Once A Month Meals Giveaway! {Keeper of the Home}

Once A Month Meals Giveaway: Win a 1-Year Pro Membership Subscription to Simplify Your Meal Times!

Once A Month Meals Giveaway! {Keeper of the Home}

Want to fill your freezer and free your schedule? Then you’ll love today’s giveaway from one of my favorite online resources, Once A Month Meals!

Once-a-month cooking is a wonderful way to keep your freezer stocked with ready-to-eat meals. All you have to do is pull them from the freezer, heat them up and you’ve got a nourishing, home-cooked meal on the table for your family.

The problem, however, lies in being able to find recipes that convert to freezer cooking, making grocery lists, and figuring out when you’re going to actually be able to make all those meals. Who has time for any of that?

This is where Once A Month Meals comes in. It’s a convenient, tried-and-true service that offers delicious recipes, detailed instructions, and thorough grocery lists, to help you stock your freezer full of nutritious meals.

Once A Month Meals

Actually, with baby #5 arriving very shortly, this is on my to-do list. Each time I prepare to have a new baby in the house, I try to fill my freezer with as many nourishing meals or meal components as possible so that we still eat well during those bleary, sleep-deprived early days and weeks.

In fact, freezer cooking is helpful any time you’re going through a busy season OR for the mom who wants to find a way to remove some of the stress from what can be a really hectic time of day.

Meal planning in and of itself is a huge help for reducing late afternoon and dinnertime chaos, but having full meals already prepared and in the freezer takes it even a step further

What makes Once a Month Meals particularly helpful in these situations is that it removes so much of the prep work involved. For me personally, one of the most challenging aspects of freezer cooking has always been the planning.

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Finding freezer-friendly recipes, creating these huge grocery shopping lists, figuring out how to structure my day so that I can get the work done as quickly as possible… it’s a whole lot of hard work.

BUT, with their meal subscription, it’s all given to you, ready to go. You simply choose which type of menu you want to make (more on this in a minute), buy what’s on the pre-made grocery lists, and then follow their instructions for making your cooking day a success.

That sort of help is exactly what I need to actually make freezer cooking a reality. You can see what it includes and how it will streamline your process here.

Got a special diet? They’ve got you covered!

One of the things that I love best is how many different types of menus there are to choose from, such as a whole foods menu, gluten-free/dairy-free menu, Paleo menu, and more.

Nearly every kind of culinary preference or special diet is covered- and I know what a big deal that is, as we have so many readers with families on restrictive diets, dealing with food allergies or intolerances, or simply wanting to eat really wholesome, real foods.

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And, if you decide you want to customize your monthly menu, you can also swap out recipes from other plans and all of the instructions and grocery lists will be automatically updated. You can see how it all works here.

I absolutely love this service!

It’s wonderful knowing that when 5 o’clock comes and I haven’t had a chance to even think about supper, I can just pull a meal I made earlier in the month from the freezer and not have to resort to take-out or convenience foods!

Today we’re giving away a 1-year pro subscription to Once A Month Meals. Enter your details in the form below to enter!



  1. This would be amazing to win! I just found out I’m pregnant with baby number 3, so between being tired from pregnancy and a newborn I’m definitely going to need to be on top of my dinner game this year!

  2. I am really interested in this, since I need to be on the Paleo diet for health reasons, and I am finding it difficult to meal plan. With having teenagers and young adults coming and going in our home, this would really be a timesaver!

  3. Whew, it would be a huge blessing. I have tried several times to do this but always get stuck at the recipe stage. I get 3 maybe 4 recipes together, but never enough to cover a week, much less a month!

  4. It would help me to better budget and plan ahead and hopefully keep 3 guys well fed and not starving. Lately I am in a rut about what to fix to be healthy and enjoyable.

  5. I’m about to have my fourth and I’ve never been good at menu planning on my own, I love the idea of once a month meals.

  6. This sounds like an amazing service! I am pregnant with baby #3 and am so tired once dinner time rolls around. It used be so nice to have meals I can pull out and just make. I typically fill my freezer with big batches jellies, condiments, bone broths and soups when I make them so that I always have something on hand for quick lunches and suppers. It would be so nice to have all of the prep work done for me ahead of time instead of being burdened with the planning aspect in addition to cooking.

