my little one has me up at 4 am 🙂

  61. I definitely could use this! I have what seems like a million projects, books, and such started but never completed. I’m behind on my daughter’s math lessons, on my housecleaning and even balancing my checkbook. I just paid off the library fines. : ) I’d love to be able to develop the habit of getting up a little earlier to have quiet time and maybe get a little done. Oh, and if I get the book, I will read it through. ; )

  62. You had me at, “I’m the queen of making lofty goals that never come to fruition.” LOL! 🙂 What a great resource!

  63. This sounds like a good book and I’m interested in a free copy! I just got married and this would be great to get a good schedule going! Thank you!

  64. I would love to read this book! With our third little one on the way, my business, and my husband’s work on his PhD, we need all the organization and self-discipline that we can manage in our lives!

  65. This would be so helpful as I try to deal with a busy season of homeschooling, Christmas choir and worship leading at church and a host of other responsibilities. I need to do a better job at the tasks God has called me to.

  66. I think I need this book….I do okay for a few days, accomplishing lots….then I do nothing for a few days….got to be a better system! 🙂

  67. This is EXACTLY what I need right now. I am really realizing that most of my day to day troubles are because I’ve never learned to be more self disciplined! This book couldn’t come at a better time in my life!!

  68. This is so ME!
    I thought my name would be written twice in every paragraph and example…ARGH!

    Thank you for my morning motivation.
    Happy Tuesday. Wende
    p.s. Think I will go make another list, but with pencil this time. LOL

  69. I have been wanting this book for a while! What a great giveaway.

    I would love to develop discipline with exercise! Not only is it needed, I want to teach my daughter the importance of taking care of our bodies. A habit I would love to overcome: pushing the snooze button until I HAVE to get up. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  70. Everything you said about yourself, I could say about myself! This book sounds like something I need!

  71. Well, I asked for the answer to my problem and God answered. Your blogg this morning was the whack on my head! I would love to read this book and begin the change.
    Thanks for being so honest!

  72. Wow, do I EVER need this book! And I’d love a free copy! This sounds like a definite game-changer for my daily life!

  73. Just talking with my husband about this last night. How timely!!! (As your blog posts always seem to be…….) I need to read this!

  74. Oh man, this sounds like it was written right to me. Haha! I’m always trying to get my procrastination and organization under control. I definitely need to be more disciplines there. Sounds like a great read! 🙂

  75. This is the book I need. I think I hit every one of the qualifications you mentioned. I need someone to help me make the changes.

  76. It sounds like just the thing I need! I find myself wishing I could be more organized all the time but I don’t know where to start!

  77. I need to get back into some sort of exercise routine but I always seem to find something else to do. I’d love to get motivating ideas from this book!

  78. Love the thought “I am the problem but I am also the solution.”
    Thank you for a much needed push this morning.

  79. I would love a copy if this book! Your post hit home for me. Thanks for the amazing words of wisdom.

  80. Thanks for such a great topic. So many things I could use more discipline in, when to bite my tongue, when to wait, when to stand up for my beliefs, etc. I’m just thankful that I am a work in progress & that the good Lord isn’t done with me yet!

  81. I needed to hear that the problem is me.. not my kids! I would love some help in getting more disciplined.

  82. Oh wow– this sounds like EXACTLY what I need. Lots of discipline books seem to hit SOME of the points I’d like to improve on, but this one seems to be an exact fit. I hope I made it in time! 🙂

  83. Getting up earlier & being more disciplined with homeschool organization would make my life smoother.

  84. Looks like there might already be 100 people up there, but if not I’d love to read this. Discipline, or motivation, or self-control, whatever, is not my forte. I find myself ending the day disappointed that something wasn’t accomplished, even though I knnow full well that I could have gotten it done if I’d appplied myself better and not gotten distracted by something shiny.

  85. I’ve often thought that if I were more disciplined, I could do so much with my day, with my health, with the organization of my house. I want my children to be disciplined, but I don’t model it for them. I would love to read this!

  86. The 2 blogs I have followed the longest are yours and money saving mom.. I would love to win one of these Ebooks 🙂

  87. This would be great to have… sometimes being disciplined can be a challenge… Thanks Lots for sharing.

  88. My baby boy was born 10 weeks ago and when we finally come home from the hospital (hopefully before Christmas) my life as a SAHM will begin. From then on keeping the home will be my ‘job’ and I’m really looking forward to it! However, based on experiences from the past I can definitely use some lessons in discipline to help me run this home smoothly 🙂

  89. I really could use this book. I have so many projects started and not as many finished. I really would love this information.

  90. This post is coming at just the right time for me! I’m trying to get myself to go to sleep earlier so I can handle my day better (up at 5 for work every day) and not rely so much on the coffee that my body hates but I love. Of course there’s twenty million other things I need to be more disciplined in too, and of course I want to try to do all of them at once and then epically fail!

  91. I so need that ebook:). My child is on chemo for a brain tumor we work and I struggle to juggle maybe this will get me on track!

  92. I soo could use this! I need to get disciplined to be able to get more things accomplished that I don’t make myself do.

  93. I could definitely be more disciplined in my life! I’m the type who is super-disciplined in some areas, but other areas are completely out of control.

