Vast, unmeasured, boundless, free

Come, all you who are weary… you with messy houses and cranky children and piles of laundry and dark circles under your eyes and overwhelming obligations and painful circumstances…

I’m feeling it this week. The stress of just a few too many things on my plate, little sleep or quality time with my husband, and too many anxious thoughts running through my mind.

I have had the gracious reminder that in the midst of feeling as though we’re going under, or that we’re failing miserably… He is there to uphold us, sustain us, comfort us, defend us, and soothe us with His deep, deep love.

My husband came home from a worship team meeting this Sunday night and played for me a new song that has ministered peace to my restless spirit this week. Listen and drink deeply of His love.

Oh the deep, deep love of Jesus

Vast, unmeasured, boundless, free

Rolling as a mighty ocean

In its fullness over me

Underneath me, all around me

Is the current of Your love

Leading onward, leading homeward

To Your glorious rest above


Oh the deep, deep love

All I need and trust

Is the deep, deep love of Jesus


Oh the deep, deep love of Jesus

Spread His praise from shore to shore

How He came to pay our ransom

Through the saving cross He bore

How He watches o’er His loved ones

Those He died to make His own

How for them He’s interceding

Pleading now before the throne


Oh the deep, deep love of Jesus

Far surpassing all the rest

It’s an ocean full of blessing

In the midst of every test

Oh the deep, deep love of Jesus

Mighty Savior, precious Friend

You will bring us home to glory

Where Your love will never end


Original words by Samuel Trevor Francis (1834–1925) Music, chorus, and alternate words by Bob Kauflin


(Unfortunately, I couldn’t find the entire song online, but this gives you a taste of it. Just click on the song 04 “Oh the Deep, Deep Love” to listen– it is a beautiful rendition of the old hymn. You can buy either the individual mp3 or the entire CD, Come Worthy Saints, here.)

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  1. Stephanie,
    I just recently started reading your blog, and it is so thought-provoking and encouraging. This old hymn is one of my favorites too. Thanks for sharing!

  2. This hymn is one of our very favorites, as well. So much so that our three year old daughter can often be heard singing it at the top of her lungs while she rides her bike down the street. : )
    Here is the version we are accustomed to (click on demo):

    I just started reading your blog, by the way, and I love it. I find myself agreeing with you in pretty much every post! I look forward to catching up here every few days. : )

  3. Isn’t it wonderful when God gives us a breath of fresh air just when we need it?

    I know the exhausted feeling you have–I especially experienced it when my kiddos were little like yours. When I look back now I realize that I should have removed something from my plate. I was definitely trying to do too much. Ministry, housekeeping, child-rearing–I still have those things in my life but I have learned to say no and scale back on my expectations.

    God bless you as you seek the balance that you need.

  4. This has always been one of my fav’s as well. Although, I grew up with the same one as Judy, and I must admit I like it better than the SG version. We always did it with a really celtic feel and it was a big ‘hit.’ Such amazing words that really speak to the soul and usually to right where I am at. Love it!

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