Bloggy update

Life is busy.

I’ve had so many posts swirling around in my head all Christmas vacation, and was so eager to come back and write my little heart out. But there just doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day, what with Christmas travels and mountains of laundry, and getting back into the swing of regular, non-holiday life. To top it off, each member of our family has had a bout of sickness, and we’re not quite through it all yet, although things are looking up. 🙂

With that in mind, I just wanted to let you know that I am still intending to post my frugality story, but it will now be next week. I am also preparing a post detailing some goal setting that my husband and I did a few nights ago, as well as many others that I just haven’t found the time to write yet!

And, tomorrow you can look forward to some healthy and frugal meal planning info- I didn’t forget about it! See you then!

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  1. You go girl! I truly love your style. And, I LOVE the e-note you sent me on the HOW TO. Gosh…you should be generating income from your kitchen doing little logo thingy’s for women like me :-)…I’ve been meaning to thank you so very much for such an informative note. I’m truly serious you’ve got a gift to design….:-)…

    love to u…’me’

    ps…hope you’re all feeling better.

  2. Aww, thanks Lylah. So sweet, as always. 🙂 You know, I enjoy creative (visual) stuff a little bit, but more than that, I prefer writing and teaching. Maybe ebooks… (a hint of what’s to come).
    And thanks, I am feeling better. I think that there are officially no more sickies in our house! Hooray!

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