  94. Discipline? Yeah – I’ve heard of it. Can occasionally apply it to my children. But to myself? Argh!

  95. I could really use this book :0). I’ve always heard it takes 21 days to make a habit so I look forward to 21 days to be more disciplined. I enjoy your website

  96. I’m definitely interested. I, too, tend to have these awesome goals, and then I get lost in the process. Thanks!

  97. I could so use this book! Looking for motivation and inspiration on how to get it all together and keep it all together

  98. The book sounds great. Life is overwhelming sometimes, being disciplined can help smooth out the chaos.

  99. I wish I had this when my children were younger. I look forward to reading and learning from it. Everyone could use steps to better discipline! Thank you

  100. I would LOVE to have a copy of this book! I’m at the end of my first trimester of pregnancy, and ready to get some more discipline in my life as we prepare to add our 4th child.

  101. I would love a copy of this book! I’m always wanting to become more disciplined but find it hard to actually accomplish.

  102. This book would be really helpful. Although I know it’s ultimately up to me to be more disciplined, I find it easier to do when I’m following someone elses guidance in the beginning.

  103. I love reading both your blogs, and feel as though lately God is showing me how to become more intentional with how I spend my days with my 4 little ones. I’m sure this would be a very helpful resource to help me with this desire! 🙂 “Blessed is the one whom God corrects; so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty.” -Job 5:17

  104. This was great to read this morning even if I’m not early enough to get a free copy. I’ve been really struggling with getting up on time lately as well, and because of it I miss out on the chance to have breakfast with my husband and am often stressed running out the door late for work! I really needed to realize that my plan isn’t the problem, I am! Time to just do what I’ve planned to do.

  105. My friend was telling me about this book. I would love to have a copy so she and I can work through it together.

  106. Hope it’s not too late for me to learn some new “tricks”! I’m horrible at following through, but I’m a super hard worker…just wish I could stay on task and not get so distracted.

  107. This is great timing for this. I know I need to be more disicplined and it would be awesome to have something to follow for encouragement like this book!

  108. I soooo need this book!! I struggle every morning with getting to work on time! And I’d like to blame the last minute poopy diaper or not having enough gas in the car, etc., but ultimately the problem is me!! Ouch! I needed to read that this morning! Thanks for sharing!!

  109. Yes! I just realized that I could make schedules for a job, but follow them I’m not so good at. I need to be more disciplined at life in general though, not just following a schedule.

  110. This would be awesome for me. Discipline is one of my major themes floor the upcoming year. Thanks!

  111. I have a really hard time with distractions. I will be working on one project and something else will pop into my mind. I have been trying to write down those random thoughts and quickly getting back to the task at hand, but it’s not always easy.

  112. I could soooo use this!! I am trying with 3 children to not be tearing my hair out by the end of the day!

  113. My life is out of control! My health, my weight, my schedule, my home! Time to stop the madness! Hope this book can provide some insight!

  114. I NEED this book!!! I am always trying to get organized and use every excuse I can think of as to why it is not my fault. (my 5 boys, my husband, all the “extras” going on in life, being a children’s pastor, being the wife of a youth pastor…and the list goes on.)

  115. This book sounds great! I am very disciplined sometimes and other times, not so much. I think this book could really help : )

  116. Sounds like an awesome book. I do remember reading some of your posts from a few years ago and thinking that you put a lot of effort into being organized and wondered how that worked for you. I have to keep it simple so I don’t get overwhelmed.

  117. I would LOVE a copy of Crystal’s book!!! I’ve been working very hard not to ‘impulse buy’ – hence I won’t even spend the couple of dollars to buy it myself, but I certainly won’t pass up the opportunity to ‘impulse enter’ a giveaway!


  118. I so need this book! I truly need help in becoming more disciplined, and appreciate any help I can get! Thank you so much!

  119. This sounds great I could use some discipline my life has spun a bit out of control lately!

  120. There are a lot of habits I would like to change! I think one big one is that I have become a really bad procrastinator. I am not usually one to put things off but I find myself doing this more and more often!

  121. My biggest concern is that MY lack of discipline is now effecting my whole family. I need to implement better habits and more follow through in my own life so that we can have a better home life and so that I can help instill healthy life skills in my kids.

  122. I could definitely see this book helping me. I suffer from chronic pain and it is all too easy to make excuses on why to stay in bed or procrastinate. I am always coming up with big plans and then not following through on them. Hopefully this book will be the push I need!

  123. Oh my! Have you been reading my journal? I am the princess of good intentions! And yes, some things I am very disciplined about, like menu planning, and some much less so. Currently, my 3 year old is helping me learn to leave my shoes on the shoe rack when we enter our home and put on my slippers, just like I taught her to do but always failed to learn myself. It’s working – she gives me stickers! (Of course, I’m working on stuff with her too, like eating up her veggies, but you get the point!).

  124. Is someone watching me? I definitely need this book to get myself on track. Not disciplined at all!!!

  125. What great timing for such a post. Life is really throwing me some curve balls right now and I could use this to kick me in gear.

  126. Sounds like you wrote this for me! I really would love this book, and my family would thank you. 🙂

  127. I struggle with setting permanent routines in my life outside of external requirements (work, school, etc.).

  128. I definitely struggle with this. I really like your thought about taking one thing at a time and ignoring everything else. I find it hard to balance day-to-day life with my list of projects. One good habit that I have been working on for years is consistent time with God. I’ve made improvements this year but would really like to solidify it as a lasting commitment of my daily life.