  7. I’ve always been a meal planner, but now with 4 kids including a newborn, I have zero time to actually make dinner. Help!

  8. I’ve been wanting to try freezer cooking but I’m never organized enough to do it. I would love to have this tool to make it easier. We are on a very limited budget so it’s hard to justify spending money on something I could work on if I made time for it. I never do though and we spend more on frozen meals from the store for it.

  9. if only I had a separate freezer! I do some freezer cooking though and appreciate all the help I can get in making it more streamlined.

  10. How awesome! As a mom of two small kids, as well as a small business owner, I love to prep my meals in advance, as I don’t have a lot of time. This would be such an amazing service, and everything looks so yummy! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.

  11. this would be such an awesome prize to win. being a working mom, I have very little time during the week to do meal prep, but I think it’s soooo important to our family to have our dinner together. this would help me provide awesome meals a bit easier.

  12. Love this idea! Convenience! Who doesn’t like convenience? With our every day busy lives, what a great idea making meal time easy.

  13. I have been burned out trying to decide what to make, this would hopefully take care of that problem. Thanks!

  14. If I had this membership, my family would have the benefit of a properly nourished mother. When order is lacking in the food department, Mom is the one who makes do with whatever’s left after the kids eat the good stuff.

  15. This would be so helpful! I have been interested in doing more freezer meals but have not been sure where to start. They even have a gluten free/dairy free menu which would be wonderful for us~

  16. Just found this blog recently and love all the information. Our family is transitioning to more real foods and healthier living, and the posts here are so helpful and informative. I love trying the recipes! We too are anticipating baby #5 in the fall and I’m considering how to prepare my freezer for the big event! Congrats to your family!

  17. We LOVE to do freezer cooking. With a 3-month-old and 2-year-old, it’s a lifesaver. In fact, with the long weekend, I’m planning a freezer cooking right now! Once a month meals is awesome and we would DEFINITELY use a one year membership!

  18. Our family would benefit with a less frazzled mother, who has a dinner plan in place and dinner
    in the freezer!

  19. Would love to win this! When I have tried freezer cooking in the past, it was so
    helpful to have meals ready to go, especially during the week when we are busy

  20. This would help me so much. I just don’t feel like cooking when I get home from work so we end up going out to dinner too often.

  21. I am in my third trimester of pregnancy and am trying to get some meals in the freezer before baby comes. The hardest part for me is finding the proper recipe that will nourish and freeze well too. Also being it is close to time to deliver I am more tired so trying to plan is very difficult. So this would definitely be a way to take the guess work out and maybe work to have a friend come and help me get a months worth of meals in the freezer before baby comes.

  22. Winning a 1 yr meal plan would take a HUGE burden off our family budget. We have a 16 year old who would eat us out of house and home if we allowed him to. We’ve been really trying to eat healthier adn cleaner and this allows that.

  23. I get so stressed out about the whats for dinner question. I am having such a hard time getting organized and actually start meal planning, this will be the help I need to get it done for me!

  24. Would love this. I am quitting work in order to homeschool. This would really help with budgeting.

  25. With my upcoming surgery, I need to stuff my freezer full of healthy meals we can eat while I recuperate. It’ll be one less thing we need to worry about!

  26. I am due to have my baby in Sept. this would be so wonderful to have around for my family while I am recovering from sleepless baby syndrome.

  27. My friend and I were just talking about doing this! A subscription would surely be a big help!

  28. I’m pregnant with my very first baby and would LOVE a little help with dinner. Right now, I just don’t have the energy to make a great meal after a long day of physical work. And this is for a whole year?! That would take me well into baby’s first year! Thanks so much for the opportunity!

  29. It would hopefully prevent me from throwing together unhealthy last minute meals because I don’t know what to make for dinner at the last minute! I’m a “little” disorganized!

  30. I use the OAMM website all the time looking for great recipes, I’ve always wanted to try the membership and see if it would help me in the kitchen even more. I would love to win and see how the membership could save me time and money in the kitchen!!!!!

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