
Introducing: Naturally Knocked Up

Whenever I come across a new blog with a concept that I just really love and think will serve my readers, I want to let you know about it. I’ve “known” (you know, through our blogs) Donielle for quite a while now through her other blog, Raising Peanuts. She began this second blog, Naturally Knocked Up just in the last couple of months and I was instantly sold on it. I asked Donielle if I could interview her to give you more of an idea of what she and her blog are all about!

1)What was the inspiration for your new blog, Naturally Knocked Up?

My own infertility really has been the inspiration behind my blog. We waited for our firstborn little boy (now 2) and waited even longer for baby #2 (due in April!). Although, I guess you could say my babies have been my true inspiration since my story does have a happy ending. Everything I do now is for my family, and if I can write about just one thing that helps another woman in her own struggles, to help her with her own dreams of family, well…. that’s the goal of this blog.

2) Who is your blog geared towards? What types of women do you hope to attract to it?

I would like this blog to be geared not only towards those who have struggled with infertility, but those who are thinking about starting a family. It’s also for woman who are interested in a more natural approach when it comes to overall health and reproduction. Most of my posts do show how nutrition effects fertility, but the overall message
I hope to convey is that a persons health depends solely on how we nourish our bodies.

I honestly feel there is becoming an epidemic among young women who are unable to conceive or carry a baby to term. I want women to know that there is a way to correct infertility by treating the cause, not just the symptoms.

3) What types of changes have you made in your own life, as a result of your studies and research in this area?

I made the changes slowly over a period of a few months, but looking back at what I ate prior to changing my diet, it does look quite drastic. We’ve switched to raw goat milk, and I buy little to no processed foods and make most everything from home including all my bread products and even butter. I eat very little refined sugar and try and stick with only natural sweeteners like honey. I have also banned low-fat products from my home in place of full fat, nourishing ones.

I have also changed how I clean my home and do my laundry, using only non toxic or homemade products. I use only natural products on my face and skin, although I have a ways to go switching all the way to all natural hygiene products. (I still haven’t been able to give up my shampoo and conditioner!) For me it’s a constant slow change while
moving to a more natural life style.

4) Which changes do you think have made the biggest difference for you personally?

I noticed the biggest changes in my health when I stopped buying processed foods and consuming so much refined sugar. Within just a couple months, I started to ovulate again (I have pcos and have an issue with this), my migraines disappeared, and my eczema cleared up.

5) What most excites you about your blog?

I love the fact that I’ve been able to meet so many women who have gone through the same struggles I’ve gone through. And I love being able to share what I’ve learned in hopes of helping someone else. I’ve put in hours and hours researching nutrition and fertility and really wanted one place where women could find the answers they may be looking for.

6) If you could share one thing about your own journey, what would it be?

The one the I have had to learn (and relearn!) while going through infertility, is that even above nutrition, above anything I can do, I must give myself over to the Lords will. It’s such a struggle for me to try and take control of my own life, my own body, but I must remember that it is not mine, it belongs to Him. I’ve had to humble myself at His feet when I tried to take it back. I’ve had to learn to rely on the Lord for comfort when things just didn’t go my way, and when the longing seemed to  strong. I’ve learned patience, when I wanted a baby yesterday. And most of all, I’ve learned that God does always answer my prayers, sometimes it’s just not how I expected.

7) What topics can we expect to read about over the next weeks and months?

I plan on covering Nutrition (based on the Nourishing Traditions style, as well as biblical nutrition), Natural Living (including many topics that are considered green and eco-friendly), Recipes,Natural Family Planning, Simple changes to make for better health, plenty of book reviews, Matters of the heart when it comes to infertility, and different fertility boosters.

8) Anything else you’d like to share with us?

I truly think nutrition is key to a well functioning body. If any part of our system is not working quite right, it’s because we aren’t eating the things our body needs. Or eating too much of what it doesn’t need!

That being said, I absolutely do not judge those who have chosen to seek medical help or look down on them in any way. Just like with birth control, we are all called by God differently. As long as we truly feel God’s leading, and not our own selfish nature, there can be many roads to conception.

But, nutrition also helps substantially when going through any particular treatment, which is why I would always stress nutrition first. 🙂

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