  129. I am really bad about starting projects and not finishing them. I was going to do a juice diet, bought a juicer and quit after day three. I was going to sew more, bought a sewing machine, sewed one pillow and stopped. Not only is it embarrassing, it is also expensive. I don’t lack the passion, just the sustainability. Help.

  130. We will soon be welcoming baby #5 into our family and could really use some tips to more disciplined, peaceful days.

  131. I need help in the discipline department. No one wants to hear it is because of me, but ultimately, it is. We need to learn before we can teach, right?

  132. I need to be more disciplined in my organization of my home. I’m good about starting, but not finishing!

  133. Thanks for this post! I need more discipline…I’ve been struggling to run my husband’s business and take care of two little kids at home.

  134. I would live a copy of the odf! I am a super huge procrastinator one of those people who wonder what happened to the day and why I accomplished nothing.

  135. I could really use this e-book…I have STRUGGLED with the same issue as you of going to bed earlier so I can get up and start the day right. Admitting I am the problem, not each day’s circumstances, sounds like a great place to start!

  136. I SOOO need this! I have so many irons in the fire that the things I really want to do keep getting dropped and my follow through has suffered massively. Thank you or the opportunity!

  137. What amazing timing. I could have written this article as it so relates to my current situation. I could totally benefit from this book!

  138. I have a hard time getting my morning self into a disciplined routine. I let excuses get to me…

    I am not a morning person
    It is only 60F in the house, too cold to get dressed
    The noise I make getting ready wakes the children

    Thanks for the post

  139. I really need this book! I am so overwhelmed with all I have to do that I don’t know where to start!

  140. This is the number one problem in my household! MY lack of discipline. If I, the “keeper of the home”, am not disciplined, there is no hope for anyone else. I would LOVE to get this ebook and to incorporate it into our lives. This may just be the answer to my prayers for help and guidance!

  141. My husband & I got a real chuckle out of this post. Many of those excuses (and problems) sound just like me!!! 🙂 encouraging to realize also that I—or I combined with help from the Lord–and not a change of circumstances, am the solution!

  142. Oh. My. Goodness. This is what I need:-/ I, too struggle with getting to bed late/morning routine. Hearing “I am the problem ” does hurt. But realizing I am the solution, hopefully will be encouraging after reading her book. THANK YOU for this!!!!

  143. Hi ,
    I am in need of this so very badly. Being a mom of 5 kids I have a hard time trying to lead a disciplined life but now as my kids are getting older I am finding it more of a need then ever.

  144. This sounds so much lime me at the moment. Struggling to get organized and stay motivated with all my well laid plans. I do need to be more disciplined…

  145. I sure could use some discipline to get up earlier consistently to have my quiet time, read the bible, and just get ready for the hectic days.

  146. I was just thinking and praying this morning that The Lord would help me to order my day better. Looking forward to using this tool to help! Thanks!

  147. Amen! This is the key problem in my life. I have all of the tools I need to make my life better (healthier, more organized, more peaceful) except self discipline. Thank you for sharing this!

  148. Oh, this would come at a good time for me! I’ve been a SAHM for almost a year now and I am still lacking in cleaning skills. One habit I’ve been trying to work on is cleaning the table after every meal. Such an easy one, but it doesn’t get done!

  149. I would appreciate this book. I need all the help I can get. Thank you for offering useful tools and posting informative articles!

  150. I’d really like to read this book! I, too, have lots of lofty goals that never come to fruition. 😀 I usually start another ambitious project before I’ve completed the first. (Planning is much more fun.) I could benefit from daily discipline!!

  151. I’m hoping to start homeschooling my daughter next year when she starts kindergarten, but I really need to get disciplined in some areas of my life so that I will give her the time she needs. Blessings!

  152. How ironic! As I was scrambling to make breakfast for my three children (under three) and gazing disappointedly at the leftover mess in my living room this morning, I thought to myself once again that I MUST start to become more disciplined with my schedule! I have started the habit of staying up far too late and hardly being able to roll out of bed in the mornings also. I know if I can start forcing myself to maje a routine of waking up before my babies to prepare for the day, our life will run a lot smoother!

  153. I’d love this and welcome the insights. Have a handicapped son that requires more of my time than I know how to give some days. Need to learn how to balance and not try to be superwoman at the same time!

  154. I could definitely use some discipline in my life right now. I’m interested in reading this book!

  155. Going to bed on time so I can get up and exercise – yep, it’s really all about me. Sounds like a helpful book!

    1. The one habit I would like to be better at is getting things prepared the night before — it would make my mornings so much easier!

  156. Wow, discipline seems to be the theme of my morning! I had two blog postings in my inbox about discipline so this book seems like such a time blessing! Would love to read it.

  157. I could totally use this book! I definitely need discipline and can relate to trying to change everything all at once and then fail at everything I’m trying to change.

  158. Wow! I am always amazed how God sends us what we need (or need to hear) at just the right time. I was having a very hard time starting my day because once again I stayed up to late (for no good reason). My lack of discipline in definitely the problem. Thanks for sharing this, it is just the wake up call I needed!

  159. I’ve been trying to start Flylady for years now, but I’m the queen of procrastination. Sounds like this book would be a great asset for me!

