How Can Essential Oils Help You Achieve Your Goals?
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How Can Essential Oils Help You Achieve Your Goals?

Note from Ann: Before I started using essential oils, one of the first questions I had was about how essential oils could help me. At the beginning of the year, it’s common to set goals and look at what you want to change. Julie does a great job of answering “How can essential oils help you?”…even with your New Year’s resolutions! Enjoy!

What is your resolution? Did you make one (or two…or five)?

Statistics show that 45% of people typically set New Year’s resolutions but only 8% are successful in completing their resolutions. Eight percent!! That is a pretty sad percentage.

17% of people say they never set resolutions, but if you never set goals, how can you know where you are going?

A resolution does not have to be frivolous wishes or daydreaming. It can be an actual goal set with the intention to succeed.

The primary reason people do not accomplish their resolutions is they do not know HOW to set goals and how to achieve them. 

My intention is not to teach a goal-setting lesson in this post. Instead, I want to look at how essential oils and a lifestyle overhaul might improve the chances of accomplishing your new year’s resolution.

The most common New Year’s resolutions recorded include:

  • Lose weight.
  • Get organized
  • Spend less.
  • Enjoy life to its fullest.
  • Stay fit and healthy.
  • Learn something exciting.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Help others in their dreams.
  • Fall in love.
  • Spend more time with family.

I want to look briefly at how essential oils could help in many (if not all) of these areas. If you’re interested in more, I have an in-depth series on New Year’s changes that I will send you.

At the beginning of the year, it's common to set goals and look at what you want to change. Julie does a great job of answering "How can essential oils help you?"...even with your New Year's resolutions!

Can essential oils help you to be healthier?

Let’s group a few of these: Lose weight, stay fit and healthy, and quit smoking. In general, I would ask you to look at your current overall health and determine three areas you would like to improve.

“Stay fit” is a vague goal so try to make it specific. For instance, you could set a specific weight loss goal, or determine an exercise routine, or list a current health concern you would like to address.

Next, after you have your three concerns, answer these questions:

  • How much of concern is this for you or how much pain is this causing in your life?
  • Does this impact you on a daily basis?
  • Does it keep you from accomplishing things in your life?
  • Has it cost you in doctor visits or medications?

Now for the final question:  What would it be worth to be able to address these concerns?

I have worked with numerous people in my business to determine their three health goals and then devise a specific essential oils regimen for them to help address these concerns and start feeling relief.

Oils are critical in my family for staying healthy, addressing areas of stress, and even weight management. I can find the same plan for you!

Will essential oils help you be happy?

Next, let’s look at the emotional options from the list above: Enjoy life to its fullest, learn something exciting, fall in love, and spend more time with family.

I am not saying essential oils are going to bring you love, but there are some that can impact intimacy! The biggest overarching issue here is to BE HAPPY!

When your mood is positive and you feel good about yourself, you are more attractive to others. You enjoy activities and the world around you, and you have more fun with your loved ones.

A negative or depressed mood colors everything around you and so JOY is the key for all of these resolutions. This is where essential oils become key. 

As a psychologist, I am always cautious in recommending specific products to my clients. I did extensive research before I was confident in the oils I was recommending.

The results I have seen speak for themselves. Going back to the questions from the physical health resolutions:

  • What are three emotional areas you would like to address?
  • How much pain/difficulty are these areas causing you?
  • If I could offer a solution/suggestion, what would that be worth to you?

At the beginning of the year, it's common to set goals and look at what you want to change. Julie does a great job of answering "How can essential oils help you?"...even with your New Year's resolutions!

How can essential oils help with financial and stabilization resolutions?

Last, people focus on financial resolutions and stabilization in their life: Save money, decrease spending, and pay off debt.

This would take us in another direction with the benefits of discovering oils for yourself and then seeing how it could change the lives of others. There are certainly business opportunities, but even more than that, I believe that finding JOY and abundance in your physical and emotional life is also going to impact your financial life. These things tend to all go together in a wheel of life!

Take the next step with your resolutions!

If you set a resolution this year, take the next step to be successful in that resolution. Make it a well-planned goal, not a wish or a dream!

And if essential oils fit into your plans and you would like help, let me know. I have numerous opportunities starting this month and can specialize those opportunities just for members of Keeper of the Home.

Right now we have the New Year New You campaign which I started on my Facebook page but will also convert to an email series.

Starting January 18th, I will have a KOTH Oils Basics Camp, which is a free opportunity for people not currently actively using oils to learn more about using essential oils and the oils I recommend in my practice. This will be a 3 day Facebook event helping you evaluate your health goals, and learn a little about doTERRA, and the 10 most popular products. It will have some great tips and research information. You are not obligated to buy anything, but the KOTH essential oils team will help you order if you find something you are interested in.

You can register for the Oil Basics camp HERE or request your personal consultation by emailing me at

I am excited to offer these personalized essential oils opportunities through my partnership with Keeper of the Home and the KOTH essential oils team!

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