  160. I am excited to read this book! I am a homeschooling mom of seven and need to become more disciplined at juggling the various activities that go along with my life. I seem to be able to keep two balls of three in the air at a time. I can either do great with school and dinners are awesome, but the house is a mess or dinner and the house are great, but school isn’t going so well. The thing that needs to change is me. I look forward to being encouraged by this book.

  161. This has been a struggle for me all my life. And I am trying to tackle it now. I soo need to have encouragement and a plan. This book sounds great.

    1. I can totally understand this. I have several projects that I have started in the past and before they are finished I have moved on to something else. I thought maybe I am suffering from adult ADD but I think it is more a discipline issue.,…

  162. Please send me this ebook. I definitely need more organization and discipline in my life..

  163. Discipline! That is what my life needs. I, too, have lofty goals, that I KNOW I can accomplish, if I could just be disciplined! I would love a copy of this book!

  164. I totally need this book to help me with my busy life! I feel like I’m running around doing so many things but with little purpose.

  165. WOW, yes I NEED this book. As I type this I am thinking of all the projects I have laying around the house that I stilhavent finished and some of those have been years in waiting. I know a book cannot fix all. This seems so relevant FOr in the last month or so I have finally come to realize that I AM THE PROBLEM AND THE SOLUTION(w/God’s help) not only in finishing things but a few other areas…I cannot fix/change others, just myself.


  166. I would love a free copy. I was just journaling last night about needing to be more disciplined in my life but not knowing how to start!

  167. Wow, who couldn’t use more discipline in SOME area of life, including me! Looking forward to reading this!

  168. This book looks great. I would love to be consistent with a morning routine. I always get everything done, but not as disciplined as I would like to be.

  169. I have been looking for more guidance in my life and this book would be a great option to help myself guide my family to a more disciplined life.

  170. This is right up my alley. I work from home and I am finding it difficult to juggle finding time to “work” and getting all the house stuff done and taking care of kids etc. I goal and list help but I need more focus and direction.

  171. Discipline! Yes, I need a book about that. I want my children to be self-disciplined, and yet I struggle with it myself. That’s not quite fair, is it? =) I can’t wait to read this book! Thanks for posting this! =)

  172. I SO SO SO need this!!! My husband and I were just talking about how discipline is the one thing that is missing that would curb the stress in my life. I know what I want and need to do; I just don’t have the discipline to do it!!!! Please, please, please let me be one of the first 100 🙂

  173. Please have mercy on me & my family by sending me a free copy of this book! Thank you! Jenn (mom2ben99@yahoo.com)

  174. Oh goodness, do I ever need this! I was just thinking this morning, I should have gotten a lot more done by now!

  175. I would love to read this book. I’m always looking for ways to better discipline myself at home so I can complete everything I want to.

  176. I would LOVE the book. I work from home and finding it difficult to accomplish work and home task during the day. I love goals but find it hard to concentrate on them sometimes.

  177. I could use this book! I love setting goals and get really excited at the beginning, but then I get excited about something else . . .

  178. My husband and i could both benefit from this. We constantly beat ouorselves up for not sticking to things that we plan.

  179. I am in need of a lifestyle overhaul (just went back to work FT and have two little boys). Discipline is exactly what I am lacking. This book could be instrumental in helping our family weather this change.

  180. An area that needs work in keeping my house clean is that I start one thing and get distracted, then do something else. I have a hard time staying on one task till completion.

  181. Discipline is certainly a struggle for me. I’ve made progress in some important areas but others are lagging far behind. This sounds like helpful reading!

  182. I would love a copy of this book. So glad to hear someone say out loud all the things I think to myself. Hope the solutions are as honest and useful!

  183. Thank you so much for sharing this, I can relate on everything you mentioned especially all the self help books from the library and then bringing them back late!! Finding this article and ebook came at the perfect time for me, thank you again. Kirsten

  184. I really could use this book. My problem is starting and follow through! Struggling for the first time being an empty-nester. It’s quite hard going from being a mom and doing mom things; to doing things for yourself. Blessings!

  185. I would love a copy of your ebook. My only New Years resolution is to live a more disciplined life. A life with purpose.

  186. I am very slowly working through your 8 Weeks to a Less Cluttered Home, taking trips to goodwill, making use of ebay, and building new shelving to better organize the important things we’ve decided to keep; and I have to say THANK YOU for that post! I truly look forward to reading this ebook book in the same spirit of taking control. Thanks for sharing!

  187. What an amazingly kind offer. As I read your post I felt like you were writing about me. I will dive into the book and (hopefully) apply it!!!

    Thank you so much.

  188. I would love to read this book. Lately, I’ve been feeling pretty lax on my duties around the house as well as teaching our children.

  189. I would love to read this book! I’ve been doing the more organized home challenge with the author this past week from the money saving mom website. The small changes she has us work on each day really make a big diffrence!

  190. This describes me to a ‘T’, I’m afraid to say. I’d love to read this book and make some changes that will really stick! I know my husband would appreciate it!

  191. I follow Crystal on her Money Saving Mom blog and she always has great advice. She’s one of those ultra-organized people, but understands where us not-so-organized folks are coming from. I look forward to reading her book!

  192. Yep…I need a copy of this ebook! Glad to know I’m not alone 🙂 Free would be great! Thanks.

  193. Could totally use this! I find it hard to be consistent day in and day out- sometimes I’m up doing dishes and laundry at 6am and somedays I’ve barely moving at 9am! You could say I need some discipline!

  194. Thank you for sharing! Came at the perfect time – I can relate to all examples especially the library one!!

  195. I find it hard to stick to rising early! The day goes so much smoother when I get up before the house comes alive! I stay up late because I like the quiet and time to myself. I want to switch to the morning. Have my quiet time than.

  196. I would love a copy! Thank you for the opportunity to take advantage of this great deal. 🙂

  197. What a lovely topic for a eBook and a very hot-button issue for me. I look forward to reading this!

  198. This is exactly what I need. I always say that I’m an organized person trapped in an unorganized person’s body. There are so many things that I want/need to accomplish but I just can’t seem to get them done. Having a plan on how to do that is exactly what I need.

  199. My family would benefit from this SO much. The “I am the problem” statement resonates so well with me!

  200. I would really love this book, this is so generous of you!!! Thank you! I know this would help me in my quest to better manage all things within my umbrella of mommyhood!!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!

  201. I so need this book. For some reason when I managed to get my home business up to the income level I needed I got comfy and lazy. I cannot seem to motivate myself to take it to the next level. Don’t even get me started on my lack of discipline in the housework department!

  202. Wow….this is simply me. I do not know if I got in under the cutoff for a free one but would love a copy.

  203. Would love a copy of the book! Right now, my “go to” excuse for being undisciplined or disorganized is working full time while pregnant. It’s true maybe 60% of the time– the rest of the time is me being lazy. Hopefully, the book will help me get on the ball!

  204. I could REALLY use this book!!!! I am a somewhat new SAHM & I seem to have more things to do than I had when I worked, and no discipline to motivate myself to get started!!!!

  205. This book sounds really good. I think we could all use a little more discipline in our lives. I know I sure can!

  206. I’m not sure my post tool? Anyhow, I would be so grateful for this book, thank YOU. I have so much (as all mothers do) under my umbrella, sometimes it’s just too overwhelming so I think this book would be a great addition to my library!!!
    Thank you so much!!

  207. Would love help in becoming more disciplined. It’s so easy to let things direct me away from my goals.

  208. I always have big plans to accomplish something but can never seem to follow through and complete the task.

  209. Discipline is an area I struggle with daily. I am definitely a strong starter, but following through is so difficult.

  210. This looks so helpful! Looking forward to taking a peek. Doing this with the kiddos would be a great adventure.

  211. Love love these tips & encouragement…I hv been extremely disorganized most of my life, but am encouraged by slow progress!!!

  212. I could benefit from this book. I am about ready to have my second child. I have struggled keeping structure in my house, however it has gotten better. I would like to reduce my own stress by not over committing to too much during the day. When I fall short, it can be discouraging.

  213. I would love to be better with plain old follow through! I have lofty plans and only get half through them! Help! 🙂

  214. I would love this book. I need help with time management. I get overwhelmed at so many projects to do that I just don’t do any of them. Perhaps this will help me break things down into manageable tasks.

  215. The bulleted list describes me exactly!! I need this book! I am so glad I am not the only one who has these characteristics and even happier to see someone has some ideas for change. Thank you!

  216. I start off with great enthusiasm and then it wanes. I used to be much better at sticking to tasks. I’d love this book!

  217. This book sounds like it could be very helpful. We’re trying to transition from life in the city, attending school, to rural farm life, and it can just be so hard to get everything done when there’s no set schedule to our lives!

  218. I’d love a copy. We’re a few weeks in to our new routine and our new school year. We’ve had quite a few curveballs in the past year but we’re starting to get on track again!

  219. I really think this book would be a great help for me…I get going good on things then BAM….I lose track, lose focus.

  220. This book sounds exactly like what I currently need. I would love a free copy. 🙂 Thank you for this amazing offer.

  221. I REALLY need this book. I just lost my job & I need to get disciplined enough to make it through this season in my life.

  222. Looks like a great book! I really need to learn how to be disciplined to keep a clean home. I do a good job of feeding my family well and having fun, but I need to learn to be more disciplined in my schedule. Would love to read this book!

  223. I have been wanting this book and it would be a great gift to myself because I surely need to learn discipline. If I had discipline my life I’m sure would be a lot better than it is now. Please send this book to me. Thank you

  224. I would love a copy of this book and even better if it were free 🙂 I am so unorganized and not disciplined at all and it is about to drive me and everyone in my home insane 😉 I desire a home that runs smoothly and not feeling frazzled and rushed all the time.

  225. Perfect timing! I’ve just decided I need to change things up to become more disciplined about multiple areas of my life! With the addition of a second baby, my husband and I have been struggling with this very issue as we work to find a “new normal”. Can’t wait to read it!

  226. I lack the virtue of discipline for sure. It is sad at times. Thank you for all your wonderful post. From your blog, I’d say it seems you do not lack discipline…let us know how/if the book helps!

  227. Wow. This really hits home for me. I start so many times to be disciplined in a number of areas and always seem to fizzle. I need to Look into this book for sure!

  228. This sounds like it would be very helpful to me. I am going through this right now. Overwhelmed pregnant with number four so very tired, homeschooling, chasing a toddler, LOL! i needed to read this today. I am the problem but also the solution. Thanks!

  229. This book sounds great. I can’t wait to start reading it and putting some much needed discipline into action in my life.

  230. I find it hard to be disciplined. One habit I would like to develop is planning out my day more and sticking to a schedule.

  231. Would love a copy of this book! Looking for every way possible to stretch our dollars! Thanks!

  232. I’d love a copy of this book! I’d love to learn to be more disciplined in my day-to-day life. I feel like I need to be a better model for my family.

  233. I can relate so much to this post. Learning how to be more disciplined would be so beneficial. Thank you for offering free copies. I would love one if I fall into the parameters.

  234. Boy do I need this book. I need to work on having a schedule for our day including homeschool becasuse we ‘wing it’ alot and it makes for a lot of crazy!

  235. I need this book! I’ve been praying for the past two weeks that God would help me in this area – and then I see this! It’s an answer to my prayers! : )

  236. One thing I learned about myself during my husbands deployment is that I have no self-discipline. Maybe this book could help me with that!

  237. This is a topic I’ve just been reflecting on and trying to make healthy changes! Would love a copy of the book 🙂

  238. What a blessing this would be. I struggle with a chronic illness and having the time and energy to get it all done is hard. Having strategies that would help me become more disciplined would be awesome:)

  239. Not sure if I made the cut off for being one of the first 100 or not…but I cracked up at the library fines. That is so me!!!!! Just the other day I told myself I have got to get things under control and it comes down to discipline so this comes at perfect timing. Now if I would actually be disciplined enough to read it is another story! Ha! 🙂

  240. Gulp…unfortunately, I think I probably need to read this book….thanks for the nudge! 🙂

  241. I definitely want to read this and pray for the wisdom and ability to apply it! Thanks for the recommendation!

  242. I could really use a copy of this book! Sounds like what I need to get some motivation to kick start me!

  243. Would love to know more about this. I don’t know of anyone who can’t use a little more discipline in their lives!

  244. Ultimately, we are both the problem and the solution….ugh.
    I need this book, much as I’d like to consider myself an organized and disciplined person… I am not.

  245. Oh goodness. I need this book pretty badly, Juggling family, writing, school, and church is quite a handful!

  246. Oh boy hope I am not too late to get in on this. I definitely need it! Thank you for the opportunity!

  247. Wow, this sounds like the book I need! My husband and I have to be more disciplined about our finances now that we have kids and live off one income. It’s tough but we are finally figuring it out, at least somewhat. I think this book could really help me in this and other areas of my life.

  248. My discipline is lacking in almost every area of my life, and I have excuses for it all. I need this book.

  249. I’m trying to balance homeschool, college classes, housework, family time, etc. and could definitely use some encouragement in the discipline department! I would love a copy of this book!

  250. This is something I am very unfocused about in my life. I need to get more disciplined and determined.

  251. I really need more discipline in most areas of my life. I’d like to get up before the kids each day to meditate and read the bible. Also, have a regular meal plan so I can cook more.

  252. I used to be so diligent with getting things done! Now I feel like most days Im just going through the motions. This book is definitely needed!

  253. I would love to win a book. I am planning on going to work soon and would love to read this before I do in hopes it gives me advice on how to keeping a clean house and us eating natural foods going while I work.

  254. I would love to have a copy and read this book! I love the idea of being disciplined and always easy and fun to thing of plans but executing those plans is the hard part!

  255. This is so appropriate for where I am in life. The Lord continues to show me that my ways are not His ways. We just moved, took a new job, had a baby, and resumed our home school year. I feel so discouraged with my well-intentioned plans not coming into fruition. This book would be a blessing for me.

  256. I would love to have a copy of this book! Its often easy and fun to design plans and strategies executing those plans is the hard part!

  257. I need this book! Sounds like someone has been reading my journals! Glad to know, though, that it is not just me!

  258. Ugh, so glad you wrote about this; I’ve been struggling so long with staying on task, organized and motivated. Would love to read more!

  259. If there is one thing I have always lacked it is one step away from discipline! It must be my rebellious heart!

  260. Just this morning I was planning to get up before the kids to exercise but crawled back in bad when the alarm went off. If I get up and exercise before the kids are up I feel so much better. I was going strong for about a week and got sick. I am having a hard time restarting! Definitly a lack of discipline on my part.

  261. I’d love a copy! I’m constantly striving to be a more disciplined person so I can achieve more for his glory.

  262. Wow. What a recommendation. This came at just the right time for me! Thank you for telling us about this book. 🙂

  263. Well, if discipline is the bridge….mine has surely collapsed!
    I’d love a copy of the book – it sounds like just what I need to get my act together.

  264. Discipline sounds like a very unpleasant thing…lol. Obviously I need some of that in my life. Both the discipline AND the motivation to be more disciplined!!!

  265. This book would improve on the life I am trying to lead, and I’m excited to read it, even if I’ve missed the free list. Congrats on exploring such a relevant subject.

  266. Sounds like a book I need. I too struggle with staying up too late! Thanks for sharing your experience and this resource.

  267. This would be an amazing tool! I would love to be more disciplined as I manage my house, home educate my kids, and work on then farm!

  268. I am always telling my sons that being disciplined is the key to accomplishing any of the fruits of the Spirit. Too bad I’m still trying to learn it so I can teach it to them. Maybe Crystal’s book will help us all! =]

  269. Ooo ooo oo! Didn’t bother to count but hoping I’m within the first 100!!!! LOVE Crystal!!!

  270. Sounds like a book I would benefit from! : ) I have so many good goals but seem to fail at reaching them…not a good example for my children.

  271. After reading this post, I know that I have not been honest with myself. I am the problem. I do not follow through!

  272. I can’t tell how many comments have already been made, but I would love a copy! I have just been lamenting how much better I want to be in certain areas of my life and it all comes down to discipline!

  273. Wow… does this ever seem like its aimed at me… maybe other pastors should grab a copy too!

  274. If anyone needs discipline in our family it would be me!!! I would love to have a copy of this book!!!

  275. I have been trying for years to be more self-disciplined. I do OK for awhile and then “fall off the wagon”; so anything that can help would be appreciated!! Happy Thanksgiving everyone, blessings to you all!!!

  276. I need this book! Thank you for your honesty about your own life. It made me feel better to know I’m not the only one!

  277. Love this post and have been struggling with following through all my life! Would love to get a copy of the book to read!

  278. I could definitely use this book! My husband has become accustomed to me having lots of great ideas and elaborate plans and now realizes that they won’t all happen. He used to get disappointed, maybe if I read this book (and learned from it) he wouldn’t have to!

  279. I’m in a new home, new area, new routine — perfect time to work on being better disciplined!

  280. I would LOVE to be more disciplined!! I have 7 kids and homeschool them and NEED to get things in order in my life 🙂 Thank you for this post 🙂

  281. This book, I’m sad to say, was probably written for me. I used to be very motivated and organized but for the past two or three years I have slacked off. Yes, I can quote you a lot of excuses. Some sounding legitimate. But they are all that, EXCUSES. Thanks for sharing this book.

  282. Oh, this would be such a blessing. Exactly what I need at this point in our lives. I’m a single mom of 3 (11, 13, & 15), We homeschool and it seems that life has gotten in control of my days rather than the other way around.

  283. I feel that I have lost myself somewhere. I know sometimes it is just getting up & doing the right thing in all areas of life! Thanks for your good words & encouragement. Love your blog!

  284. I would love a copy of this! Please pick me! As a stay at home mom of 3 I really need help on how to live a better life!

  285. I would love a copy of this book – who wouldn’t want to improve their life! And I’m skipping the bit about library fines *whistles*

  286. Sometimes things come along at the precisely right moment. I believe God orchestrates those things in our lives. I know I could certainly learn from this book as I’ve been reminded often lately that I need to exercise more self-discipline.

  287. Oh discipline is so much easier to do than to live in many ways. One area I REALLY need to get disciplined in is meal planning and follow through with the meals. This would then have a ripple effect into another area – my health and eating habits. I just saw this great new eBook come up as a recommendation on my Kindle. So glad to read a review on it from such a tender, open, and honest heart. Thank you!

  288. This defines me to a T! I have started countless projects only to not see them to completion. How convicting to hear myself admit to being the problem (not placing the blame elsewhere)! This book would help me tremendously.

  289. I would LOVE a copy of your book. Thank you for being so generous, this mama needs a new perspective.

  290. I love your blog and would love to get a copy of this book so I can be more disciplined with my hectic life.

  291. I have absolutely got to get this book! Just like everyone else is saying, I think it was written for me!

  292. This describes me to a T. I would love to have this book! Thank you so much for sharing it with us:))

  293. I always start things with the best of intentions and then I let life get in the way and things fall through the cracks. That is not what I want to teach my children.

  294. I would love a copy. I too have lofty goals and plans, but no follow through. I often tell my husband I will never give up trying to become better, maybe this book is just what I need!

  295. I would love a copy of this book! I too am a driven person but I seem to bite off more than I ca chew. I definitely need more discipline in my life.

  296. I, too, have no problem realizing I am the problem, but have a hard time motivating myself to do anything different….I’m stuck in a rut of habit (or maybe its laziness). I’m not sure a book can help, but I’d love to give it a try!

  297. Thank you for offering a free copy of your book! It looks like it would be most helpful for our family.

  298. I can’t wait to buy this book! Do you think she has it in book on tape version? I don’t have time to read!!! 😉

  299. This sounds just like me. I have all of these great ideas, but never get them finished. I would love a copy of this book so I can figure out how to be the solution!

  300. Oh boy! This is part of the story of my stay at home homeschooling momma life. I can print up schedule after schedule. Make cleaning list after cleaning list. I’m am currently trying to read about four different books pertaining Christian motherhood and wifehood. I start strong and fizzled at many goals. Iwould love to have a copy of this book. I could use some tips on self discipline.

  301. This sounds just like me! I have all of the great ideas, and never get them completed. Thanks so much for the offer!

  302. What a great idea! I appreciate your honesty as you struggle with discipline in various areas. I can relate to all of your bullet points above! I don’t check out books, but read all kinds of articles, blogs, etc. about organization-implement the easy suggestions, but not the harder ones! Would be great to have this book on hand and work through it with others. Thank you!

  303. I think it would be very helpful to me since I begin many projects but seem to never finish most of them. Therefore, I have many “things” hanging around which creates another problem: TOO MUCH STUFF!

  304. I would love a copy of this book – I’ve been reading about it, and wondering if I should get it. The checklist definitely fits me perfectly, heh.

  305. I’m over 60 years old and STILL don’t feel as if I have this down….at all. Sigh But I need to keep pushing myself and pushing forward with the Lord’s help.

  306. I would love a copy of this book! One good habit I would love to follow thru with is getting up early and doing my quiet time with the Lord on a more consistent basis!

  307. Perfect timing for us as we face job loss….again! Thank you for your motivation and generosity!

  308. Wow, this book sounds perfect for me! I really struggle in this area. Thanks for offering a great giveaway!

  309. What a generous giveaway! I can’t tell how many comments you have already but I’m hoping I’m in the first 100 🙂

  310. I have learned new ways to do things from Crystal for a few years now. Some work great for me, others might not for now in this season. I would adore a copy of this book. Thanks do much for the give away!

  311. What a great giveaway! I’m always looking for more ways to do things more efficiently and need some encouragement to be more disciplined.

  312. I would so love a copy! As a mom with ADHD and have a child with ADHD, I have a difficult time with all the things you stated above. I try to have goals but never follow through with anything. At 43 years old, I am ready to change that.

  313. Would love a copy if I’m not too late – I appreciate all the resources you make available to us!

  314. I’m not sure how many comments have been left yet, but I thought I’d leave one just in case! I’d love to read this book!

  315. I’m typing this in my pj’s at 10:30 am so yes, I struggle with discipline. 😛 Would love a copy if I’m not too late!

  316. I sooo need a more disciplined life !!! I never feel like there are enough hours in my day let alone the week. God has been dealing with me to bring balance in my life in addition to bringing my house in order..not just physically but spiritually as well…this is so timely!

  317. Is it too late to get a copy? I actually have Crystal’s quote saved & highlighted in my iPad notes…”I am the problem, but I am also the solution.” I could really use some tips from the book. Thank you! 🙂

  318. I would love to read this ebook! I struggle so much with lack of discipline that it effects all aspects of my life. I joke about it, but in reality it is a source of depression and feeling overwhelmed.

  319. This is something that would help me, I knew I was the problem and take responsibility for not following through, but need to know steps to take to change.

  320. I assume I am too late to get a free copy, but yes, I need this book! I make lists and have such big plans but I just burn myself out and don’t feel like I accomplish anything. I feel like I just drag through the days and I go to bed way too late. I do know it is my responsibility to change things but I need the motivation!

  321. I need help with discipline in many areas. Kids, diet, exercise, Bible study, etc. I would love any help or guidance!

  322. I’m at a standstill with a few areas of my life and this post is coming at the perfect time. I would be so thankful to get a copy of this book.

  323. I love the idea of discipline–I love it when I’m actually achieving the goals of discipline; but I so want to always love God more than my discipline. Not make discipline my God. The habit I would love to become more a part of me is prayer.
    Thanks for your insights.

  324. I NEED this book – my intentions are fantastic! Meanwhile, unread books pile up, my blog is covered in cobwebs, and my stack of old photographs are gathering dust waiting to be scanned.

  325. I can organize my closets, file my papers, but consistent house cleaning seems to elude me. : (

  326. I would love a copy of this book – my intentions are good, meanwhile my Bible study goes undone, my books go unread, my blog is covered in cobwebs, and my photographs waiting to be scanned are covered in dust! Yes please!

  327. So I could have written your post- huge feelings of sadness and shame and conviction right now! I need this book- and if I don’t get it for free, I will surely be buying it…

  328. I would love a copy of this book .. this is just the place I am in right now. I love that you admitted that a flawed system wasn’t the problem ..I just had this conversation yesterday. I am the problem !

  329. Sounds good, with six kiddos, I can always use help re-focusing on myself and not them as the focal point.

  330. It has probaly already reached 100, but what you wrote here was loke you were describing me… I need to read this ebook.

  331. I really could use this in my own life. More discipline never hurts! Especially when it’s needed!!

  332. This book would be a perfect balance with the holiday season. As a SAHM, I am always looking for ways to demonstrate discipline to my son. Such a blessings to instill from the get go. Love it!

  333. Good or bad, it is nice to know I am not alone in my struggles. I have mutlple projects and many grand ideas that don’t get finished….what is wrong with me.

  334. Just in case I can be #100! I am in this exact stage of life. I have finally realized that meandering in my life is not taking me where I need to be. It is time for me to be the solution!

  335. This is a MUST have!! It describes my life to a T!! I never seem to be able to accomplish or follow through on my plans. This really spoke to me.

  336. I’m sure I’m not within 100, but I’ll give it a shot. 🙂 Need some discipline in my life these days.

  337. I love being organized, but struggle deeply with being consistent. I love the Fly Ladies routines, but can’t seem to incorporate the good ideas I see and hear into my own life. I need to be more disciplined in my use of the computer!!! 🙂

  338. I’ve been looking for just this type of book to help me out of my rut and become more productive. I would be thrilled to be given a copy!

  339. This book sounds great! I too struggle with not staying motivated and getting distracted easily. Discipline does not come easy, but something well worth working towards. I would love to read more. Thanks for offering so many for others to have!

  340. Not sure if I’m going to make the 1st 100 comments. I was on here earlier checking out the email but got sidetracked with a phone call and babies and just made it back here to read up. I really could benefit from this book. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy.

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